Was Israel involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? (Is there any hard evidence or is it mostly conjecture?). And if Israel was involved, then what was the alleged motive?
Ron Unz—Although there exists no smoking gun proof implicating Israel and its Mossad in the JFK Assassination, there is an enormous mass of circumstantial evidence that they played a central role in the conspiracy, and they certainly stood very high with regard to means, motive, and opportunity.
Moreover, no other organization has such a remarkably long and bold record of very high-profile political assassinations, with many of the targets having been important Western leaders, even including American presidents.
Yet as I emphasized in one of my earliest 2018 articles on the subject, for more than thirty years after JFK’s death almost no one had ever suggested any possible Israeli involvement.
For decades following the 1963 assassination, virtually no suspicions had ever been directed towards Israel, and as a consequence none of the hundreds or thousands of assassination conspiracy books that appeared during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s had hinted at any role for the Mossad, though nearly every other possible culprit, ranging from the Vatican to the Illuminati, came under scrutiny. Kennedy had received over 80% of the Jewish vote in his 1960 election, American Jews featured very prominently in his White House, and he was greatly lionized by Jewish media figures, celebrities, and intellectuals ranging from New York City to Hollywood to the Ivy League. Moreover, individuals with a Jewish background such as Mark Lane and Edward Epstein had been among the leading early proponents of an assassination conspiracy, with their controversial theories championed by influential Jewish cultural celebrities such as Mort Sahl and Norman Mailer. Given that the Kennedy Administration was widely perceived as pro-Israel, there seemed no possible motive for any Mossad involvement, and bizarre, totally unsubstantiated accusations of such a monumental nature directed against the Jewish state were hardly likely to gain much traction in an overwhelmingly pro-Israel publishing industry.However, in the early 1990s highly-regarded journalists and researchers began exposing the circumstances surrounding the development of Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal. Seymour Hersh’s 1991 book The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy described the extreme efforts of the Kennedy Administration to force Israel to allow international inspections of its allegedly non-military nuclear reactor at Dimona, and thereby prevent its use in producing nuclear weapons. Dangerous Liaisons: The Inside Story of the U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship by Andrew and Leslie Cockburn appeared in the same year, and covered similar ground.
Although entirely hidden from public awareness at the time, the early 1960s political conflict between the American and Israeli governments over nuclear weapons development had represented a top foreign policy priority of the Kennedy Administration, which had made nuclear non-proliferation one of its central international initiatives. It is notable that John McCone, Kennedy’s choice as CIA Director, had previously served on the Atomic Energy Commission under Eisenhower, being the individual who leaked the fact that Israel was building a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium.
The pressure and financial aid threats secretly applied to Israel by the Kennedy Administration eventually became so severe that they led to the resignation of Israel’s founding Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion in June 1963. But all these efforts were almost entirely halted or reversed once Kennedy was replaced by Johnson in November of that same year. Piper notes that Stephen Green’s 1984 book Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations With a Militant Israel had previously documented that U.S. Middle East Policy completely reversed itself following Kennedy’s assassination, but this important finding had attracted little attention at the time.
Skeptics of a plausible institutional basis for a JFK assassination conspiracy have often noted the extreme continuity in both foreign and domestic policies between the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, arguing that this casts severe doubt on any such possible motive. Although this analysis seems largely correct, America’s behavior towards Israel and its nuclear weapons program stands as a very notable exception to this pattern.
An additional major area of concern for Israeli officials may have involved the efforts of the Kennedy Administration to sharply restrict the activities of pro-Israel political lobbies. During his 1960 presidential campaign, Kennedy had met in New York City with a group of wealthy Israel advocates, led by financier Abraham Feinberg, and they had offered enormous financial support in exchange for a controlling influence in Middle Eastern policy. Kennedy managed to fob them off with vague assurances, but he considered the incident so troubling that the next morning he sought out journalist Charles Bartlett, one of his closest friends, and expressed his outrage that American foreign policy might fall under the control of partisans of a foreign power, promising that if he became president, he would rectify that situation. And indeed, once he had installed his brother Robert as Attorney General, the latter initiated a major legal effort to force pro-Israel groups to register themselves as foreign agents, which would have drastically reduced their power and influence. But after JFK’s death, this project was quickly abandoned, and as part of the settlement, the leading pro-Israel lobby merely agreed to reconstitute itself as AIPAC.
These new disclosures about the bitter, hidden political struggle between the Kennedy Administration and the Israeli government over the latter’s secret nuclear weapons development program caught the attention of Michael Collins Piper, a longtime journalist at The Spotlight, and he soon began exploring the possible connection to the Kennedy’s subsequent assassination.
Pursuing that lead, Piper quickly amassed a great deal of circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Israeli Mossad together with its American collaborators had probably played a central role in the 1963 killing in Dallas, evidence that previous assassination researchers had missed or perhaps deliberately ignored. For example, Green’s very mainstream 1984 book had noted:
Perhaps the most significant development of 1963 for the Israeli nuclear weapons program, however, occurred on November 22 on a plane flying from Dallas to Washington, D.C., as Lyndon Baines Johnson was sworn in as the 36th President of the United States, following the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Within a few months Piper had produced the manuscript for the first edition of Final Judgment, his seminal work presenting and documenting the Piper Hypothesis, by far the controversial and explosive analysis of one of the most infamous world events of the twentieth century.
