“Israel,” a euphemism for the genocide of Palestine, is deliberately sabotaging the ceasefire in hopes of resuming its genocide of Gaza. Netanyahu is brazenly violating the terms of the ceasefire. According to The New York Times’ Israeli sources, Israel has failed to keep its promises, including sending hundreds of thousands of tents into Gaza. (It’s winter there, and Palestinian women and children are dying of starvation and exposure.)
Hamas, which Israeli officials admit has complied perfectly with the ceasefire agreement, has responded to Israel’s violations by saying that it will delay further hostage releases until Israel stops violating the agreement. Meanwhile, the Jewish-dominated Western mainstream media is lying outrageously by accepting Netanyahu’s framing the situation as “Hamas threatens to break the agreement by not releasing hostages.”
The proverb “the Jew cries out as he strikes you” is inadequate in the face of this kind of genocidal mendacity. (“We Jews are the victims! The evil goys won’t release our hostages! They’re the ones violating the ceasefire! Now we must righteously exterminate them! Those women and children are Amalek! They’re just animals!”) Since Jewish billionaires own the West, starting with its politicians and media, it’s all but illegal to state the obvious: All of this lying genocidal mania is quintessentially Jewish. The Torah is the most racist, genocidal book in the history of the world, and the tribe formed by it is the most racist, genocidal tribe ever to disgrace the face of the Earth.
The proverb “never make a deal a Jew” may not be as witty as “the Jew cries out as he strikes you,” but it does offer sound advice that the Palestinians should have taken long ago. By engaging in the Oslo peace process in good faith, the Palestinians and their regional supporters naively set themselves up for the accelerated genocide they’re now experiencing. The Oslo Accords were never worth the paper they were printed on, because the Jewish State, formed by centuries of demonic Torah-Talmud programming, is psychopathic. And you can’t make a deal with a psychopath.
Now the Resistance faces yet another quintessentially Jewish betrayal of an agreement that was supposed to stop a genocide. Clearly the tribe whose ethics or lack thereof were formed by the Torah-Talmud is supremely non-agreement-capable, and has been for millennia, as the Russians have long known. The only way to deal with them is to make sure they never, ever get the upper hand. And if by some supreme misfortune they do get the upper hand, as they have in the West during the past few centuries, you need to make “getting it back” your top priority…maybe your only priority.
During our argument on his radio show yesterday, Richie Allen was offended when I blurted out that the collapsing ceasefire and resuming genocide reinforces the “never make a deal with a Jew” stereotype. I responded that I’m tired of belaboring the obvious point that “not all Jews” are Zionists, or non-agreement-capable, or genocidal, or whatever. There are plenty of wonderful people who’ve been born into Jewish families, and I’ve been privileged to know dozens of them. I’ve even known a couple of converts to Judaism who were good folks. But the Jewish collective, the tribe, harbors a pernicious racist, genocidal ideology and is given to pathological lying at a level that beggars belief. Anti-genocide fighters are at war with “the Jews” in the same way that anti-Nazis were at war with “the Nazis” and anti-Communists were at war with “the Communists” (even though many if not most Nazis and Communists were nice people and often even interpreted their doctrines in a relatively benign way).
That’s my take, anyway. It definitely isn’t Richie Allen’s.
So what’s yours?
Transcript begins:
That’s The Hollies, or was The Hollies, and long, cool woman in a black dress. This is The Richie Allen Show, live from the heart of the great city of Salford. I’m Richie Allen, and Kevin Barrett is standing by. Kevin, welcome back. Kevin is an academic, he’s a broadcaster writer, and a great friend of the programmes. Kevin, I just want to say a quick hello to you, and I’m going to read part of a statement by the Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, if you don’t mind. How are you, by the way?
I’m doing okay, but having Netanyahu say hello to me instead of Richie Allen is actually kind of a weird way to start the conversation.
It would be nice, wouldn’t it? It actually would be nice, but these people are never going to speak to us, Kevin. Netanyahu has just given a statement to the press in Israel. It’s been picked up by Reuters and every other news agency. He said, I’m going to paraphrase this very quickly. “I’ve concluded a four-hour discussion at the political security cabinet, outraged at the three hostages and their condition last Saturday, yada, yada. We welcome Trump’s demand for the release of our hostages by noon on Saturday and welcome his revolutionary vision for the future of Gaza.” And here’s the important part. “In light of Hamas’s announcement of its decision to violate the agreement and not release our hostages, last night I ordered the IDF to amass forces inside and around the Gaza Strip. The operation is taking place at these hours. It will be completed in the very near future. If Hamas doesn’t return our hostages by noon on Saturday, the ceasefire will be terminated and the IDF will return to intense fighting until Hamas is finally defeated. What’s your response to that?
