Ramadan karim! Cat McGuire and I will discuss Trump-Zelensky and more on False Flag Weekly News later today. -KB
The good news is that an American president finally stood up to a Jew who came to pick America’s pockets. The bad news is that it wasn’t Bibi Netanyahu.
Trump fawns all over Netanyahu, whose genocidal “Jewish state,” the whole raison d’etre of which is to murder millions of non-Jews and expel the survivors, had already pilfered $1.6 trillion by 2002. That was a year after Israel murdered almost 3,000 Americans in New York, attacked the Pentagon, blamed it on Arabs with boxcutters, and pushed clueless Uncle Sam down the road toward spending another $8 trillion on wars for Israel.
Compared to the innumerable pounds of flesh that Israel gouges out of the American body politic, Zelensky’s depredations are chump change. But Trump and Vance, like almost all US politicians except Thomas Massie, are pussies owned by rich, treasonous, genocidal Jewish billionaires. So they’ll pick on a pathetic cokehead penile-piano-playing midget like Zelensky, while kissing the nether regions of ghoulish Netanyahu.
Worse, Trump’s charges that the Ukraine war is Zelensky’s fault, and America has been generously doling out money to Ukraine (so Zelensky should show some gratitude) are rank, nauseating bullshit. The US took over Ukraine in a coup in 2014 and remote-controlled it into a war designed to bleed Russia to the last Ukrainian. It isn’t Ukraine that owes the US money. It’s the US that owes Ukraine (and Russia and much of the Middle East) double-digit trillions in war reparations.
The US war on Russia through Ukraine was primarily aimed at looting and subjugating Europe. By cutting off Germany and the rest of Europe from cheap Russian gas, the US delivered a terrible wound to its second-biggest competitor. The EU has a much better educated population than the US—450 million of them compared to 340 million fatAmericans. It should have double the GDP of the US. But the US conquered Europe in World War II and has been squeezing them dry ever since. The US-instigated war on Europe and Russia through Ukraine was just the latest highway robbery by Uncle Scam. Today Europe is a pallid mess, because the US is sucking European blood.
Trump’s putrid claims that the US has been generously throwing its money around, and needs to stop being taken for a ride, are beyond delusional. The Jew-run US empire is running the biggest larceny op in history. It prints toilet paper dollars and exchanges them for real goods and services—at gunpoint. “Globalist” institutions like NATO, IMF, World Bank, ICC, ICJ, the WHO, and various free trade treaties are and have always been barely-disguised instruments of US global domination. Likewise for the soft power propaganda industry tasked with putting a smiley face on the American serial killer. Alhamdullilah, drooling idiot Trump is blowing all of that up!
Trump is right about one thing: The EU needs to terminate NATO and build a military to defend itself. But it needn’t worry about Russia. With a small and shrinking population and gargantuan territory, why would Russia want to expand? Europe needs to deter the US, the world’s leading warmonger, which has all but declared war on Canada and Greenland. Quickly building a few hundred suitcase nukes and smuggling them into US cities would probably be the cheapest deterrent. (And don’t forget to donate a couple of suitcases to each of the leading anti-genocide Resistance nations and groups.)
The somnolent Europeans, minus a handful of die-hard Gaullists, have been too stupid to realize that the Zionist-occupied US is not only the primary threat today under Trump, but has been their worst enemy since World War II, when America conquered and subjugated Europe (and genocided parts of Central Europe and Germany) leaving the continent under humiliating US occupation. But now Trump is giving them a rude awakening.
The Ugly American has always been a paragon of shameless kosher crassness. Trump has ripped off the mask for all the world to see.