Philosophy teacher Thaddeus Kozinski has just published a new book, COVID-19 and the War Against Reality. Another philosophy professor and frequent Truth Jihad Radio guest, Peter Simpson, summarizes: “The book discusses the perceived rise of a global totalitarianism under the cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, framing it as a spiritual and moral crisis that challenges the concept of objective reality and sacred truth.” Yet another brilliant Truth Jihad Radio repeat guest, poet Tom Breidenbach, wrote the forward…and joins the conversation.
Tom Breidenbach: I’ve been working on a long-term book project interpreting 9/11 as a satanic ritual, a human sacrificial ritual, and a kind of reversion on the part of the West to its pagan roots. And I’ve been waiting ever since that event for the second shoe to drop. And I think that COVID was that. And I think Thaddeus really grasped it. And whereas I’ve been focused on 9/11, he turned his attention (to) an eschatological interpretation of the implications of COVID-19. And his book made a lot of sense to me.
Thaddeus Kozinski: I have to say that my book was predicated on Tom’s manuscript on 9/11 (IX XI). Because what Tom did was to uncover the ritual scapegoating—the kind of psychological and spiritual blueprint and architecture that’s been around for thousands of years—the dark sorcery and the dark sorcerers. And that whole paradigm is something you just don’t hear about. Girard does give us this but of course Girard never connected it to contemporary events. He didn’t understand the relationship of what he was uncovering with what was actually on the ground. Tom did. That opened my mind and heart to a whole new way of seeing and interpreting. And that’s what we really have to do.
It’s not the details of how they did it. And it’s not even exactly who did it. It’s what was done. And so 9/11 was not just geopolitical. It wasn’t just warmongers. It wasn’t just people who wanted to take trillions of dollars from the Pentagon. It wasn’t just Israel and Zionism. It wasn’t just the greater Israel and Americanism and empire. Yes, it was all those things. But underneath all that, there’s something else even more menacing and evil that likes to reveal itself to us, like the revelation of the method. It likes to reveal itself for those who can see it. And for those who can’t, then it has the complicity. It thinks that it has complicity of all its victims. But for those who can see it, to understand it is also to unmask it and to dethrone it and to defang it. And in a sense, to counteract it is just to understand it.