This interview began with the information available about President Kennedy’s assassination. I made the point that there is more conclusive evidence that JFK’s assassination was the result of a Joint Chiefs-CIA-Secret Service plot in James W. Douglass’ book, JFK and the Unspeakable, than there is in the released CIA files. The CIA is not going to keep a dossier of its own crimes.
The discussion moved on to alternative explanations, such as President Kennedy was assassinated by Israel, because he was putting pressure to prevent Israel from producing nuclear weapons. The morning of my interview by Larry, Ron Unz blamed Israel in his interview by Mike Whitney. I noted that Israel had no ability or cause to alter an official autopsy or ability to send Jack Ruby into a Dallas jail to shoot Oswald before he could talk.
(Note to the Israel Lobby: If I were the anti-semite you say I am, would I absolve Israel of murdering a loved and respected American President? The Israel Lobby is so incompetent that it creates anti-semites by calling honest people who tell the truth anti-semites. The crazy way the Israel Lobby works is that you have to be a liar for Israel to avoid the designation of “anti-semite.”)
From Israel as the culprit we moved on to CIA cover stories, how it always has one ready to plant in the media the minute a CIA operation occurs, and a half dozen or more cover stories to be implanted when the original wears out. As the CIA’s Director of Counterintelligence told me, as soon as the original story is worn out by contrary evidence, the CIA releases two or more other cover stories, and commentators argue about which of the other cover stories is the correct one, and the distance from the real event widens. Angleton said that as time passes, not even the CIA knows what really happened.
Those of us on the secret presidential committee were asked to keep it quiet, but we didn’t have to do so forever. As decades passed, people involved died, and the world changed, I decided it was a disservice to my country to let information die with me. Perhaps the few knowledgable Americans who remain will make use of it.
Here is the interview: