The wags in Washington are having a field day with Putin and Lavrov:
“Putin and Lavrov are afraid they will offend the West with a military victory in Ukraine and are hoping Trump will rescue them from an embarrassing victory that would hurt globalism by encouraging Russian nationalism.”
“Putin and Lavrov are pleading for negotiations that will rescue them from a victory that Putin has delayed for longer than it took Stalin to drive the Wehrmacht out of Russia, Eastern Europe, and occupy Berlin.”
“Putin and Lavrov are so afraid of victory that they will accept Trump’s terms: Give back all conquered territory, pay reparations to Ukraine, reimburse America and NATO the full cost of the weapons they sent to Ukraine, and accept Ukrainian occupation troops to ensure Russia never again violates Washingtons ‘rules based order.’”
It is a pity that a proud people who have successfully withstood every challenge in their long history have such weak leaders who are humiliating them in hopes of gaining the West’s favor.
How can Putin enter into negotiations with Art-of-the-Deal-Trump from such a perceived weak position. Putin failed to enforce every red line he declared. Throughout the war over Donbas, Putin and Lavrov have been pleading for negotiations and have intentionally delayed winning the conflict. What is to be made of this?
Putin’s own behavior has caused Washington to view him as a weak person, devoid of resolution, a person who ran away from his commitment to Syria, a person so afraid of offending the West that he will not enter into a mutual security agreement with Iran and China, a formidable alliance that would block Washington and ensure peace.
I think that this view of Putin is false even though he is responsible for it. Putin might think that he is reassuring Washington and NATO, but what he is doing is encouraging them to disregard him. The West’s conclusion is: Putin won’t fight, but Washington will.
It is entirely possible that Trump wants to concentrate on America, a country delegated to third world status by previous administrations, and that the extraordinary weakness and irresolution conveyed by the Russian president and foreign minister will not be taken advantage off by Trump who wants to be rid of external events unrelated to his domestic agenda.
This is the best hope. But the downside is that humiliation of Russia is regarded as a definite sign that America is being made great again, with the bringing to heel of foreign enemies.
Since the Cold War’s beginnings in the mid-20th century, Americans have been accustomed to seeing Russia as the principal enemy. Facts can’t overcome the decades of brainwashing and won’t play a role. For Trump a victory over Russia is evidence that he is making America Great Again.
I cannot predict the outcome of these possibilities. But I do note that the possible outcomes are not noticed or discussed. Therefore, what happens can be a surprise to all of us.
Eric Zuesse asks if there has been a turnabout in Russia’s conflict with Ukraine
“At least 11% of Russia’s total annual oil-refinery and storage capacity has been disabled by swarms of drones from Ukraine that have blown them up during the past two months. 11 Russian oil refineries and storage facilities, all within 1,500 miles of Ukraine, have been hit in the past 60 days, and the 73 Russian refineries that have not been hit are beyond that distance. But potentially, 20% or more of Russia’s oil could become eliminated in this way.”