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A few days ago, US Vice President JD Vance made a pilgrimage to Dachau, apostatized from Christianity and embraced Holocaustianity—the new official religion of the West in which the Jews have replaced Jesus, the gas chambers have replaced the cross, and Israel has replaced the Resurrection. To climax his conversion, Vance prostrated himself before the holy imaginary gas chambers and uttered the sacred litany: “Never again!”
According to the exoteric doctrine of Holocaustianity, never again means never again a genocide. But even as Vance was intoning “never again,” the government Vance represents was perpetrating genocide—a real and indubitable one this time. And Vance’s boss Trump was blessing that genocide with boastful threats to nuke what remains of Gaza, expel the survivors, and build casinos on the bones of Palestinian women and children.
So what does “never again” really mean, then? The true, esoteric meaning seems to be: Never again will anyone significant in the West arise to challenge Jewish power, or even have the temerity to notice it.
If JD Vance had cojones, he would have put it this way:
“NEVER AGAIN will I allow the Jews to drag me to their infernal holohoax theme park and force me to bow down and kiss kosher tush!”
Now that the livestreamed genocide of Gaza has changed everything, it won’t be long before people start saying things like:
“Never again will we believe in Jewish victimhood.”“Never again will we allow ourselves to be duped by Jewish Power.”
“Never again will we vote for anyone who tolerates the continued existence of the Genocidal Zionist Entity (GZE, pronounced jeeeeez!)”
“Never again will we allow week-old babies to be circumcised and traumatized into a lifetime of tribal psychopathy.”
“Never again will we believe the victors’ history they taught us in school.”
“Never again will we take t he Holocaust story on faith.”
“Never again will we tolerate the persecution of people who don’t take it on faith.”
“Never again will we fall for a Jewish propaganda operation like 9/11.”
And above all:
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