As I began reading some of the most popular and important books in the Kennedy assassination genre by leading researchers such as David Talbot, James W. Douglass, and Roger Stone, I noticed that they carefully excluded any mention of Piper’s work, apparently regarding it as just too radioactive to even acknowledge. Similarly, Piper’s close friendship with attorney Mark Lane, the founding father of JFK assassination conspiracy studies, may have severely clouded the latter’s treatment in the movement that he himself had done so much to create.
Final Judgment went through a number of a reprintings following its original 1994 appearance, and by the sixth edition released in 2004, had grown to over 650 pages, including numerous long appendices and over 1100 footnotes, the overwhelming majority of these referencing fully mainstream sources. The body of the text was merely serviceable in organization and polish, reflecting the total boycott by all publishers, mainstream or alternative, but I found the contents themselves remarkable and generally quite compelling. Despite the most extreme blackout by all media outlets, the book sold more than 40,000 copies over the years, making it something of an underground bestseller, and surely bringing it to the attention of everyone in the JFK assassination research community, though apparently almost none of them were willing to mention its existence. I suspect these other writers realized that even any mere acknowledgement of the existence of the book, if only to ridicule or dismiss it, might prove fatal to their media and publishing career. Piper himself died in 2015, aged 54, suffering from the health problems and heavy-drinking often associated with grim poverty, and other journalists may have been reluctant to risk that same dismal fate.
As an example of this strange situation, the bibliography of Talbot’s 2007 book contains almost 140 entries, some rather obscure, but has no space for Final Judgment, nor does his very comprehensive index include any entry for “Jews” or “Israel.” Indeed, at one point he very delicately characterizes Sen. Robert Kennedy’s entirely Jewish senior staff by stating “There was not a Catholic among them.” His 2015 sequel is equally circumspect, and although the index does contain numerous entries pertaining to Jews, all these references are in regards to World War II and the Nazis, including his discussion of the alleged Nazi ties of Allen Dulles, his principal bête noire. Stone’s book, while fearlessly convicting President Lyndon Johnson of the JFK assassination, also strangely excludes “Jews” and “Israel” from the long index and Final Judgment from the bibliography, and Douglass’s book follows this same pattern.
Furthermore, the extreme concerns that the Piper Hypothesis seems to have provoked among JFK assassination researchers may explain a strange anomaly. Although Mark Lane was himself of Jewish origins and left-wing roots, after his victory for Liberty Lobby in the Hunt libel trial, he spent many years associated with that organization in a legal capacity, and apparently became quite friendly with Piper, one of its leading writers. According to Piper, Lane told him that Final Judgment made “a solid case” for a major Mossad role in the assassination, and he viewed the theory as fully complementary to his own focus on CIA involvement. I suspect that concerns about these associations may explain why Lane was almost completely airbrushed out of the Douglass and 2007 Talbot books, and discussed in the second Talbot book only when his work was absolutely essential to Talbot’s own analysis. By contrast, New York Times staff writers are hardly likely to be as well versed in the lesser-known aspects of the JFK assassination research community, and being ignorant of this hidden controversy, they gave Lane the long and glowing obituary that his career fully warranted.
When weighing the possible suspects for a given crime, carefully considering their past patterns of behavior is often a helpful approach. As discussed above, I can think of no historical example in which organized crime initiated a serious assassination attempt against any American political figure even moderately prominent on the national stage. And despite a few suspicions here and there, the same applies to the CIA.
By contrast, the Israeli Mossad and the Zionist groups that preceded the establishment of the Jewish state seem to have had a very long track record of assassinations, including those of high-ranking political figures who might normally be regarded as inviolate. Lord Moyne, the British Minister of State for the Middle East, was assassinated in 1944 and Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN Peace Negotiator sent to help resolve the first Arab-Israel war, suffered the same fate in September 1948. Not even an American president was entirely free of such risks, and Piper notes that the memoirs of Harry Truman’s daughter Margaret reveal that Zionist militants had tried to assassinate her father using a letter laced with toxic chemicals in 1947 when they believed he was dragging his heels in supporting Israel, although that failed attempt was never made public. The Zionist faction responsible for all of these incidents was led by Yitzhak Shamir, who later became a leader of Mossad and director of its assassination program during the 1960s, before eventually becoming Prime Minister of Israel in 1986.
If the claims in the 1990s tell-all bestsellers of Mossad defector Victor Ostrovsky can be credited, Israel even considered the assassination of President George H.W. Bush in 1992 for his threats to cut off financial aid to Israel during a conflict over West Bank settlement policies, and I have been informed that the Bush Administration took those reports quite seriously at the time. And although I have not yet read it, the recent, widely-praised book Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations by journalist Ronen Bergman suggests that no other country in the world may have so regularly employed assassination as a standard tool of official state policy.
There are other notable elements that tend to support the Piper Hypothesis. Once we accept the existence of a JFK assassination conspiracy, the one individual who is virtually certain to have been a participant was Jack Ruby, and his organized crime ties were almost entirely to the huge but rarely-mentioned Jewish wing of that enterprise, presided over by Meyer Lansky, an extremely fervent supporter of Israel. Ruby himself had particularly strong connections with Lansky lieutenant Mickey Cohen, who dominated the Los Angeles underworld and had been personally involved in gun-running to Israel prior to the 1948 war. Indeed, according to Dallas rabbi Hillel Silverman, Ruby had privately explained his killing of Oswald by saying “I did it for the Jewish people.”