Well, obviously, Hamas can’t be defeated because it’s Islamic resistance to Zionist genocide. And almost two billion people support that, including everybody here in Morocco, even the bought and paid for government people who run the fake official policy here in Morocco. If any of them had the slightest chance to stick a knife in Netanyahu’s back, they would do it. Everyone hates these people, and increasingly not just around the global South, but in the corridors of power in the West, and to some extent, even in the occupied USA. So I think that this threat to resume high-speed genocide of Gaza…who knows where it will actually go. But all of this is the whole Zionist movement lashing out in its death throes. The whole world has now seen that Zionism is just a euphemism for the genocide of Palestine, that so-called Israel is just a euphemism for the genocide of Palestine. That’s all it’s ever been. That’s all it ever will be. Virtually the entire world’s population despises this genocide and these disgusting psychopaths who are perpetrating it. And they are going down. And the only question is just how badly and bloodily they go down.
Isn’t the question actually how did they go down? Because let’s say for once, I’m not going to spend any time arguing with you. OK, I’m going to say, OK, it’s a disgusting genocide. Of course it is. Crimes against humanity, unspeakable crimes. You have South Africa, you have Scandinavian countries, you have the Republic of Ireland. It’s terrible. But how is it going to be defeated? I’m not here to be pessimistic. I’m going to give you it as I see it. Nobody is going to stop it, Kevin. If they decide from noon on Saturday to begin flying over Gaza and dropping bombs on people who are now sitting on mounds of rubble, on the graves of their children and their widows, nobody in the world is going to stop it. All the words about genocide, all the threats, all the ICCs, nothing is going to stop it, Kevin, is it? Let’s be clear about that. If they want to do it, they’ll do it, and it ain’t going to be stopped.
Indeed, and they’ll be digging their graves even a little deeper. And that means that when people start killing Zionist Jews, they will do it in a more slow and painful fashion.
Who’s going to do that, Kevin? Who’s going to do that?
Everybody is.
But who’s everybody?
Everybody. The prophecy in Islam is that at some point the Jews are going to get so far out of control that every rock and every tree on earth that has a jew hiding behind it will say “there’s a Jew hiding behind me come and kill him.” And I think we’re almost there.
What about the Jews that were in Manchester on Saturday condemning it? What about those Jews?
Well, I hope the rocks and trees don’t shout out about them. I hope they hide successfully. In fact, I will personally hide them.
You see I don’t believe in God and I don’t believe in the scriptures. Maybe I’d be better off if I did. Maybe life would be easier for me. What I see is… the inevitable situation, because I do believe this is the Greater Israel Project laid out, laid bare for everybody in the world to see. The problem I have with it is nothing will stop this happening. If they want, if this is the end or if this is the pinnacle of the Greater Israel Project, and that is to completely rid the region, to rid Palestine of Palestinians, it looks like it’s going to happen.
No, I don’t, I don’t think it will. They could start bombing again and killing hundreds and even thousands more people in Gaza, but nobody’s going to leave. And after a certain amount of more killing, the world will get so fed up that they’ll have to stop again, just like they did before. So it’ll be just a more of what we saw before. And ultimately they’ll have to surrender as they already did. They surrendered once and said, “We lost. Our mission in this war was to destroy Hamas and to get the hostages back by military force, and we failed. So we lost, we surrendered.” And they signed the surrender ceasefire. And now if they tear up the surrender ceasefire and say, oh, no, we’re going to go back and start murdering more civilians and pretending it has something to do with getting rid of Hamas, even though every time we kill somebody in Gaza, 100 more Hamas members spring up, both in Gaza and all around the world. And sympathy for Hamas grows everywhere. Here in Morocco, I mean, everybody’s ready to go and join Hamas if they get the chance. Not everybody’s ready to actually leave their lives and do it. But basically, I don’t think there’s a single person here in Morocco, aside from a handful of Jews, who wouldn’t be just amazingly proud and so grateful to God if somebody from their family could go and die by killing 100 Zionists. That’s how people feel here.
