Since this website is so censored that it no longer has the ability for popular reach, I’ve developed a general rule against “explaining it to the retards.” But with a recent barrage of criticism by the retards, I think there is enough to discuss that will be edifying to non-retards that it is worth responding and explaining why this particular criticism of me is retarded.
I posted the above clip in an article earlier this week commenting on Sam Rockwell’s appearance, which I find impressive for his age. I also noted that the clip is hilarious, with Rockwell talking about how he developed autogynephilia after engaging in rampant sex in Thailand for several years. I lurk in some Telegram channels where people share my articles in order to get an idea of what people think, and found a bunch of people condemning me for posting “degeneracy.”
Firstly, this is the gayest form of virtue signaling, because it is being done by people who claim to oppose virtue signaling. Do people know what “virtue signaling” is? The term is a transparent compound, so you already know what it means assuming you are familiar with the words “virtue” and “signal.” But why do people do it? It is something done by losers and pathetic people who want to feel like they’re better than other people. It is about gaining social status among a group.
This behavior is obviously most popular among women.
But men do it too.
Being in a right-wing group chat and announcing to the world that you are outraged that Anglin would post a clip of someone talking about deviant sexual behavior could only serve the purpose of making yourself feel like you’re a superior person, and the only reason you would do that is because you are a pathetic human being, with nothing else in your life to boost your personal confidence.
It’s possible that a valid response would be: “Anglin shouldn’t be propagating disgusting material like this,” if that is your opinion. It could at least be framed as a valid opinion. I don’t think it is a valid opinion, because we have been buried under tranny propaganda for nearly a decade now, and it has been inescapable for anyone on the internet, so the idea that someone could be seriously shocked by that clip is not believable to me. If I went and showed it to the Amish, I could see that as being gross, but if you’re telling me you’ve been on the internet in the last ten years and were shocked by that clip, then I’m no only calling you a liar, I’m calling you a pathetic human being who lies about his own moral purity for the purpose of making himself feel better about how pathetic he actually is.
But the problem is not that you are pathetic. At least, that is not my problem, and I wish you the best with figuring out some healthier way to boost your self-esteem. The problem is that flooding discussion with this virtue signaling nonsense serves to shut down discussion of topics which might be meaningful (even if the topic is not meaningful, shutting down discussion of it is cancerous behavior). You obviously couldn’t talk about black crime statistics or IQ averages when some woman was screaming at you about how you’re evil if you don’t simply accept that white cops are going around murdering black people because they hate the color of their skin.
Someone who just thinks “oh this clip is talking about gay shit” is going to miss the actual relevance of the thing, and why it is so hilarious. It’s hilarious because it’s subversive, and like much of what is in White Lotus, it’s shocking that it’s allowed on TV given the current social and cultural climate.
The themes in White Lotus are all a scathing indictment of modernity, as well as an analysis of human nature that stands in stark opposition to the liberal orthodoxy. Virtually every theme in the show is in line with a traditional Christian or classical philosophical view of man’s nature. Infidelity, hedonism, pride, the emptiness of the cycle of material desire in general, sexual roles, the indulgences of women, the lust of men, the nature of guilt, repentance, and redemption. There is a lot there, and none of it is stuff that the most of the audience would agree with if presented with it in a straightforward manner.
Part of why the show can get away with this is that they frame it in such an artistic way, nothing is spelled out in the way that would trigger some screeching woman on Twitter. Someone could watch the show, and most people do, and simply see it as yet another visual spectacle like every other one of these streaming shows. Further, it is vulgar, featuring an excessive amount of nudity, which implies that it is embracing rather than criticizing modern norms. The other reason is probably that the writer/director of the series, Mike White, is a homosexual. Regardless of the reasons, however, the show is able to address themes that I don’t recall any popular media having addressed in decades.
The clip in question, where the Sam Rockwell character describes in a frank tone that he spent 1,000 nights having sex with Thai hookers before realizing that what he really wanted was to become a small Asian girl and be fucked by himself is an absolute description, if not an outright indictment, of the overwhelming majority of the tranny movement.