An intriguing aspect to Oliver Stone’s landmark JFK film should also be mentioned. Arnon Milchan, the wealthy Hollywood producer who backed the project, was not only an Israeli citizen, but had also reportedly played a central role in the enormous espionage ring to divert American technology and materials to Israel’s nuclear weapons program, the exact undertaking that the Kennedy Administration had made such efforts to block. Milchan has even sometimes been described as “the Israeli James Bond.” And although the film ran a full three hours in length, JFK scrupulously avoided presenting any of the details that Piper later regarded as initial clues to an Israeli dimension, instead seeming to finger America’s fanatic home-grown anti-Communist movement and the Cold War leadership of the military-industrial complex as the guilty parties.
For those interested in reading Piper’s very lengthy analysis, the 2005 edition of his seminal work is available on this website in convenient HTML format.
- Final Judgment
The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
Michael Collins Piper • 2005 • 310,000 Words
This edition actually incorporates several much shorter works, originally published separately. One of these, consisting of an extended Q&A, describes the genesis of the idea and answers numerous questions surrounding it, and for some readers might represent a better starting point.
- Default Judgment
Questions, Answers & Reflections About the Crime of the Century
Michael Collins Piper • 2005 • 48,000 Words
One of the tiny handful of later writers willing to embrace and promote the Piper Hypothesis has been Laurent Guyénot, a leading French conspiracy-researcher. Although I might not necessarily endorse every particular element, I would strongly recommend his 2019 book The Unspoken Kennedy Truth as the best single exposition of the Israel/Mossad case for the JFK Assassination. This paperback summarizes all the important information and is short enough that it can easily be read in just a day or two. His 2018 article on the same subject covers the same information in much more abbreviated form:
Guyénot also presented this same controversial material in the form of an 2022 documentary available on YouTube. Although perhaps too hagiographic, “Israel and the Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers” likewise constitutes the best video introduction to that subject.
Despite being somewhat disorganized, I would also recommend Ryan Dawson’s complementary 2023 documentary NUMEC: How Israel Stole the Atomic Bomb and Killed JFK, which focuses very heavily upon Israel’s nuclear weapons development program.
Candace Owens wraps up the entire story in 3 minutes
At this stage, if you don’t fully agree that Israel Mossad was the main culprit behind JFK assassination, then you’re either blackmailed, reetarded, bribed, and/or jewish. pic.twitter.com/ZNwXepIdd6
— Machiavelli (@TheRISEofROD) March 21, 2025
How does the later 1968 assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy fit into this story?
Ron Unz—I believe that the widespread tendency to disassociate the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the 1968 assassination of his younger brother Sen. Robert F. Kennedy has been a major mistake.
The two men were the closest of political allies and partners. Robert served as Attorney-General in the administration of his elder brother and was widely regarded as the second most powerful figure in America during that period. Furthermore, a careful consideration of the evidence suggests that those two assassinations were closely connected, as might naturally be assumed.
In my first 2018 article on the JFK Assassination, I explained that I had spent almost my entire life so brainwashed by the mainstream media narrative that I had never once suspected the possibility of any conspiracy in that killing.
But as I gradually became suspicious and decided to finally investigate the topic, the first book I happened to read was David Talbot’s 2007 national bestseller Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, focused on the relationship between John F. Kennedy and his younger brother Robert. I explained that this turned out to be an extremely fortuituous choice:
The Talbot book especially impressed me, being based on over 150 personal interviews and released by The Free Press, a highly reputable publisher. Although he applied a considerable hagiographic gloss to the Kennedys, his narrative was compellingly written, with numerous gripping scenes. But while such packaging surely helped to explain some of the favorable treatment from reviewers and how he had managed to produce a national bestseller in a seemingly long-depleted field, for me the packaging was much less important than the product itself.
To the extent that notions of a JFK conspiracy had ever crossed my mind, I’d considered the argument from silence absolutely conclusive. Surely if there had been the slightest doubt of the “lone gunman” conclusion endorsed by the Warren Commission, Attorney-General Robert Kennedy would have launched a full investigation to avenge his slain brother.
But as Talbot so effectively demonstrates, the reality of the political situation was entirely different. Robert Kennedy may have begun that fatal morning widely regarded as the second most powerful man in the country, but the moment his brother was dead and his bitter personal enemy Lyndon Johnson sworn in as the new president, his governmental authority almost immediately ebbed away. Longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, who had been his hostile subordinate, probably scheduled for removal in JFK’s second term, immediately became contemptuous and unresponsive to his requests. Having lost all his control over the levers of power, Robert Kennedy lacked any ability to conduct a serious investigation.
