If you live in the West, noticing and pointing out who rules over you can get you censored, deplatformed, bankrupted, fined, or even sent to prison. Fortunately China, now arguably the world’s most powerful country, offers free speech on that particular topic. Hua Bin, a new contributor to the Unz Review, takes advantage by discussing the Jewish stranglehold on the West in relation to his recent articles “The West Is a Demeritocracy” and “US Reeking of the Smell of Fear.”
Transcript selection:
Kevin Barrett: There is a Karl Rove quote to Ron Suskind, I believe it was, after 9/11. And Rove went on this rant saying that, “all of you in the reality-based community are still stuck in that…We’re an empire and we create our own reality now.”
Hua Bin: Exactly. I must have seen that three dozen times in various books. Essentially this is the imperialist speaking, right? They create the reality and everybody else lives in the reality that they create. And eventually they reach that point where they don’t live in a world of facts, physical laws. Like somehow physical laws are suspended on the date of 9/11, right? Buildings collapsing for no good reason and the laws of physics doesn’t apply to airplanes and things of this nature. I like to think those guys actually are sometimes very honest about what they’re doing. And frankly, it’s out there, right? All the information you need is out there. Very few people actually bother to connect the dots. If you connect the dots, the conclusion is so transparent. It’s so just right staring at you in your face, right?
To your point, Karl Rove is essentially kind of opening the book to you. How many people really think through what he said and what’s the implications? Especially in the context of what happened with 9/11. The so-called war on terror, was just like such a straightforward case of “so who benefits from that terrorist attack? Did the so-called extremist Muslims benefit from that? Or did the state of Israel benefit from that?”
So go back to your common sense logic and think about those defining moments in history. And you say, like, we’re living in a world that’s kind of in the movie of Matrix, right? You can decide to take the blue pill, as most people did, right? And say, “I just pretend I’m living this normal life, not living in the body of the Matrix.” If you take the red pill, it’s actually pretty easy to see through all that.
To what extent do you think that this (Western decadence, demeritocracy, etc.) is symptomatic of not just a decline in virtue in Western leadership circles per se, but specifically a decline in virtue corresponding with the rise of Jewish power in the West? We certainly see that the Jewish tradition behind the creation of the so-called Jewish state in occupied Palestine is genocidal and mendacious. I translated a book by Laurent Guyernot called From Yahweh to Zion, which makes the case that the roots of that kind of psychopathic lack of ethics go back to the Torah, the holy book, which has influenced this whole Jewish tradition.
And so we see that for sure in the colony in Palestine. But there are those who argue that it’s also a factor in the Ukraine war and and in the general bad leadership that we’re seeing in the West, the propaganda bubble that you talked about in your demeritocracy article.
And another quotation regarding that that I want to mention to you, or I did earlier before the show, was Alan Hart, the former BBC lead correspondent for the Middle East, claimed that a very high-level Israeli, who may have been Golda Meir, told him that “our problem is that we believe our own propaganda.” Everybody believes their own propaganda but (here again) Jews are “just like everybody else only more so” as the saying goes. And in this case in terms of believing their own propaganda they really excel at that. We have an unbroken tradition of this tribe whose holidays are all the same: “they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.” So for thousands of years their story is that these evil other tribes hated them and wanted to kill them for no particular reason. And so the heroic Jews then fought those tribes and genocided them, like with Purim in the book of Esther. They won. And so, hey, it’s a story of success. And then that goes right on into modern times, where we have “the Russians fought us with all their pogroms and so on. There were six million Jews killed in the Russian pogroms. But then we won. There was the Bolshevek revolution. And then the Nazis tried to kill us in the gas chambers, and we won.” And all of these stories are about probably about equally reliable. That is, the details of the Purim story are probably just about as reliable as the details of the gas chamber story or any of these stories.
But not only do ordinary Jewish people mostly believe these stories, or pretend to at least on their Jewish holidays in some cases, but they’ve seized tremendous power and have now inflicted these kinds of stories, especially the Holocaust story—and the 9/11 story, for that matter—on the world, as almost a new religion.
And so this believing one’s own propaganda thing is so far out of control in Jewish culture. I wonder to what extent that has perhaps metastasized and killed the quality of leadership in the West in general.
I think there’s certainly a huge extent of that. Let’s be honest: They persevered. They were driven out of their ancestral homeland and they managed not to integrate. They managed not to assimilate into any of the societies, right? They kept their tradition, their language, their identity, and their plan for the long term. And they take every advantage the whole society provides in terms of…influence campaigns, constructing a society that’s beneficial to them or to their particular set of skills. I think if you read Henry Ford’s The International Jew, the connection of his essays back in the 1920s, he was mostly talking about Jewish people, not from a religious perspective, but from a business perspective. But he was kind of describing the the manipulativeness and the kind of reliance on gimmicks, on tricking your competitor and all that.
It sounds like Donald Trump.
Yeah. He’s a dedicated Zionist. He actually probably wanted to be born a Jew. Like some of his best buds are Jewish, right? In New York real estate..,
His mentor was Roy Cohn.
Yeah, exactly. So I think, you know, let me go back to the Jewish, you know, I think uniqueness. I actually think they’re very unscrupulous. They’re very smart, very intelligent, but they really…don’t seem to have any moral mooring, right? It’s probably because of religion. To my knowledge, like Talmud never really talks about virtue, about being good. They never even talk about afterlife. It’s all about maximizing your life in this life. Whatever you do to get ahead is permissible.
Wealth, power, and progeny. And progeny is the only immortality.
Yeah, exactly. Grabbing, kind of enriching yourself, all those are virtues, I think, in their minds. And that’s very different from almost all the teachings in other religions when they describe a better world in the afterlife, so you have to do good in this life in order to get into that better world in the afterlife. But that seems to be lacking. I don’t want to be definitive about it because I don’t want to pretend that I’ve read the Talmud from cover to cover. But from what I hear, the key philosophies from Talmud seem to be very Machiavellian. I’m even a little surprised that Niccolo Machiavelli was not Jewish. Because his words are like music to like to the inner self of the average Jew.
That’s what Michael Ledeen said. Michael Ledeen, one of the nastiest of the neocons, wrote a book on Machiavelli, and he did say that Jews are inherently Machiavellian, and Machiavelli resonates with Jews. So yeah, he put it right out there.