But you don’t know how the Jews living in Morocco feel. They might be every bit as opposed to the genocide as the Jews in London, Manchester, Birmingham. We got to be fair about this. Look, I’m going to put this to you. It’s an old argument between you and me, but we don’t have to dwell on this. You know how I feel about the region. I’ve been consistent my entire working life, even when I was working on commercial radio. I never believed Israel had any right to exist, but then every country that ever came into being came into being through the displacement of one group of people. by another through murder, through genocide. Israel is there. Tough shit, Paddy, is what I’ve said. I don’t want that to be the situation. But it’s the case. What am I saying? What’s my point here? We’ve had this out before. Hamas must have known post October 7th, 2023, what would happen. So maybe 100,000 civilians are dead there, women and children. Why doesn’t Hamas call Israel’s bluff? Show a bit of humanity. And I don’t know how many hostages they’ve got, but if they’ve got 20, say, well, I’ll tell you what, we’ll release the 20. Because if they don’t, they’ll be condemning those people we spoke of a moment ago.
I saw a woman today, Kevin, I actually cried, mate, and I have a heart of stone, me, because I’m so cynical. Like yourself, I’ve seen everything in 30, 40 years. I saw a lady sitting on a pile of rubble with a makeshift kettle, a Palestinian woman. If I talk about it, I’ll break down. She had a cat in her hand, and she was feeding the cat. Now, if they don’t release those hostages, those maniacs are going to kill that woman, Kevin. So forgive my bad language, release the fucking hostages. Do it now, right?
Absolutely not. When a bully is doing horrendous, psychopathic, murderous things to innocent people and says, “guys, you all do exactly what I tell you, or I’m going to continue doing these things,” you can either let that bully take over your world or…Or if you can take, if there’s a one in 10 trillion trillion chance that you might actually ultimately prevail against that bully, you have to try. \It’s not your fault that the sadistic psychopath is doing what he’s doing. Your job and all of our jobs is to resist that psychopath and to do everything we can to try to stop him.
But don’t the Palestinians in Gaza get a say, Kevin? You’re not going to stop him by surrendering to him. But shouldn’t the Palestinians sitting in Gaza tonight, right, probably freezing their backsides off wondering what the hell is going to happen after Saturday. Shouldn’t they have a say in it? Shouldn’t the Palestinians themselves have a say in it? I know it’s hardly suitable for a referendum. There’s nothing there. There’s nothing, no infrastructure. The BBC is running drone footage of Gaza. It’s horrendous. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like some post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie. It really is, right? Shouldn’t those people who’ve come back in there with tents and blankets, shouldn’t they have a say in whether the hostages are released or not?
The Palestinian people and the people of Gaza have had their say. And I’ve been watching reports from Gaza straight through for a year and a half now throughout this genocide. And they’re very firm with “gonna stay here and we’ll die if we have to. We’re not going anywhere. We’re resisting. We support the resistance. We are going to to stay here, and if they’re going to kill us they’re going to kill us.” That’s that’s what I’ve been hearing from all the Palestinians. So the rest of us have the job to support that by absolutely any means necessary that has the slightest chance of being successful. And in fact, anything we do has a very good chance of being successful, because ultimately genocide, in an era of pervasive media, including social media, is completely untenable. And the people who are committing this genocide, they’ve already signed their death warrants. And the only question is how quickly and how brutally they die.
You’re listening to Kevin Barrett. You’ll find Kevin online. He writes for unz.com. He writes on truthjihad.com. He’s got a Substack account, kevinbarrett.substack.com. Do subscribe to him. Do read him there, whether you agree with what you’re hearing or whether you don’t. We’re talking about the future of Gaza. We got into this last night with Ryan Christian from The Last American Vagabond. I asked him: And living there looks to be impossible unless you’re prepared to live at the And living there looks to be impossible unless you’re prepared to live at the absolute ultimate kind of subsistence level, right? It’s going to take, who knows how many years, but let’s say a decade or 15 years to rebuild it. That for me spells danger. Is there a danger that eventually the Palestinian people, or enough of them, will become so miserable, so beaten down by the awful reality of it, that they might seek refuge in elsewhere in the Middle East, Kevin, or they might seek refuge in Europe? What do you reckon?
Well, there’s a possibility that some number of the remaining 1.7 million people, which, I believe, is what the American authorities are saying—which means that half a million people have been murdered in the genocide, which means the numbers are off by a factor of 10. But among the 1.7 to perhaps up to 2 million people who are still alive there today, I would imagine that a certain number would perhaps decide to leave. But I think it would be a minority, probably a pretty small minority, that would even be interested in doing that. And whether the majority that is determined to stay there and die, if necessary, as shahids (martyrs) and reach the highest stations of paradise for standing strong in a demonstration of the greatest heroism ever in the whole history of humanity, would allow those who wish to leave to do it logistically…I don’t know, but I don’t think so. I don’t think it’s doable. I think the only way to get the people of Gaza out of Gaza would be to kill them. And I think long before Israel reaches the point of being able to kill them all, they will be forced by various combinations of global public opinion and military pressure and economic pressure and so on and so forth to stop.
