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This Sunday’s New York Times Magazine has an interesting article: “In an Age of Right-Wing Populism, Why Are Denmark’s Liberals Winning?”
It moans about Donald Trump and about Europeans tilting to the Right. Everywhere, the Left is in retreat — except in Denmark.
The welfare state is flourishing, college is free, prostitution is legal, and 15-year-old girls can get abortions without telling anyone. There’s even a carbon tax on farm animals because they let fly climate-changing methane from both ends.
What’s Denmark’s secret? Keeping out immigrants. This is very confusing for the New York Times. It thinks everything lefty is good, good, good, but keeping out immigrants is bad, bad, bad. How can those two go together? Denmark’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, performs this miracle.
When she took office in 2019, she was Denmark’s first lady prime minister, and at age 41, the youngest.
Her parents were lefties, and she became politically active at age 15.
She campaigned against the usual stuff — whale-hunting, apartheid, deforestation, racism — and went straight into Denmark’s pinko Social Democrat party that goes all the way back to the First International.
At first, she loved immigrants, but she had a change of heart in 2015. She learned that a lot of asylum-seekers were frauds and freeloaders. She learned that the ones who work drive down wages for natives.
She even learned that diversity is bad for close-knit communities, and you need community to have a welfare state.
As she explained to the Times: “Leftist politics depend on collective solutions in which voters feel part of a shared community or nation.” “Otherwise, they will not accept the high taxes that pay for a strong welfare state.” High levels of immigration can undermine this cohesion, she says.
The Guardian, of course, is unhappy with Miss Frederiksen. How dare a lefty support “a ‘paradigm shift’ — a push to make repatriation, rather than integration, the goal of asylum policy.”
Miss Frederiksen pushed hard to make Denmark the first European country to decide that Syria was safe and to start booting Syrians out. She wants to close all Muslim schools, send all current asylum seekers to a holding center in North Africa. And not take in any more. Immigrants who have legal status can’t be welfare bums; they have to work.
The Times is in a terrible dither about this. Is Miss Frederiksen a baddy or a goody? You see, even in wonderful, socialist Denmark, “some opposition to immigration stemmed from an irrational fear of outsiders. . . . Well functioning societies push back against this bigotry.” But it’s a “mistake” “to treat all dissatisfaction with rising immigration as racism.”
If you just want a high-trust, culturally and racially coherent country, you’re a Nazi. If you want one because you’re trying to build a socialist paradise, then it might be OK.
I don’t like the welfare state. It’s dysgenic to tax productive people to subsidize unproductive people. But if Mette Frederiksen thinks she can make that work by keeping Denmark Danish, God bless her.
She isn’t the only lefty who thinks that way. Sahra Wagenknecht, who was once a big deal in the German Left, wants a fat welfare state. *** She, too, says immigrants are a problem. Germans are more willing to pay for handouts if the handouts go to fellow Germans.
White advocates may find themselves with pretty queer bedfellows. Pim Fortuyn of the Netherlands started out as a Marxist, but went hard right on immigration. He said Muslims were “backward,” and wanted none of them in his country. Part of their backwardness was hatred of homosexuals, and if there were too many Muslims, homosexuals — like Fortuyn himself — would have to go back into the closet.
In last week’s German elections, if only homosexuals and lesbians had voted, the outcome would have been different. In the actual vote, shown here, the only serious immigration-control party, AfD — the blue bar in the middle — came in second with 20.8 percent of the vote.
According to this poll of non-heterosexuals only, they would have put AfD in the top spot at 27.9 percent. Non-heteros under the age of 40 would have given the AfD a crushing victory with 33 percent.
These results are skewed because there are a lot more male than female non-heteros, and men favored the AfD over women, 24 percent to 17 percent. Still there is clearly an independent homo effect. I think they don’t like the idea of being thrown off tall buildings or of being stoned to death.
I want Europe to stay European because I love white people.
I love our heritage, our culture, our way of lie, and I want them to flower and flourish forever. Our greatest immediate threat is immigration and the Great Replacement.
I support anyone who wants to stop that — for religious reasons, environmental reasons, social reasons — I don’t care. Some people may think ending immigration and a firm remigration are the only way to save same-sex marriage, nudist colonies, and abortions for 15-year-olds.
Saving our people is job number one. Once we are safe behind tight borders, we can work out all our differences. And we don’t all have to reach the same solutions. The Dutch and the Danes might want women to marry each other. Poles and Romanians might say, “Not on your life.”
This is a fight we have to win, and we’ll have to accept allies as we find them.