Jewish-motivated antiwhiteism in motion:
2023-2024 Newest Examples:
Six unnamed juveniles (most likely all whites) in Maryland charged with hate crimes for making “anti-Semitic” jokes.
Unnamed Oklahoma regulation pupil expelled and blacklisted for saying on courting websites that he didn’t wish to date blacks and for posting “It’s Okay to Be White” flyers.
2020 “Summer season of Love”
Kyle Rittenhouse – charged with homicide for being a white goy and defending himself.
Garrett Rolfe – charged with homicide for being a white police officer and defending himself.
Mark McCloskey – prosecuted for being a white house owner and defending himself.
Patricia McCloskey – prosecuted for being a white house owner and defending herself.
Derek Chauvin – charged with homicide for being a white police officer following regular police procedures.
Adam Haner – chased by a mob and viciously crushed in Portland, Oregon for being white.
Aaron Danielson – murdered by a BLM rioter.
2017 Charlottesville “Unite the Proper”:
James Fields – charged with homicide for being a white nationalist and defending himself.
Alex Ramos – ditto.
Jacob Goodman – ditto.
Daniel Borden – ditto.
Tyler Davis – ditto.
Benjamin Daley – ditto.
Thomas Gillen – ditto.
Michael Miselis – ditto.
Cole White – ditto.
Robert Rundo – ditto.
Robert Boman – ditto.
Tyler Laube – ditto.
Aaron Eason – ditto.
Daniel McMahon – ditto.
Richard Spencer – subjected to lawfare for being a white nationalist.
Jason Kessler – subjected to lawfare for being a white nationalist.
2014 “Arms Up Don’t Shoot”
Darren Wilson – charged with homicide for being a white police officer and defending himself.
2009 “Beer Summit”
James Crowley – subjected to false accusations of racism for doing his job as a police officer.
2006 Duke Lacrosse Case:
Reade Seligmann – prosecuted on a trumped-up cost for being white.
Collin Finnerty – ditto.
David Evans – ditto.
Kyle Dowd – ditto.
1990 SPLC techniques:
Tom Metzger – subjected to lawfare for being a white nationalist and “influencing” white nationalists convicted of manslaughter.
John Metzger – ditto.