According to numerous personal interviews, he had almost immediately concluded that his brother had been struck down at the hands of an organized group, very likely including elements from within the U.S. government itself, but he could do nothing about the situation. As he regularly confided to close associates, his hope at the age of 38 was to reach the White House himself at some future date, and with the government in his hands then uncover his brother’s killers and bring them to justice. But until that day, he was powerless and any unsubstantiated accusations he made would be totally disastrous both for national unity and for his own personal credibility. So for years, he was forced to nod his head and publicly acquiesce to the official story of his brother’s inexplicable assassination at the hands of a lone nut, a fairy tale publicly endorsed by nearly the entire political establishment, and this situation deeply gnawed at him. Moreover, his own apparent acceptance of that story was often interpreted by others, not least in the media, as his wholehearted endorsement…
If the first two dozen pages of the Talbot book completely overturned my understanding of the JFK assassination, I found the closing section almost equally shocking. With the Vietnam War as a political millstone about his neck, President Johnson decided not to seek reelection in 1968, opening the door to a last minute entry into the Democratic race by Robert Kennedy, who overcame considerable odds to win some important primaries. Then on June 4, 1968, he carried gigantic winner-take-all California, placing him on an easy path to the nomination and the presidency itself, at which point he would finally be in a position to fully investigate his brother’s assassination. But minutes after his victory speech, he was shot and fatally wounded, allegedly by another lone gunman, this time a disoriented Palestinian immigrant named Sirhan Sirhan, supposedly outraged over Kennedy’s pro-Israel public positions, although these were no different than those expressed by most other political candidates in America.
All this was well known to me. However, I had not known that powder burns later proved that the fatal bullet had been fired directly behind Kennedy’s head from a distance of three inches or less although Sirhan was standing several feet in front of him. Furthermore, eyewitness testimony and acoustic evidence indicated that at least twelve bullets were fired although Sirhan’s revolver could hold only eight, and a combination of these factors led longtime LA Coroner Dr. Thomas Naguchi, who conducted the autopsy, to claim in his 1983 memoir that there was likely a second gunman. Meanwhile, eyewitnesses also reported seeing a security guard with his gun drawn standing immediately behind Kennedy during the attack, and that individual happened to have a deep political hatred of the Kennedys. The police investigators seemed uninterested in these highly suspicious elements, none of which came to light during the trial. With two Kennedy brothers now dead, neither any surviving members of the family nor most of their allies and retainers had any desire to investigate the details of this latest assassination, and in a number of cases they soon moved overseas, abandoning the country entirely. JFK’s widow Jackie confided in friends that she was terrified for the lives of her children, and quickly married Aristotle Onassis, a Greek billionaire, whom she felt would be able to protect them….
Taken as a whole, I found Talbot’s narrative quite convincing, at least with respect to demonstrating the existence of a substantial conspiracy behind the fatal event.
Others certainly had the same reaction, with the august pages of The New York Times Sunday Book Review carrying the strongly favorable reaction of presidential historian Alan Brinkley. As the Allan Nevins Professor of History and Provost of Columbia University, Brinkley is as mainstream and respectable an academic scholar as might be imagined and he characterized Talbot as
the latest of many intelligent critics who have set out to demolish the tottering credibility of the Warren Commission and draw attention to evidence of a broad and terrible conspiracy that lay behind the assassination of John Kennedy — and perhaps the murder of Robert Kennedy as well.
In many respects, I think that the RFK Assassination is the Rosetta Stone of the two killings since the existence of a conspiracy is so absolutely obvious and undeniable. In recent years, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has publicly declared that Sirhan was innocent and should be freed from prison, and in early 2022 I published an additional article discussing the case in much greater detail:
Over the years, the 1968 Robert Kennedy assassination has attracted merely a sliver of the books and research devoted to the earlier killing of his elder brother in Dallas, and Talbot’s text spent only a few pages sketching out the strong evidence that the convicted gunman was merely an innocent dupe, manipulated by the true conspirators. But in 2018, two additional books appeared that were entirely focused on the case.A Lie Too Big To Fail by longtime journalist and conspiracy researcher Lisa Pease ran 500 pages and covered the events of that fatal California evening in exhaustive detail, winning the endorsements of filmmaker Oliver Stone and renowned JFK researcher James W. Douglass. When I read it a few months ago, I found the huge volume of material quite useful but felt that it relied too heavily upon the recollections of eyewitnesses, which can easily grow attenuated over the decades…
Meanwhile, The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy by Tim Tate and Brad Johnson was released that same year and suffered from none of these flaws. The two conspiracy researchers had spent some 25 years heavily involved in the case, and although their volume was only around half the length of the Pease book, it seemed a far more effective treatment of the topic, including eyewitness accounts but focused primarily upon the undeniable physical and forensic evidence while avoiding any damaging bouts of unwarranted speculation.
While working at CNN, one of the authors had originally obtained the audiotape establishing the number of shots fired, which probably constitutes the single strongest piece of evidence in the case. The book analyzed and evaluated that crucial item in tremendous detail, and also focused upon the fatal shot, which was fired at point-blank range from behind the candidate while Sirhan, the supposed gunman, was standing several feet in front. But since both the publisher and the lead author were British, the work seems to have received much less attention in this country, and I only discovered and read it after Kennedy cited it in his SF Chronicle column.
Unlike many other controversial American killings or terrorist attacks, the powerful evidence of a conspiracy in the case of the RFK assassination was physical and seemingly undeniable. Wikipedia is notoriously reluctant to promote conspiratorial narratives, but in this case the striking facts are presented with only rather weak challenges.
The conclusive proof from the audio recording only came to light in 2004, but I was surprised to discover that all the other strong evidence, including the large number of unexplained bullet holes, had already been known and reported for decades.
