Years ago, when I still believed in the American Dream, I attended an entrepreneurship seminar. I recall the speaker saying, “When all else fails, try the truth.” I think he was joking. I live in ZioCorp, a place where “all else” failed- at least for those outside the dome. An ideal time for truth. That includes truth in propaganda, or “public relations.” Even Chinese propaganda, or “public relations.”
Lying propaganda incorporates elements of truth. “Red pilled” Trumpists denounce the “Deep State,” only to get flypapered into a more complex Trump 2.0 iteration of the QAnon psyop. DOGE is a simulation of the Ronald Reagan psyop, part of a long-game program that transformed America from a public/private sector entity into the fully privatized ZioCorp.
ZioCorp can’t tell the whole truth. What would it say?: “We want to frog boil you into a dumbed-down GMO suitable for total commoditization Malthusian culling?” A hard sell.
Unlike their American counterparts, I believe a decent percentage of China’s political class serves the interests of the citizens, nation-state, and culture. Like all ruling classes, self-interest and the “will to power” (as per Nietzsche), factor into the equation. If the human race ever finds The Way/Tao toward Kardashev Type II Civilization, it needs to handle the complexities of the power dynamic, likely through sublimation, as energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed.
Philosophy, Physics, and Psychology 101 aside, China has shown the capacity for win-win programs within the present power dynamic. ZioCorp only plays win-lose. As its 5000-year history shows, China’s primary interest in other nations manifests as non-violent transactionalism. We can work with that.
Public Relations Learning Module 1: Neuro-linguistic programming vis-à-vis “globalization.”
I read a recent article about globalization on a major Chinese news site. Authored by a learned professor, it extolled globalization’s virtues. Since his piece appeared in the English language version, I surmise it was geared for Western consumption.
China as a national collective, benefited from globalization. What about the rest of the world, particularly the West?
If an American, German, French, Canadian, or Dutch citizen examined the state of their nation in the 80s/early 90s, when globalization went into overdrive, and compared it to today, what would they see? The greatest wealth transfer from the middle class to the oligarchy in history, permanent war, a ramped-up police state, weaponized immigration overload, wild inflation, and Rothschild Zionist control of every facet of society. The neocon/neoliberal ravaged Global South fared worse.
“Western” parasite globalization takes locally grown carrots, transports them around the world, and either sells the marked-up carrots back to their place of origin or forces the local carrot-growing region to sell their good carrots globally and buy inferior and more expensive carrots from abroad. This wastes energy and produces unnecessary pollution. It also creates superfluous middlemen, toll collectors, and debt. Flooding a domestic market with foreign products that the domestic market can produce crushes local labor.
Digital platform globalization takes it to the next level, whereby everything sold digitally (which is practically “everything.”) pays a cut to the digital toll collector, extracting wealth from artists, musicians, content creators, entrepreneurs, and other value producers, and transferring the profits to the oligarchy through Amazon, Apple Music, PayPal, etc. Worse, by moving humanity’s data to the digital platform, Big Tech finance not only controls, but in reality owns, all intellectual property from antiquity to the present.
Finishing the article I thought- this professor must think I’m stupid. He’s right- I am. I grow stupider* with every centimeter America sinks deeper into hell.
(*I use the term “stupid” in the Tao sense. When official “learned” sources lie about everything, one is forced to become stupid, i.e. less reliant on “smart” media/academia data sources and more dependent on instinct, intuition, and observation of the natural order., i.e., no, we don’t “trust the science.”)
A primary component of globalization, as envisioned by the international bankers and their “free market” sycophants, was to outsource manufacturing to low-wage China, increasing corporate earnings and consolidating Wall Street’s power. From its profits, China would buy American debt, turning the US into the greatest militarized toxic financial instrument that ever existed. As this is unsustainable, the bankers figured that when the US finally crashed in a century or so, grateful enriched Chinese elites would grant them full control over China’s economy, like with the US in 1913.
Wall Street’s plan contained crucial errors. First, the bankers miscalculated the speed of America’s decline in relation to China’s assent. They also misjudged the patriotism of China’s leaders, as the international bankers’ experience with the Anglo/European aristocracy taught them that a ruling class always sells out its lower caste co-nationals. Rather than turning China into a giant coolie industrial park and Wall Street money laundering operation, the CPC invested in its people and nation. Does corruption exist in China? Sure. However, unlike the US, China prosecutes top bankers and other high-level officials. Imagine the DOJ going after the head of the Federal Reserve. Ha ha ha.
China needs to be cognizant of the negative connotations attached to “globalization.” It’s analogous to China promoting Marxism, another Rothschild Zionist creation. China left Marxism behind and moved to “socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Why? Because Marxism* never works. That’s why the international bankers made it the “either-or” to predatory capitalism- as per Prof. Antony Sutton’s book, “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.”
(*Like all revolutionary leaders of his time, Chairman Mao was forced to weather the storm with either the Sassoon capitalist umbrella or the Marxist umbrella. Once China became strong, it adopted systems more in sync with its natural spirit. Obviously Chairman Mao made the correct choice. Had he chosen Sassoon capitalism, China would have played the abused Asian vassal, like Japan and S. Korea.)
