UPDATE: Daniel Penny has now departed the courthouse after his manslaughter charge was dropped
The jury has also left for the weekend, but will return Monday to deliberate the lesser charge of negligence
KEEP PRAYING! He’s still facing YEARS in prison
Here’s exactly what to… pic.twitter.com/Dy4OkJ9usX
— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) December 6, 2024
It was pretty obvious to me Daniel Penny was not going to be convicted of “manslaughter.”
Woke has cooled down a lot. Presumably, that’s because some kind of super-advanced computer models determined that whatever is left of civil society would collapse if it was pushed any further, and people would start lynching Jews.
If Derek Chauvin was on trial this week, he might have gotten off, and it’s likely that case will be appealed successfully.
Penny is young and handsome, a former marine, he fits into the supposed American ethos of the lone hero taking matters into his own hands. But what he did was much closer to a crime than what Chauvin did (not that what Penny did was illegal, but charging him with manslaughter was less obscene than charging a cop with murder and saying he should have just let the criminal go).
The judge in Daniel Penny’s subway chokehold death trial agreed on Friday to dismiss the manslaughter charge against him, leaving jurors only to consider the lesser count of criminally negligent homicide.Judge Maxwell Wiley’s decision stemmed from prosecutors’ request to dismiss Penny’s second-degree manslaughter charge after jurors deadlocked twice on that count. Jurors were not able to consider the criminally negligent homicide count until reaching a verdict on second-degree manslaughter.
By agreeing to dismiss this top charge, jurors will be able to continue deliberating the case. Wiley has instructed them to return to court on Monday, according to CNN.
“Judge Wiley is letting the DA withdraw the manslaughter charge. He’ll let the jury consider just criminally negligent homicide now. That’s big for precedent. That also means Penny is now off the hook for manslaughter, though,” Courthouse News reporter Erik Uebelacker said on X.
Penny had been tried on second-degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in the death of Jordan Neely, whom Penny held in a chokehold for about six minutes on a New York City subway car in 2023.
Six minutes on a subway car on May 1, 2023, divided America instantly. On one side are those who say Daniel Penny is a racially motivated vigilante who murdered Jordan Neely. On the other are those who believe he is a hero who protected his fellow riders.
But what really… pic.twitter.com/0PzCTAyqZJ
— The Free Press (@TheFP) November 25, 2024
Criminally negligent homicide involves engaging in serious “blameworthy conduct” while not perceiving such a risk. Manslaughter, meanwhile, requires proving that a defendant recklessly caused another person’s death.Penny’s lawyers say he was protecting himself and other subway riders from a volatile, mentally ill man who was making alarming remarks and gestures. Prosecutors say Penny reacted far too forcefully to someone he perceived as a peril, not a person.
Letting a jury refuse to agree on one charge and then the DA being allowed to keep the other is not usually how these things work. It’s probably a new precedent, as generally this would be a mistrial.
The judge is trying to let the jury convict him on the negligent homicide.
Of course, the maximum penalty for that is four years, whereas he was facing 15 on the manslaughter charge. Chauvin got 20 years.
The prosecutor in the case is literally an Israeli lesbian literally named “Dafna Yoran.” As you’d expect, and is only proper, she looks like a caricature from Der Sturmer.
I saw a thread about it on Twitter, and was shocked no one was mentioning that she’s Jewish, instead referring to her as “a white woman.”
Greg Price is horrible, but then I scrolled the comments and didn’t find anyone saying “Jew.”
If you scroll down, you find some people hinting about “early life check” and so on.
Apart from banning popular people who talk about the Jews (such as your humble host), Elon Musk de-ranks anti-Jewish comments.
Part of this is the clever “pay to win” system he implemented, where your comments only show if you’ve given your real name to Elon Musk. Obviously, most people talking about Jews online do not want Twitter having their real name on file.
Apart from that, I suspect there is an AI system being used to de-rank “antisemitism.” There was a time when Greg Price’s post would have been flooded with “KIKE ALERT” and “SEE, THIS IS WHAT HITLER WAS SAYING!!!!!”