Former Congressman Allard K. Lowenstein had been heavily involved in the 1968 election campaign, playing a major role in the effort to unseat incumbent President Lyndon Johnson. In 1977 he published a long cover-story in the influential Saturday Review, setting forth the overwhelming evidence that a second gunman had been involved in the shooting, and my content-archiving system provides a convenient PDF copy. So nearly all the crucial facts in the case have been known for 45 years, but were almost always ignored by our dishonest or cowardly American media.
Three years after publicly revealing that explosive information, Lowenstein himself was dead, supposedly shot at the age of 51 by a deranged lone gunman who had been a former student of his, but I have been informed that his personal friends never believed that story.
As I explained in a different article, some of the strange circumstances of the RFK Assassination provided additional evidence for the Piper Hypothesis of Mossad involvement in the death of our president.
David Talbot’s influential 2007 book Brothers revealed that Robert F. Kennedy had been convinced almost from the first that his brother had been struck down in a conspiracy, but he held his tongue, telling his circle of friends that he stood little chance of tracking down and punishing the guilty parties until he himself reached the White House. By June 1968, he seemed on the threshold of achieving that goal, but was felled by an assassin’s bullet just moments after winning the crucial California presidential primary. The logical assumption is that his death was engineered by the same elements as that of his elder brother, who were now acting to protect themselves from the consequences of their earlier crime.A young Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan had fired a pistol at the scene and was quickly arrested and convicted for the murder. But Talbot emphasizes that the coroner’s report revealed that the fatal bullet came from a completely different direction, while the acoustical record proves that far more shots were fired than the capacity of the alleged killer’s gun. Such hard evidence demonstrates a conspiracy.
Sirhan himself seemed dazed and confused, later claiming to have no memory of events, and Talbot mentions that various assassination researchers have long argued that he was merely a convenient patsy in the plot, perhaps acting under some form of hypnosis or conditioning. Nearly all these writers are usually reluctant to note that the selection of a Palestinian as scapegoat in the killing points in a certain obvious direction, but Bergman’s recent book also includes a major new revelation. At exactly the same moment that Sirhan was being wrestled to the floor of the Ambassador Hotel ballroom in Los Angeles, another young Palestinian was undergoing intensive rounds of hypnotic conditioning at the hands of Mossad in Israel, being programmed to assassinate PLO leader Yasir Arafat; and although that effort ultimately failed, such a coincidence seems to stretch the bounds of plausibility.
I asked Grok the following question: “Did JFK try to prevent Israel from acquiring nukes”?
Here’s how Grok responded:
In a May 1963 letter to Ben-Gurion, Kennedy explicitly warned that U.S. support for Israel could be jeopardized if Israel pursued nuclear weapons, stating, “This Government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the nuclear field.”Kennedy also tied U.S. military aid to Israel’s cooperation on Dimona. While he approved some arms sales (like Hawk missiles in 1962), he used these as leverage to press for transparency…..
By the time of Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963, Israel hadn’t openly weaponized, but its program was advancing covertly…. Kennedy’s push delayed Israel’s progress but didn’t stop it—Israel likely achieved nuclear capability by the late 1960s, after his death.” (Grok)
This excerpt suggests that Israel had a strong motive for disposing of Kennedy. It also suggests that Israel finally achieved nuclear capability under Lyndon Johnson (which casts suspicion on Johnson.)
In your opinion, was Lyndon Johnson aware of the plot to kill Kennedy?
Ron Unz—I actually think it’s very likely that Johnson was an important participant in the plot to kill Kennedy. During his entire political career, he had been known as one of America’s strongest supporters of Zionism, even willing to take illegal actions on behalf of that movement while still a Congressman. As Senate Majority Leader during most of the 1950s, he led the pro-Israel political opposition to the more balanced Middle East policies of President Dwight Eisenhower. Therefore, he certainly had direct channels of communication with the top Israeli leaders as their assassination plans might have moved forward in 1963.
Moreover, Johnson was then facing political destruction at Kennedy’s hands, so would have had a powerful personal motive for involving himself in that plot.
When I first began investigating the topic of the JFK Assassination a dozen years ago, I was very surprised to discover that only a tiny fraction of the books focused on Johnson’s possible involvement, while the overwhelming majority either completely ignored that issue or else explicitly dismissed the idea. In my earliest 2018 article on the likely participants, I noted this very curious omission:
If a husband or wife is found murdered, with no obvious suspect or motive at hand, the normal response of the police is to carefully investigate the surviving spouse, and quite often this suspicion proves correct. Similarly, if you read in your newspapers that in some obscure Third World country two bitterly hostile leaders, both having unpronounceable names, had been sharing supreme political power until one was suddenly struck down in a mysterious assassination by unknown conspirators, your thoughts would certainly move in an obvious direction. Most Americans in the early 1960s did not perceive their own country’s politics in such a light, but perhaps they were mistaken. As a total newcomer to the enormous, hidden world of JFK conspiracy analysis, I was immediately surprised by the mere sliver of suspicion directed towards Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, the slain leader’s immediate successor and the most obvious beneficiary.The two Talbot books and the one by Douglass, totaling some 1500 pages, devote merely a few paragraphs to any suspicions of Johnson’s involvement. Talbot’s first book reports that immediately after the assassination, the vice president had expressed a frantic concern to his personal aides that a military coup might be in progress or a world war breaking out, and suggests that these few casual words demonstrate his obvious innocence, although a more cynical observer might wonder if those remarks had been uttered for exactly that reason. Talbot’s second book actually quotes an apparent low-level conspirator as claiming that Johnson had personally signed off on the plot and admits that Hunt believed the same thing, but treats such unsubstantiated accusations with considerable skepticism, before adding a single sentence acknowledging that Johnson may indeed have been a passive supporter or even an accomplice. Douglass and Peter Dale Scott, author of the influential 1993 book Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, apparently seem never to have even entertained the possibility.