The trans movement has been framed as an identity phenomenon. Sometimes we hear the term “gender dysphoria,” which means that the man feels as though they are trapped in the wrong body, that his soul is actually that of a woman. Though this does exist, and is a legitimate mental disorder, what is not discussed is that if we remove the children who are being manipulated into becoming trannies by the school system, the overwhelming majority of adult men who become trannies have something called “autogynephilia,” which is not an “identity” but a paraphilia (often called a “kink” in modern parlance), a disorder purely related aberrant sexuality. It has nothing to do with identity or some incomprehensible thing about the soul being trapped in the wrong body.
From the abstract of a 2011 peer-reviewed paper on the topic available on NIH:
Autogynephilia is defined as a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism. Autogynephilia encompasses sexual arousal with cross-dressing and cross-gender expression that does not involve women’s clothing per se. The concept of autogynephilia defines a typology of MtF transsexualism and offers a theory of motivation for one type of MtF transsexualism. Autogynephilia resembles a sexual orientation in that it involves elements of idealization and attachment as well as erotic desire. Nearly 3% of men in Western countries may experience autogynephilia; its most severe manifestation, MtF transsexualism, is rare but increasing in prevalence.…
The concept of autogynephilia can assist clinicians in understanding some otherwise puzzling manifestations of nonhomosexual MtF transsexualism. Autogynephilia exemplifies an unusual paraphilic category called ‘erotic target identity inversions’, in which men desire to impersonate or turn their bodies into facsimiles of the persons or things to which they are sexually attracted.
Most people have not even heard about this phenomenon, so for me, the Sam Rockwell bit in White Lotus was quite incredible in its content, as well as being hilarious. The way Rockwell says it all so calmly, as if he is describing the most mundane topic, as Walton Goggins sits there listening is so funny to me. And then that his solution is to become a Buddhist takes it into the realm of the greatest satire vignettes I’m aware of.
The other thing to consider is that the process through which autogynephilia and many other extreme paraphilias is described. Rockwell explains that it was after spending a thousand nights picking up hookers in Thailand that he began to develop the thought that he wanted to become a small Asian girl. This is exactly what happens in real life when men have access to unlimited amounts of sex and choose to engage in it without limits: they increasingly get bored with normal vaginal sex with attractive women and will go into increasingly more bizarre sexual practices. The same thing happens with compulsive pornography use, with the user getting into weirder and weirder material, needing something that he would once have considered disgusting in order to get the same level of stimulation he would have once gotten from “hot blonde gets fucked hard.”
The reason this is all of core relevance to society right now is that unlimited sexual “exploration” is encouraged by the society. It has effectively become a first principle of liberal democracy that all forms of sexual perversion should be embraced and continually expanded on. And the issue is that this all gets very dark, very quickly. A few years ago, the actor Armie Hammer, a handsome celebrity in his mid-thirties who had no doubt experienced a serious amount of normal sex with beautiful women, was canceled because he had apparently gotten into cannibalism. At least, in published texts, he expressed a desire to experiment with it. In 2013, Ian Watkins, the lead singer of a semi-popular British rock band, Lostprophets, again in his mid-thirties having had unlimited access to normal sex with beautiful women, was exposed for having sex with infants.
We you consider how dark this can all get, you can see how an elite with no limits on their sexual behavior could degenerate into the sort of thing we heard about during the “Pizzagate” era of internet activism. I won’t endorse all of the claims of Pizzagate, many of which were obviously untrue, and became increasingly more ridiculous as the “movement” went on, but when you look at human sexuality and the way that unlimited exposure to every kind of sex leads to increasingly bizarre behavior, it would almost be impossible if some of the darkest things imaginable were not happening among our current decadent ruling class here in this gloriously equitable democracy.
This society is very dark, and it might be unfortunate, but these topics need to be discussed freely. Whining moralizing doesn’t make the issues go away. Please disregard those who wish to flood discussions of complex and important issues with womanlike moral outrage.