Just build a few Nuclear Power Plants FFS.
This is ridiculous. pic.twitter.com/1Jw0HvA4aN
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) February 2, 2025
No one wants this “green energy” horseshit.
It is disgusting and it is such a massive poisoner of the environment. There is no justification for any of it.
The fact that corrupt politicians promote the total destruction of our living space, justify poisoning everything, as if it is “good for the environment” is emblematic of modern America. The leaders of this shithole country say the diametric opposite of the truth, then use their obviously false claims to destroy everything.
Gov. Kathy Hochul’s plans for the Empire State to go green are going south as local communities refuse to build massive battery plants that would store wind and solar energy.One upstate town where a top state official leading the state’s anti-fossil fuel push just voted to ban construction of the plants — and one New York City politician has already called to pause any new sites for the facilities.
“We called for — and still support — a moratorium on these [Battery Energy Storage System] facilities almost two years ago,” said Vito Fossella, borough president of Staten Island, where more than a dozen of the facilities are planned.
“They are being placed literally right next door to people’s homes, and even next to a gas station,” Fosella said. “The city is playing with fire by allowing this type of reckless policy to continue.”
Well, they will start literal fires (which are nigh impossible to put out), and they will also give everyone cancer.
Then when they are used up, they will be disposed in a way that dumps poisonous rare earth minerals in the water supply.
This is all just lunacy. Coal power never caused these problems. But they invented this ridiculous scam about “global warming” so they could make all of this money poisoning everything and giving everyone cancer.
Duanesburg — where New York State Energy Research and Development president and CEO Doreen Harris lives — recently voted to ban BESS buildings because they “will pose a threat to the public health safety and welfare of residents of the Town and their property,” according to a resolution by the town board.Duanesburg officials said they decided on the ban, first reported by the Daily Gazette, because the town relies on volunteer firefighters and that part of the town lacks access to public water. Critics have said they are not only a fire hazard, but could spark a blaze that takes longer to extinguish and would spew toxins into the air.
The BESS backlash is a blow to the state’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 and achieve 100% zero-carbon emission electricity by 2040 under the the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act of 2019.
Battery storage containers sit in front of solar panels at the Croton-Harmon Metro-North Station in Westchester County.
The facilities are considered vital in that green push but other communities are digging in against planned construction of the facilities, whether they are directly attached to construction of new alternative-energy plants or standalone battery plants.Massive opposition has mounted against a 116-megawatt storage site on the Westchester County-Putnam County line. The town of Carmel in Putnam voted last October to ban lithium battery storage systems.
Trump needs to move to ban all of these “green” energy programs based on environmental and health grounds.
These companies do not have any right to poison everyone.
Solar Panels are a Scam
Solar panels only convert 6-20% of the energy they absorb into electricity. The rest is converted to heat. The heat radiates back out into the environment and rises into the atmosphere. Theoretically, this could impact the weather.
Solar panels require… pic.twitter.com/RlTiPklSHA
— Ashton Forbes (@JustXAshton) September 29, 2024
Besides, if global warming was actually real, they would just use nuclear power, which would solve the supposed “carbon crisis.”
Global warming isn’t real, so they won’t use nuclear, and instead they use these ridiculous and inefficient poison and cancer systems that everyone in the government is invested in.
What sort of joke country is run this way?
Why are we not even allowed to talk about facts, ever?
Is it because the media is completely controlled by the sickening Jews?
Every single American media outlet has a special vertical about “climate change,” where they just lie in the most brazen manner imaginable. It gets spammed everywhere. But they never talk about any of the actual pollutants in our environment, let alone the fact that “green energy” is set to become the biggest spreader of poisons into the environment.
“Green energy” and “global warming” are literally tranny-tier lies.
It’s no different than “Jews are victims” or any of the other “opposite of reality” lies that we are fed on a minute-to-minute basis in this country.