Ideological considerations are probably an important reason for such remarkable reticence. Although liberals had grown to revile LBJ by the late 1960s for his escalation of the unpopular Vietnam War, over the decades those sentiments have faded, while warm memories of his passage of the landmark Civil Rights legislation and his creation of the Great Society programs have elevated his stature in that ideological camp. Furthermore, such legislation had long been blockaded in Congress and only became law because of the 1964 Democratic Congressional landslide following JFK’s martyrdom, and it might be difficult for liberals to admit that their fondest dreams were only realized by an act of political parricide.
Kennedy and Johnson may have been intensely hostile personal rivals, but there seem to have been few deep ideological differences between the two men, and most of the leading figures in JFK’s government continued to serve under his successor, surely another source of enormous embarrassment to any ardent liberals who came to suspect that the former had been murdered by a conspiracy involving the latter. Talbot, Douglass, and many other left-leaning advocates for an assassination conspiracy prefer to point the finger of blame towards far more congenial villains such as hard-line, anti-Communist Cold Warriors and right-wing elements, notably including top CIA officials, such as former director Allan Dulles.
An additional factor helping to explain the extreme unwillingness of Talbot, Douglass, and others to consider Johnson as an obvious suspect may be the realities of the book publishing industry. By the 2000s, JFK assassination conspiracies had long become passé and were treated with disdain in mainstream circles. Talbot’s strong reputation, his 150 original interviews, and the quality of his manuscript broke that barrier, and attracted The Free Press as his very respectable publisher, while later drawing a strongly positive review by a leading academic scholar in the New York Times Sunday Book Review and an hour long television segment broadcast on C-Span Booknotes. But if he had devoted any space to voicing suspicions that our 35th president had been murdered by our 36th, surely the weight of that extra element of “outrageous conspiracy theory” would have ensured that his book sank without a trace.
However, if we cast off these distorting ideological blinders and the practical considerations of American publishing, the prima facie case for Johnson’s involvement seems quite compelling.
Consider a very simple point. If a president is struck down by an unknown group of conspirators, his successor would normally have had the strongest possible incentive to track them down lest he might become their next victim. Yet Johnson did nothing, appointing the Warren Commission that covered up the entire matter, laying the blame upon an erratic “lone gunman” conveniently dead. This would seem remarkably odd behavior for an innocent LBJ. This conclusion does not demand that Johnson was the mastermind, nor even an active participant, but it raises a very strong suspicion that he at least had had some awareness of the plot, and enjoyed a good personal relationship with some of the principals.
A similar conclusion is supported by a converse analysis. If the plot succeeded and Johnson became president, the conspirators must surely have felt reasonably confident that they would be protected rather than tracked down and punished as traitors by the new president. Even a fully successful assassination would entail enormous risks unless the organizers believed that Johnson would do exactly what he did, and the only means of ensuring this would be to sound him out about the plan, at least in some vague manner, and obtain his passive acquiesce.
Based on these considerations, it seems extremely difficult to believe that any JFK assassination conspiracy took place entirely without Johnson’s foreknowledge, or that he was not a central figure in the subsequent cover-up.
Last year I published another article summarizing the very strong case for Johnson’s involvement in much greater detail:
My impression is that until the last dozen years or so, merely a sliver of the books and articles on the JFK Assassination ever even hinted at the possible role of LBJ, apparently regarding the notion as too radioactive to mention and ignoring the obvious logical case for his involvement…As the Vietnam War escalated and President Johnson became an object of intense hatred in leftist circles, I think that suspicion of his personal role in the death of his predecessor may have gradually spread. In 1966 a young Berkeley anti-war activist named Barbara Garson reworked the treachery and regicide of Shakespeare’s Macbeth into a modern day sketch involving the recent death of our own president at the hands of his successor, in which the murderous usurper was finally avenged and slain by the character representing Robert F. Kennedy. MacBird! first appeared in Ramparts, a leading antiwar publication of the Left, and it was soon developed into a play, running for many hundreds of performances in New York City, Los Angeles, and elsewhere despite pressure from the authorities. But that short work of allegorical, almost satirical fiction aimed at Johnson seems to have been very much the exception to the pattern.
Johnson never received even a hint of suspicion in Oliver Stone’s Oscar-winning 1991 film and a closely-related book endorsed by that famed director took a similar position…
The appearance of JFK Assassination books has tended to come in waves. The tremendous success of Stone’s 1991 film led publishers to open their doors, and another such wave followed in the wake of Talbot’s 2007 best-seller, further boosted by the considerable sales success and favorable reviews of Douglass’ 2009 work. But this latter period finally saw the appearance of several important books arguing that Johnson had been the central figure in the plot.