So how might China give “globalization” Chinese characteristics in both practice and public relations?
The “merchant” is a prominent Chinese archetype. What is the merchant’s role? He delivers from afar that which cannot be produced locally. Historically this included rare commodities like silk and spices. What the merchant does not do is deliver over long distances what is already locally abundant.
An example of the “merchant with Chinese characteristics” is when China exchanges its railway building technology for an African nation’s minerals. Both parties receive from afar what they don’t produce locally.
When Africa comes into its moment, it can create domestic high-speed rail networks and China can mine minerals from asteroids using robots to create ecological-technological yin-yang balance or “ecology with Chinese characteristics.”
In the meantime, China needs to handle the delicate yin-yang balance of supporting pan-Africanism and African ecology with its need for Africa’s natural resources. AFRICOM and its funded militias stand ready to exploit mistakes.
At this point, the Chinese national reader might say, “Granted globalization transferred most of the global wealth to the international bankers and their associates, but it benefitted China.” True- for now. Tonight’s whisky bottle joy becomes tomorrow’s hangover. What are globalization’s hangover symptoms vis-à-vis China?
1) Conflict with the US: After transferring American manufacturing to China, the bankers want their 100 pounds of flesh. Whether that translates to cold war with economic sanctions, terrorism, and proxy armies or direct hot war remains to be seen.
2) Overreliance on global supply networks: Whether imported Iranian oil or exported EVs, as demonstrated with Nord Stream 2, supply chains make easy targets. If the “merchant” represents global trade, then the “farmer” represents self-reliance or autarky. The yin-yang balance of both archetypes makes for a full belly in all weather conditions.
3) Globalization’s impact on China’s collective psyche: While globalization lifted millions out of poverty, what were the effects of shockwave hyper-consumerism on the family unit, particularly the extended family unit, and society as a whole? While I think the CPC handled the transition in amazing fashion, it came with side effects. What is the metric that backs that? China’s skyrocketing use of antidepressants (SSRIs). Hyper-consumerism breeds depression and anxiety.
I understand people experience suicidal ideations and sometimes need pharmacuticals as a temporary stopgap measure. However, when a large percentage of society requires antidepressants to function, it belies a deeper problem.
Antidepressants contain many harmful side effects, including de-sexualization, which is often permanent. In Tao-speak, SSRIs destroy vital force aka chi.* Vital force bolsters the nation’s immune system. Destroy vital force, destroy the nation.
(*While cigarettes and alcohol cause side effects, they don’t impact chi like SSRIs. Vaping mitigates smoking’s harmful effects, although I still support tobacco rights.)
If you want to see the result of decades of SSRI overprescription check out Prozac Nation USA, where children as young as five are prescribed antidepressants to make them lifetime customers.
In study after study, China’s top medical scientists demonstrate that SSRIs harm children. Yet someone from the CPC medical branch recently approved SSRIs for kids. Like Forrest Gump said in the movie: “Security checks are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna find.”
While China benefited from importing Western technology, American “medicines” require special vetting. Goldman Sachs validated this when they advised global capital against investing in treatments that cure diseases, opting instead for ones that create lifetime customers.
China needs to develop “healthcare with Chinese characteristics” through the integration of proper diet and exercise, the 5000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine cabinet, and advanced medical technology, e.g., microscopic drone submarines that laser-zap cancer cells, teeth/organ cellular regeneration. Be neither the over-educated moron who mocks nature’s healing plants nor the Luddite who rejects advanced life-saving technology.
4) Zio-feminism: If children represent the future, then the real and archetypal mother plays an invaluable role in securing the longevity of the culture. Same for the father. In stark inversion, America sacrifices its children for short-game oligarch profits.
In the 1950s and 60s, many US families lived on a husband’s sole income. To break up the traditional family unit and lower wages, zio-feminist academics and corporations created public relations campaigns that made female wage slavery glamorous.
Today’s US working-class woman drops off toddlers programmed for the drug rehabilitation/prison industrial complex to daycare strangers to work a poverty-wage job that can’t cover the bills. Conversely, her professional-class counterpart pursues career first, and in her 40s with old eggs and fertility drugs, births a semi-autistic kid who goes into anaphylactic shock after breathing a few molecules of peanut dust.
During China’s Woman’s Day public relations celebrations I see images of female astronauts, jet pilots, soldiers, police, athletes, and scientists, yet never a mother.
I thought China fell short on women in the M:F ratio mating pool.* If China needs women in the workforce, follow the natural order, i.e., “feminism with Chinese characteristics.”
If a woman’s optimal birthing age is 18-25, create propaganda and financial incentives (universal basic income?) that promote younger motherhood. Offer child-friendly college programs for stay-at-home moms, so that when the kids reach maturity, she has a PhD or similar certification at 35 or 40. Some Chinese husbands might enjoy seeing their wives embark on stimulating careers that keep them away from home, especially with advances in robotic maids.
