In the United States my generation began reading Shakespeare’s plays in high school. In universities you encountered Shakespeare in the core curriculum. When core curriculums were abolished, English majors got further into Shakespeare and studied his sonnets. It was the work that was admired and studied, not who Shakespeare might really have been. His use of language was studied and what his plays taught about the human condition. Today if he is studied at all, it is likely to be his alleged homophobia, the extent of his alleged anti-semitism, his alleged racism. In the US some universities exclude him from the curriculum. As for England, what produced the interview below was the report that the English were decolonizing their great poet and playwright.
In the interview I said that the attack on Shakespeare is just part of the decades old white gentile/Jewish intellectual attack on Western white gentile civilization. It is an involved intellectual story that I have told in past times. To keep it simple, the Enlightenment placed moral demands on society, but emerging science denied the existence of morality. So how did the moral demands express themselves? They expressed themselves in attacks on existing society for its lack of morality as exampled by colonies, slavery, class privileges, and so forth.
As time passed, liberals in England and later in the United States, originally just an adjunct of England, pursued reforms by denunciation of existing society, not by emphasizing past achievements and making a persuasive case for another reform. So the practice of denouncing what exists became the avenue for progress.
The result is that denunciation replaced affirmation. Without going any further with this story, the result over time has been to destroy the structure of belief in Western societies. Without a belief structure, a society is weak, and every Western society is week. Jean Raspail described the weakness in The Camp of the Saints in 1973.
For one example, in the United States, meritocracy has been eroded and undermined by the belief that meritocracy is a “white value” that serves white supremacy. To compensate, “affirmative action” reduced white Americans to unconstitutional second class citizenship under law, and the regulations that imposed second class citizenship on white Americans were upheld by US Supreme Court rulings. Affirmation action was institutionalized by the Jewish administrator of the EEOC, the regulatory agency responsible for enforcing the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The statutory language of the Act itself strictly and clearly prohibits university admission, employment and promotion quotas based on sex and gender. But thanks to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his creation of regulatory agencies, one man in the EEOC, Alfred Blumrosen, had complete control over the meaning of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that Congress passed. He ruled for racial and gender quoters that clearly were inconsistent with the statutory language of the Act and with the Constitution’s 14th Amendment mandating equal treatment under the law. See my book, The New Color Line, Regnery, 1995.
Today the Democrat judges who are substituting their rule for the elected presidents’ rule, have ordered a halt to Trump’s stripping of transgender and various perverse persons’ extra-Constitutional rights. The identical Democrat judges never lifted a finger in defense of white Americans who were sidelined by special extra-Constitutional rights for blacks, females, and the sexually perverse, everyone of which was a violation of the 14th Amendment’s requirement of equal treatment.
The anti-American, anti-white Democrats, who describe traditional Americans who have family and religious values as “the Trump Deplorables,” have hardwired into the judicial system judges and prosecutors who have no respect for the US Constitution and the 14th Amendment. With Democrat rule there is to be no equality under the law. In its place white heterosexuals who are labeled homophobic, racists, white supremacists, and transphobic are reduced under a DEI social system to second class citizenship whose rights under the US Constitution do not apply.
White American intellectuals today in reality are identical to the white French intellectuals in Jean Raspail’s 1973 novel of Frances’s destruction by a French government so overwhelmed with racial guilt learned in universities that the French government refused to defend France from being overrun by immigrant-invaders. Once the immigrant-invader government was in power, the first law prohibited marriage between white French ethnics. Soon this spread to all of Europe.The guilt-ridden French people were responsible for their own genocide.
What have we seen since this book was published in 1973 prior to the majority of people alive today? Have we witnessed any attempts to restore the belief system that produced Western Civilization. No.
Have we seen any reduction of attacks, not from foreign opponents, but internal attacks from our own intellectuals? No.
How does a civilization survive when its belief system is destroyed? It does not survive.
Why are universities, a major source along with the monopolized media of attacks on Western civilization, subsidized by dumbshit businessmen who want to exist beyond their life time with buildings named after them, by parents who destroy their own retirement with tuition payments so universities can teach their sons and daughters to hate white people, by foundations of Ford, Rockefeller, Gates, and Soros, by advertising agencies promoting racially mixed marriages, by US government agencies such as USAID, HHS, and so on? Why was LGBTQ promoted by the Pentagon and corporate boards?
The attack on the West, the attack on Western civilization does not come from Russia, China, or Iran. It comes from the West’s own intellectuals, media, and education system. These are our real enemies along with the self-serving American Establishment.
As these anti-western voices control our opinions and options, how does the West survive? Where can information come from? How can it reach the people when truth tellers are dismissed at “conspiracy theorists,’ “white supremacists,” “anti-semites.”
Shakespeare is just another white racist and France wants the Statute of Liberty back so that the immigrant-invaders overrunning France can be properly welcomed. How much more evidence do you need of the demise of Western civilization? The only active religion in Europe is Muslim and perhaps some Satanic cults.
Karl Marx said that violence was the only effective force in history. I have opposed this view, but Marx does have a case.
Today the US president is preparing more violence to be applied to Russia if needed to bring the proxy war in Ukraine to an end. Trump is also preparing more violence for China and Iran should they not comport themselves with Washington’s interest. But America’s real enemies are internal, as Vice President Vance said. America’s enemies are institutionalized in US government departments and agencies, in Congress and the judiciary, in the corporations and Wall Street, in the universities and educational system, in the media. These constitute a formidable enemy for a mere president.
Here is the On Target interview, a lighter experience than this essay.