Donald Trump is trying to vaccinate the world against the woke mind virus, but the Europeans are having a negative reaction to the vaccine and having woke myocarditis from the DNA changes caused by this Warp Speed vaccine against woke.
Now these wokies in Europe are claiming that women don’t have to have sex with their husbands.
Do women have to do anything in the woke world?
A woman who refuses to have sex with her husband should not be considered “at fault” by courts in the event of divorce, Europe’s highest human rights court has said, condemning France.The European court of human rights (ECHR) sided on Thursday with a 69-year-old French woman whose husband had obtained a divorce on the grounds that she was the only person at fault because she had stopped having sexual relations with him.
The ECHR held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of the woman’s right to respect for private and family life as part of the European convention on human rights.
What about the human rights of men to have sex?
What wokie wookie wrote this law?
The woke kikes?
It ruled against France, saying a woman who refuses to have sex with her husband should not be considered “at fault” by courts in the event of divorce.The court identified the woman only by the initials HW, saying she lived in Le Chesnay in the western suburbs of Paris. The woman did not contest the divorce, which she had also sought, but rather complained about the grounds on which it had been granted by a French court.
The Strasbourg-based ECHR said any concept of marital duties needed to take into account “consent” as the basis for sexual relations.
“The court concluded that the very existence of such a marital obligation ran counter to sexual freedom, [and] the right to bodily autonomy,” a court statement said. “The applicant’s husband could have petitioned for divorce, submitting the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage as the principal ground, and not, as he had done, as an alternative ground.”
Woke women are refusing to have children, and the governments are complaining about that and offering them endless bribes and meanwhile they are so woke they won’t enforce men’s right to sex!
The woke mind virus is going to obliterate Europe and then people will realize that woke was wrong and they will realize patriots were right for forcing women to have sex.