More than fifty NY rabbis have signed an open letter to NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and NY Governor Kathy Hochul pleading with them to protect immigrants from the ongoing efforts of the Trump administration to deport millions of illegal immigrants.
Although the letter doesn’t address the controversy surrounding Mayor Adams and the corruption charges leveled against him, it does request that Adams and Hochul “be the leaders we desperately need at this moment and do all you can to resist Trump’s terrifying anti-immigrant agenda” (see The Jerusalem Post, ‘More Than 50 NY Rabbis Implore Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul to Oppose Mass Deportation,’ by Ben Sales/JTA, 2/19/2025).
The NY rabbis want Adams and Hochul to formally “restrict” immigration raids at schools and places of worship, and to refrain from sharing information with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). They also asked that jails in NY not be used to detain undocumented immigrants that have been arrested.
As one might expect, the letter contains the following emotional plea that harkens back to ‘anti-Semitic’ abuses that Jews claim to have received as immigrants: “We also know in our bones and from our modern history the danger of an unchecked xenophobic government scapegoating ‘outsiders’ to gain power, preying on a population experiencing hard economic times to gain support for a violent and destructive agenda” . . . “We will not stand by while history repeats itself. You, our state and local leaders, must not either.”
The letter serves as a clear indicator of why Jews are not good for White, western nations. No nation can long survive in the face of a continuous pattern of unchecked immigration such as we have in the U.S., and it’s both the duty and right of any nation to know who is entering onto its soil and to approve or deny those same persons. This is plain common sense, and it should be self-evident to everyone. Yet, apparently, this is not the case for many Jews who think that it’s somehow “xenophobic” for the U.S. to protect its own borders; to engage in careful selection and scrutiny of those seeking to enter; and to deport all invaders who refuse to comply with sensible immigration laws.
The hypocrisy of far too many Jews on the matter of immigration becomes astonishingly evident when one discovers just how determined Israeli Jews are in heavily securing their own borders. Has the Israeli government ever been as laxed as the former Biden administration when it comes to immigration? Hardly. They very much protect their borders and thereby their own people from foreign invaders or immigrants from other ethnic groups. This is perfectly reasonable on the part of Israel’s government, and they do not view it as ‘xenophobic’ or ‘racist’ in the least. It also reveals a wise strategy on their part to protect and preserve their people, their cultural values and the safety of future generations. Thus, the very thing that many Jews rightly want for Israel, they deny to America when it comes to immigration enforcement.
The question naturally arises as to why Jews so strongly support mass, third world immigration into the West, particularly when they are often victimized by these same immigrant groups? How could any of this possibly benefit them? The answer to this doesn’t lie in one simple reason, but in several complex reasons, all of which gives us important insight as to the nature of Jews and their suitability among white majority nations.
The first thing to understand is that Jews want unchecked immigration among western countries because it takes the focus off of them as a vexatious minority group. It allows them to essentially hide among other ethnic groups and to conduct their financial schemes, radical politics and cultural subversion efforts with greater secrecy. This is why Jews are always working behind-the-scenes agitating, motivating and even funding minority resistance movements against the greater White majority.
Jews, for instance, played a major role in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, the Black Lives Matter movement, the Gay and Transgender Rights movements, and in openly welcoming hordes of Islamic and African migrants throughout Europe. They didn’t necessarily have to be at the forefront of such public activities (even though in some cases they were). They were content to remain in the background so long as they remained in charge of pulling the strings of social unrest and making the U.S. less of a racially White and Christian nation.
Thus, if Whites were preoccupied with countering a huge influx of Black, Muslim and Hispanic migrants, they would have less time and opportunity in noticing what Jews were doing in corrupting their host countries who have naively accepted them as their own.
Jews, in theory, want to go unnoticed. Despite their hubris and grandiose view of themselves, they don’t really want people to think too much about them because it invariably draws attention to them as a people. And this is where the problems begin because ‘noticers’ soon discover ‘patterns’ of behavior about Jews, much of it not particularly flattering. The more people that people learn about their long history of cultural subversion, their monetary chicanery through the ages, their founding of Communism and cultural Marxism, including their constant promotion of porn and degenerate forms of entertainment among Whites, the less they will be perceived as undeserving victims and more as hostile outsiders.
The second thing to understand is that Jews use mass immigration as a means to destroy nationalism, especially any form of White nationalism. Jews are continually fixated on nationalism, and they view it as a threat to their existence because of what occurred in Nazi Germany during WW2. They are deeply triggered by any rise of White racial identity, and their greatest fear is that Whites might unite on racial grounds and perceive Jews as outsiders and ruinous to their cause. Thus, they are always in fear of another Hitler on the horizon, a common scare tactic used by Jewish groups such as the ADL and SPLC to extract funds from the gullible and easily alarmed.
Although Jews condemn nationalism among Whites, they seem to have no problem with it among the Israeli people. A hardcore ethno-nationalism is not just tolerated, it’s openly encouraged, and most Jews have no problem with declaring that Israel is for them and them alone. It reveals that Jews live with two different standards when it comes to nationalism – one for Whites, and another for themselves. Jews claim that nationalism is permissible for them because they are a tiny country and because they wish to preserve their ethnicity and unique cultural identity. I don’t blame them. But don’t Whites have a right to the same? Why are Whites obligated to give up their racial identity and cultural uniqueness – something that’s not required of any other racial or ethnic group on the planet?