So yeah, I think divine intervention…When I ask this, I’m asking it respectfully, by the way. I think we’ve known each other too long. I’m not being glib when I say this. You think divine intervention, don’t you?
No, I don’t actually, Richie. I mean, I think that basically what we do in this life is just a test for the next life. And so the divine aspect of this is that these heroes in Gaza who are resisting the evil of the Zionist Antichrist are going to be rewarded, whether in this life or the next. But one always prays to be rewarded in the next life where the reward is that much greater.
But in terms of the strategic picture in this world, I’m not depending on miracles. I’ve never been worried about miraculous interventions at all. I don’t believe in miraculous interventions in that sense. I mean, there probably are a few, but… Like when Trump’s ear is supposedly nicked by a bullet, I don’t believe that’s a divine miracle, which is what it would have to be for that story to be true. I’m 100% sure that that was fake. There was no actual bullet that came anywhere near Donald Trump that day on July 13th. So I don’t believe in miracles and divine inventions like that.
My prediction was that Hamas would win this war because the Zionists would fail to achieve their objectives of destroying Hamas and getting their hostages back by military means. I made that prediction in mid-October of 2023, and it’s been borne out. A lot of people argued with me and said, “no, the Israelis, they’ll flood the tunnels if they have to. They’ll kill everybody in Gaza. They’ll expel the whole population from Gaza. They’ll find a way to make sure that Egypt and Jordan take the people, blah, blah, blah.” I said, no, that’s just not going to happen. The Israelis are going to lose.
I wasn’t depending on divine intervention in that analysis. That’s just your basic analysis that almost the great majority of the strategic experts of this region all shared. It wasn’t any big secret. The only reason that you didn’t hear that that was obviously what was going to happen, Richie, is because you’re stuck in the Western Zionist-controlled bubble media, which has blown up a completely psychotic bubble and put out grossly unrealistic information for Westerners to imbibe. And they’re kind of hallucinating on that toxic concoction.
But no, just based on elementary strategic considerations, there’s no way to get those people out of Gaza other than killing them. And you can’t kill them. I guess Israel, the Israeli leadership could say, OK, Kevin’s right. We’re doomed. Israel is going to go up in a nuclear fireball and every Jew on Earth is going to get tracked down and murdered even already, just based on what we’ve already done. So we might as well make it even a thousand times worse or a thousand times more likely that that’s what’s going to happen by killing everybody in Gaza.
But they’re not that…I think that their attitude is, “well, we might still find a way out of this. And we know very well that if we actually did kill everybody in Gaza, that there wouldn’t be any Israel for sure in like 10 or 15 years. Kevin’s prediction would obviously come true even faster than otherwise.”
So just based on this realistic picture of what’s achievable with normal means, there’s just no way that they can possibly get those people out. Mark my words on that. Just like I said, “mark my words” back in October 2023, when I said Israel would not destroy Hamas, they will not get their hostages back, they will end up having to give up and it will be a defeat.
I get my…Information from a wide variety of sources, Mr. Barrett, by the way, Professor Barrett, not just the BBC, obviously. I mean, you’re here because I get some information from your broadcast and your substack. Look, I want to talk about cognitive dissonance, which is something that interested you greatly during your academic career. It’s very important. I want to talk about it. Not in the context of Trump, but I want to finish on Palestine for the moment with this, because listeners are screaming at me to put it to you.
The Times of Israel, Haaretz, and other publications have said that it has been the policy of the Netanyahu regime and others to prop up Hamas, to support Hamas, to provide it with material support, because that was one guaranteed way of scuppering any possibility of there ever being a two-state solution. Is Hamas a Zionist creation? A lot of very clever people think it is, and you know this. I’m sure you disagree with them, but a lot of people think Hamas is controlled opposition. What do you say?
There’s a certain amount of truth in the fact that the Zionists have played both sides and tried to divide and conquer the Palestinians. Their policy has always been to try to prevent the Palestinians from becoming united. And so back when the PLO had very big support, nearly unanimous support in Palestine, and was waging an armed struggle of justified resistance against the slow motion Zionist genocide, the Zionist leadership was willing to try to foster or tolerate other resistance approaches that they thought would then start feuding with PLO. So at that time, the 90s, it made sense for the Zionists to listen to Sheikh Yassin and give him a little bit of money when he wanted to start an Islamic resistance group. And based on their understanding of him, they hoped that the outcome of that would be to divide the Palestinians and neuter the resistance. But it wasn’t very long before they realized that that was a huge mistake.