The first and most important of these works was LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination, a hefty 2011 volume running well over 600 pages by Phillip F. Nelson, a retired Texas businessman. Nearly fifty years had elapsed since Johnson’s death, and Nelson did an excellent job of collating and compiling the overwhelming evidence of Johnson’s long and extremely sordid political career, a career that allegedly culminated in the murder of his predecessor.
Johnson had been a product of Texas politics and during the first half of the twentieth century his state seems to have borne a strong resemblance to a corrupt Third World country, whose vast oil wealth and lucrative federal programs offered enormous financial opportunities for those clever and ruthless enough to take advantage of them. Thus, Johnson was born dirt-poor, held low-paying government jobs throughout his entire life, yet in 1963 he took the oath of office as the wealthiest president in modern American history, having accumulated a personal fortune of over $100 million in present-day terms, with the financial payoffs from his corporate benefactors laundered through his wife’s business. Johnson’s striking wealth is so little remembered these days that a prominent political journalist with Texas roots expressed total disbelief when I mentioned those facts to him fifteen-odd years ago.
Johnson’s political and financial rise had relied upon stolen elections and massive government corruption schemes and these sometimes placed him in legal jeopardy. Given such difficulties, Nelson makes a strong case that the future president may have protected himself by arranging a long series of murders, with some of the stories being absolutely astonishing but apparently true. For example, in one bizarre 1961 incident that strangely foreshadowed the Warren Commission’s “lone gunman” finding, a federal government inspector investigating a huge Texas corruption scheme involving a close LBJ ally rejected various attempts to buy him off and was then found dead, shot five times in the chest and abdomen by a rifle; but his death was officially ruled a “suicide” by the local authorities, and reported as such with a straight face in the pages of the Washington Post.
Many of these murders may have been committed by a certain Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, whom Nelson identifies as Johnson’s personal hitman, kept on the federal payroll of the Department of Agriculture between his periodic lethal assignments. In one remarkable 1951 incident, Wallace shot dead in broad daylight a local celebrity golf pro who was involved in a messy affair with Johnson’s troublesome sister Josefa, leading a jury to convict him of first degree murder. Although under Texas law such a verdict would normally carry a mandatory death penalty, Wallace instead astonishingly escaped with a suspended sentence allowing him to immediately walk free, courtesy of Johnson’s massive political influence. The Texas of that era seemed to share characteristics similar to those of Chicago during the reign of Al Capone.
Although he operated much more cautiously away from his Texas domain, Johnson seems to have adopted similarly ruthless methods in DC, heavily relying upon corruption and blackmail to solidify his power base in the U.S. Senate over which he reigned during much of the 1950s. He also immediately recognized the power wielded by J. Edgar Hoover, whom he enlisted as one of his closest political allies, shrewdly buying a house just a few doors down from the longtime FBI director and living as a close neighbor for nearly twenty years.
After spending the years of Eisenhower’s second term widely regarded as the most powerful Democrat in America, Johnson decided to seek the Presidency in 1960, hardly regarding the much younger Kennedy, whom he greatly outranked in political stature and somewhat despised, as a serious threat. His confidence was reinforced by the fact that no Catholic had been nominated by a major party since Al Smith’s epic 1928 disaster.
Unfortunately for Johnson’s political plans, patriarch Joseph Kennedy had already spent a quarter century as a powerful political figure, relentlessly plotting his own family’s path to the White House. His liquid wealth was far greater than Johnson’s and he was willing to freely spend it on his son’s nomination drive, swamping all other candidates in the bribes and secret payoffs that determined the voting outcomes in some of the crucial but very corrupt primary states such as West Virginia. So by the time of the Democratic convention, the younger Kennedy had the nomination all locked up and Johnson had been politically humiliated.
At this point, matters took a strange turn. Both Kennedy and his younger brother Robert detested Johnson and they had already selected Sen. Stuart Symington as the Vice Presidential nominee when suddenly at the last moment Johnson was placed on the ticket instead. Both Nelson and Seymour Hersh in The Dark Side of Camelot told this story and strongly argued that heavy use of personal blackmail was responsible for this sudden change of political plans rather than geographical ticket-balancing or any other legitimate factor. But Kennedy’s paper-thin 1960 victory would have been far more difficult without Texas narrowly falling into the Democratic column, and the massive election fraud orchestrated by Johnson’s ruthless political machine had been crucial in achieving that result.
Johnson had begun 1960 as the most powerful Democrat in America and he reasonably believed that his efforts had been crucial in winning the November race, so he naturally expected that he would play a major role in the new administration, even issuing grandiose demands for a huge political portfolio. But instead he was immediately sidelined and treated with complete disdain, soon becoming a forlorn figure in DC with no authority nor influence. With Johnson having lost his longtime power-base in the Senate, the Kennedys eventually made plans to get rid of him, and just a few days before the assassination, they were already discussing whom to place on the 1964 reelection ticket in his stead. They recognized that once purged, Johnson might become a dangerous and vindictive political foe, so they decided to remove that possibility by using the record of his massive corruption and many crimes in Texas to completely destroy him.
