There has been a massive increase in brutal crime done by foreigners in Poland.
Recently a gang speaking in Ukrainian broke into a man’s home and poured boiling water on him to get him to open a safe. A Ukrainian robbed a 15 year old on a bus by holding a knife to his throat.…
— Polish Connection (@PoleConnection) February 3, 2025
It looks like the honeymoon is over!
The Poles, who have always hated the Ukrainians (Ukrainians did a literal genocide against them during World War II), are finally fed up with supporting them as a way to harm Russians (who never did a genocide against them), and are ready to get these pigs out of their country!
Deporting Ukrainians from Poland would be a bigger project that deporting Mexicans from America, actually. The Ukrainians are likely to start doing terrorism in Poland.
The end of the Ukraine conflict could trigger a surge in international organized crime as thousands of veterans return to no jobs or prospects for work, Polish President Andrzej Duda has warned.In an interview with the Financial Times published on Monday, Duda expressed concern that once the fighting is over, criminal activity could spill over from Ukraine into neighboring Poland, potentially even affecting the EU and US.
Duda, who will step down as president in August after serving two five-year terms, drew parallels with Russia in the early 1990s.
“Just recall the times when the Soviet Union collapsed and how the organized crime rate went up in Western Europe, but also in the US,” he told the FT.
Ukraine will need support to rebuild its economy and maintain domestic order and security after the conflict is over, according to Duda.
“Just imagine the situation when we have got thousands of people coming from the frontline coming back home. Those people who are fighting with Russia, a lot of them will demonstrate mental problems,” he warned.
Many will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as they return to “their villages, their towns where they will find ruined houses, ruined plants, ruined factories, no jobs and no perspectives,” Duda added.
Yeah, it’s for sure going to be a mess.
This is why people shouldn’t start meaningless wars. It’s one reason why. You end up with big problems.
Virtually all of the Islamist terrorism in the West was a result of the US starting all these wars over there.
Corrupt governments make money from these war scams, and then everyone suffers.
Poland was really stupid for supporting America’s weird Ukraine adventure.