For the details, you can read Ronan Bergman’s book, Rise and Kill First. Bergman is the unofficial stenographer, some would say the official stenographer of the Mossad. And he explains in great detail in that book, which I think is probably 80% reliable, that every time they’ve come up with some brilliant strategy to neuter one head of the resistance hydra, such as by creating Hamas as a rival to the PLO, then it’s come back to bite them. And every time they’ve killed one leader, a stronger leader has arisen to replace them. There strategy has been a loser. And so that’s the case with Hamas, which became the real Palestinian resistance organization among many real resistance organizations, when the PLO made the fatal mistake of believing Zionist promises that the Israelis were in fact committed to the Oslo peace process, which was unambiguously about the Zionists trading the territory they’d stolen in 1967 for peace. And had the Zionists been willing to withdraw from that territory and allow a Palestinian state to be created on the territory that they stole in 1967, as they promised when they began their Oslo peace process, the whole region would be peaceful today. But instead, as we know, you know, never make a deal with a Jew, Richie. I hate to say that. It sounds racist—
But it is. But it is. It’s beneath you to say that.
I don’t care.
Why do you not? But I mean, what you do is you sacrifice a lifetime’s work by speaking like that. There are people who might be hearing you for the first time and they hear that. And I understand you’re frustrated. It is a genocide.
They just don’t understand the kind of people that they’re dealing with.
I have Jewish friends, Kevin. I have a lot of Jewish friends and I think they, you can’t refer to people like that. It’s terrible. It’s beneath you to do that. That’s my opinion. It’s wrong. Okay.
Well, in any case, uh, we’re seeing a genocide being perpetrated—
But not by Jews, Kevin.
The Jewish state, on behalf of the world’s Jews—the state that acts on behalf of all of the world’s Jews is perpetrating a genocide right now.
You don’t get to say that, Kevin. You don’t get to say that. No, no, no. There are millions of Jewish people living around the world, right? And they are Jewish because they observe the faith of Judaism.
They have 90% support in Israel, and they have support everywhere where there are Jews in the world.
Well, talk about Israelis then. Refer to them as Israelis.
It’s fine if a few Jews with no power and no influence decide to be nice people, that’s wonderful. But all powerful Jews, But all powerful Jews, all Jews working with that tribal Jewish mentality are part of this genocide.
You know what that sounds like to me?
We need to start talking about how these people have been conditioned by their religion.
I’m happy to talk about that all day long. This is a two-way conversation. You’re talking about Israelis. And you’re talking about powerful Jewish business people and financiers who support the state of Israel. But there are millions of Jewish people around the world who don’t deserve to be referred to. Because I know you better. That sounds like the crap you’d have heard from the KKK 30, 40 years ago.
What I’ve discovered is that the people that have been libeled as anti-Semites during the last 100 years of history, especially in the United States, but to some extent elsewhere as well, were right. And they were the good people. And the bad people were the people who were libeling them. It’s really pretty simple. It turns out that everything that they told us about Hitler was actually true about organized Jewish power. I mean, in terms of racism, in terms of genocidal intent, in terms of a project that ultimately intends to try to take over the world and destroy all the lesser beings, that’s who the real Hitler is: Netanyahu and all of his friends. And they’ve been created by a religion that is racist to its core.
It’s fair to equate the crimes of Netanyahu’s regime with the crimes of the Nazis, who killed everybody, people with learning disabilities, people with various handicaps, Romanies Gypsies, Russians, Jews. Of course it is, they’ll have that all day long. But I’m not having that Jews are some sort of clique that are united by their desire for world domination because it just ain’t true, Kevin. And we can look at, let’s look at the COVID bollocks. Let’s look at what happened in 2020. Nobody was more oppressed during that period than Israeli Jews or Israelis with their green card system and their arresting people for going to coffee shops and all the rest of it. Look, I want to get off Palestine for a minute because, um, I know the time is short and I wanted to ask you about something that you had a lot of interest in during your academic career. Some of our listeners might not know this, but Kevin was basically scapegoated and ran out of his job as a lecturer, as a professor, because he had the outright cheek, would you believe it, to ask his students to consider everything they were hearing in the news about geopolitics and about September the 11th and stuff like that. Of course, he did the right thing. He said, look, take everything you hear with a pinch of salt. Look into it for yourself. Who benefits? Why would some country do this? Why would this and all that? Of course, the media got wind of it. And because he was asking his students to think critically, it ultimately ran him out of teaching. And that’s how we got to know each other many, many years ago….
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