Jews constantly reflect on the events of WW2 and the ‘Holocaust’ in a way that has forever enshrined them as history’s greatest victims in the eyes of most people. This is all very paranoid on their part, of course. Yet, it permits them to engage in all sorts of traitorous activity against their host countries (e.g., promoting mass immigration and helping to legalize ‘immigration rights’). It’s all justified and acceptable in their minds because it prevents Whites from racially uniting and advocating on behalf of their own interests in the same way that Blacks and other racial groups are encouraged to do.
The third thing to understand is that Jews like playing the role of a heroic knight, a rescuer of sorts who arrives on scene to help and advocate on behalf of poor and marginalized immigrants, even if those same immigrants intend to harm, rob and rape American citizens. They see themselves as setting right all that is wrong among humans. Many of them see it as their mission to ‘repair the world.’ This is pure collective narcissism and self-righteousness on the part of Jews; and it’s all cloaked in a phony religious sentiment as ‘concern for the stranger’ – the very stranger these same Jews would never allow to set foot in their beloved land of Israel!
It’s also important to note that Jews have created a plethora of pro-immigrant organizations for the purpose of increasing immigration throughout the West. One of the oldest is HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), a Jewish American nonprofit organization that was originally founded in 1881 in order to assist large numbers of Russian Jewish immigrants to the U.S. It concentrates most of its efforts now in helping African and Muslim migrants to gain entrance into Europe and America – something they would never pursue for Israel! They want the U.S. and Europe to be the squat house soaking up all the world’s refugees. How charitable of them.
Does any of this sound as if Jews work for the best interests of the countries they live in? Is it any wonder why Jews have historically been challenged so frequently over their allegiance to their host nations? The claim that they are ‘parasitical’ is another one that’s constantly raised against them, probably because they live off and consume the economic resources of their host countries with seemingly little concern for the general population.
One wonders, of course, why Jews are not concerned about how third world immigrants will impact Americans once they have arrived on our soil? This never enters into the equation in their advocacy for migrants because Jews simply do not think in such terms when it comes to what benefits American and European Whites. In fact, based on the many destructive public policies that Jews promote throughout the U.S., I believe they do it for the express purpose of harming, undermining and demoralizing the majority White population. How could it be otherwise when so much of what Jews socially and politically support undermines basic morality, traditional values and the continuance of America’s White founding stock?
I’m inclined to think, for instance, that Jews promote the right to abort one’s baby in the most horrific ways (e.g., partial-birth or after-birth abortions) not because such abortions will affect large numbers of Jews (there’s actually been a 32-year decline of Jewish abortions), but because such policies will convince lots of White (non-Jewish) women to murder their babies and thereby reduce the number of Whites who will be born.
However, it’s cloaked in a pro-female, reproductive rights framework that helps conceal their true intentions. It should come as no surprise, then, why a whopping 83% of American Jews favor legalized abortion. The National Council of Jewish Women has even declared that it considers “Abortion a Jewish value and should be safeguarded.” This is not to say that each and every Jew supports abortion because it harms White birthrates, but only that it would be natural for culturally subversive Jews to view the legality of abortion as one of several means to reduce the number of Whites born in the U.S. and Europe.
Those who find it impossible to imagine that Jews could do such a thing only reveal how little they know about the devious and malicious nature of far too many of them. These are a people who think long-term, and they forever hold grudges. They are not inclined to forgive nor forget when it comes to any and all perceived abuses. Nothing is beyond them when it comes to their ability to inflict horrific levels of pain and suffering on their perceived enemies as the ongoing Palestinian genocide has revealed to the entire world.
One question that remains is why Jews would support African and Muslim immigration to the West when many of these same migrants are hostile toward Jews? The rise of Islamic migrants to Europe over the years has shown a dramatic increase in openly ‘anti-Semitic’ attacks upon Jews and their places of worship.
Why would any of this be good for Jews?
A growing number of Jews have, in fact, come to the realization that their support for mass migration over the past few decades has backfired against them. One such Jew, former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, admitted in a 2023 interview that it was a “grave mistake” for Germany to have allowed “so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that” (see Politico, ‘Henry Kissinger on Hamas Attacks Fallout: Germany Let in Too Many Foreigners,’ 10/11/2023).
Kissinger, of course, only realized there was a serious problem when he witnessed numerous pro-Hamas celebrations on the streets of Germany. Once he saw how mass immigration negatively affected Jews, he realized how bad it was. But not before then. It didn’t matter to him what problems it created for the historic German people, their safety and the preservation of their culture. If anything, it illustrated just how little Jews care for the indigenous Whites of the host country they dwell within.
So, while it’s true that some Jews oppose mass immigration to the West, they tend to do so only because of how it impacts the safety and security of Jews. One will rarely find a politically conservative Jew openly declaring that Whites have a right to being the demographic majority in their own countries, the same as Asians, Africans and Hispanics do in their respective countries.
Also, these same conservative Jews do not have the level of influence and control over their ethnic brethren as Jewish progressives do. Liberal Jews almost always drive the agenda for their people, and this explains who so many decisions made on behalf of Jews collectively prove ruinous.
The support of mass migration by Jews is utterly self-destructive when one stops to consider the harmful consequences of it. One would think that Jews would be smarter than to pursue such a deadly strategy, one that would surely guarantee continual acts of mob violence against them by the very migrants they support.
But Jews are unable to think clearly when it comes to immigration and their role among White nations. The subject is treated on a very emotional level, and there is a deeply rooted historical resentment among many Jews for what they have suffered during past centuries. Their hatred for Christianity fuels a lot of it too because many Jews are unable to separate being White from being Christian. They tend to conflate the two, and this helps set them on a course that promotes all sorts of anti-White policies and the passage of laws that hurt the nation’s White majority.