(*Given the food shortages, China’s “one-child policy” aligned with Tao. However, the industrial-scale abortion of female fetuses that followed did not. Had Marxist materialists not persecuted Tao scholars, someone might have suggested offering government incentives to keep the females. Materialist solutions like mass immigration, hologram girlfriends, and mental meds won’t solve the lonely-man karmic imbalance.)
5) Globalization Technocracy: Since the 20th century, technology has far outpaced human cognitive evolution. WEF “philosophers” like Yuval Harari push transhumanist technocracy to bend the natural order- or destroy it.
This messaging attracts some within the CPC, as it comes with the sparkling lights of high technology.
Technological materialism divorced from the natural order creates weird social distortions- and ultimately, species extinction. What is the counterbalance to technocratic excess? Chinese spiritual philosophy expressed through the Confucius-Tao yin-yang balance.
Why import alien ideologies into China to fill the void not filled by the machine? The Confucius-Tao paradigm is 100% Made-In-China.
The Chinese national reader might ask, “Why incorporate Tao when Confucianism provides sufficient order?”
Tao supplies life-force or chi, an essential element in technological society.
While Confucianism promotes social stability and an educated society, without balance, it forms a managerial class of stagnant exam-worshippers susceptible to corruption. History shows Confucianism worked best when balanced with Tao.
Conversely, Confucianism balances Tao excess. While followers of Tao prize conflict avoidance, some can go ”off the chain” when mistreated, as seen in the Tao Yellow Headscarf (Turban) Rebellion.
To the outside observer, some followers of Tao might appear lazy. This is because “action through inaction” is a Tao tenet. Studying Tao can be a full-time job.
Who better to consult on high-tech leisure-time post-scarcity society than followers of Tao? When driverless cars and AI eliminate truck driving and computer coding jobs, Tao beats World Economic Forum culling.
Even if one concludes that some followers of Tao are lazy slobs who lay in the grass gazing at cloud dragons- when the light turns green, they put in the work.
While Confucianism performs beautifully in China. Tao, and its sister, Chinese-perfected Buddhism, remain better suited for foreign export/public relations. Tao is a universal application. From ancient Celtic runes to Red Indian totems, Tao works with all symbols, archetypes and myths.
In the 1970s, Bruce Lee (Lee Jun-fan) mesmerized global audiences with Chinese martial arts. Around the same time, Hollywood produced the KUNG FU television series. While the show’s main storyline was sometimes slow and reductive, the flashback sequences dynamically portrayed Chinese spiritual-philosophy.
Notice the lack of feminized and infantilized cartoon characters. Perhaps it’s time to bring some real men into the global media outreach department.
At present, China’s global messaging comes across as win-win sparkly futuristic consumerism. Call it SinoCorp.* (*Not to be confused with the actual Sinocorp company. I’m speaking metaphorically.)
While a big improvement over ZioCorp, SinoCorp lacks the chi to attract a loyal global following.
To take artistic license with GODFATHER II movie dialogue: The world does business with SinoCorp. The world respects SinoCorp. But the world doesn’t trust SinoCorp.
If America is the “Empire of Lies,” then China must become the “Middle Kingdom of Truth,” i.e., a credible source for data.
If mistakes are made, rather than obfuscate- acknowledge, correct, and move on. If some eggs get cracked preparing the omelet, offer a humble apology with compensation to the eggshells or their next of kin- and move on. That is “truth policy.”
“Interesting times” generate collective angst that sparkle-city and fast-train images can’t ameliorate. They don’t have fast trains where I live. I take the subway- seated between the guy smoking crack and the screaming homeless schizophrenic. I’m not complaining per se. Followers of Tao collect and process data in all environments. If only the trains ran on schedule. Where’s Mussolini when you need him? Ha ha ha.
I remember one other thing the speaker told us at that seminar I attended so long ago. He said that when addressing potential clients and customers, make sure to first establish yourself as a credible expert in the product or service you’re selling. I screwed up. I should have done that at the beginning of the article. I told you I was stupid.
What makes me a credible expert on China?
I’m a Jewish Hebrew Israelite who follows the Tao. I serve Yahweh in Heaven and Huawei on Earth. Ha ha ha.
Levity aside, I think my China article history demonstrates prescient analysis.
I also wrote a book on Tao, adding my futile commentary to the other blockheads who also embarrassed themselves by adding to “Old Master.” As an aside, my Tao book covers 21st-century technocracy and simulation. Not that it matters, as Tao works in all quadrants of space-time.
I do think it a tad unfair that China imports “same song” Western puffy-pants professors and metrosexuals for 5-star speaking tours of Chinese universities filled with bubbly coeds, while the guy with fresh exciting ideas navigates through filth, vomit, and hypercapitalism’s discarded bodies.
It’s ok. I understand. I’m nobody. A pathetic clown. So sad.
I’ll just flap my little butterfly wings into the Tao interface to generate a current of meaninglessness that floats into nothingness. Or perhaps the chance flutter of a hummingbird’s wings redirects it to The PLA Commander.
Do you study the ways of tiger, crane, and praying mantis? Are you lonely like me friend?
Emperor President Xi needs you to help him guide the ship through “interesting times.” Playing silly games on deck, metrosexual materialists and peacock billionaires miss the rock’s hidden protuberance.
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