The recent fall of Bobby Baker, Johnson’s key political henchman in the Senate, presented an excellent opportunity. So the Kennedys began orchestrating a media campaign to expose Johnson, intended to result in his political destruction and perhaps a lengthy prison sentence. James Wagenvoord was then the 27-year-old assistant to Life Magazine‘s executive editor, and in early November 2009 he emailed a note breaking his long decades of silence and telling the story of the massive expose against Johnson that had been pulled at the very last moment. Nelson quoted this astonishing revelation at length, only correcting minor typos and errors:
Beginning in later summer 1963 [Life] magazine, based upon information fed from Bobby Kennedy and the Justice Department, had been developing a major newsbreak piece concerning Johnson and Bobby Baker. On publication Johnson would have been finished and off the ’64 ticket ([the] reason the material was fed to us) and would probably have been facing prison time. At the time Life magazine was arguably the most important general news source in the United States. The top management of Time Inc. was closely allied with the USA’s various intelligence agencies and we were used…by the Kennedy Justice Department as a conduit to the public…The LBJ/Baker piece was in the final editing stages and was scheduled to break in the issue of the magazine due out the week of November 24 (most likely one of the next scheduled editions, November 29th or December 6th, distributed four or five days earlier than those dates). It had been prepared in relative secrecy by a small special editorial team. On Kennedy’s death research files and all numbered copies of the nearly print-ready draft were gathered up by my boss (he had been the top editor on the team) and shredded. The issue that was to expose LBJ instead featured the Zapruder film. Based upon our success in syndicating the Zapruder film I became Chief of Time/Life editorial services and remained in that job until 1968. (emphasis added.)
Thus, by mid-November 1963, Johnson seemed a desperate political figure at the absolute end of his rope. But a week later he was the President of the United States, and all those swirling scandals were suddenly forgotten, with the huge block of magazine space reserved for the story of his political destruction apparently instead filled by the coverage of the assassination that placed him in the White House.
These crucial facts about Johnson’s desperate personal situation address a criticism commonly raised by conspiracy skeptics, such as establishmentarian historian Stephen Ambrose. By 1992, Oliver Stone’s very successful film had unleashed a flood of JFK Assassination books and Ambrose published a lengthy 4,100 word review and rebuttal of these in the New York Times Sunday Book Review, emphasizing the very long list of the alleged anti-Kennedy conspirators across those different volumes, including elements of the Mafia, the CIA, the Pentagon, J. Edgar Hoover, Vice President Johnson, Texas oil millionaires, Southern racists, Defense contractors, and international bankers. But Kennedy’s extremely narrow 1960 victory had heavily relied upon an overwhelmingly solid Democratic South, and given his subsequent tilt towards black Civil Rights, this was unlikely to recur, placing his reelection prospects in serious doubt. The 1964 vote was less than a year away, and Ambrose plausibly argued that all those bitter Kennedy enemies would surely have focused their efforts on removing him through the ballot-box, perhaps by revealing his numerous sexual indiscretions, rather than taking the unprecedented risk of organizing a Presidential assassination. But although that argument applied to the roster of Kennedy’s other powerful enemies, LBJ was the obvious exception since his political life and personal freedom were hanging by a thread. So in that long list, only Johnson had the motive to strike immediately.
Johnson and his close allies entirely controlled the city of Dallas and Nelson explained how the Vice President lured Kennedy there to his doom. During that fatal motorcade, Johnson occupied a vehicle following Kennedy’s and Nelson devoted more than a dozen pages to discussing the photographic and eye-witness evidence demonstrating Johnson’s awareness of the shooting that was about to take place, with the very nervous Vice President making repeated excuses to lower his head as his vehicle approached the target area and then reacting before anyone else in the procession, completely ducking down in his car the moment the first shot was fired. Although this hardly proves that Johnson was the central mastermind of the plot, the evidence of his direct foreknowledge of the planned shooting seems overwhelmingly strong.
Nelson further reported the striking detail that more than three decades after the assassination, a previously unknown fingerprint on a box in Oswald’s alleged sixth floor sniper’s nest in Dallas Book Depository was finally identified by an expert as being that of Mac Wallace, Johnson’s longtime hit man. Wallace himself may not have been one of the shooters and Nelson actually suggested that his role had instead been to place the shells and clean up the scene, but this obviously greatly strengthens the evidence of Johnson’s involvement in the killing.
The success of Nelson’s lengthy, heavily documented volume prompted others to come forward as well. Longtime Republican political operative Roger Stone had gotten his start under Richard Nixon and on the fiftieth anniversary of the JFK assassination, he drew on Nelson’s ground-breaking research to publish his own book The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, co-authored by Mike Colapietro and similarly implicating Johnson. The Stone book became a national bestseller and by reading it in 2016 I first encountered Nelson’s analysis, years before I read the latter’s own book on the subject. Stone successfully brought Nelson’s material to the attention of a much wider audience, but he also added several important items of his own as I explained in 2016:
Aside from effectively documenting Johnson’s sordid personal history and the looming destruction he faced at the hands of the Kennedys in late 1963, Stone also adds numerous fascinating pieces of personal testimony, which may or may not be reliable. According to him, as his mentor Nixon was watching the scene at the Dallas police station where Jack Ruby shot Oswald, Nixon immediately turned as white as a ghost, explaining that he had personally known the gunman under his birth-name of Rubenstein. While working on a House Committee in 1947, Nixon had been advised by a close ally and prominent mob-lawyer to hire Ruby as an investigator, being told that “he was one of Lyndon Johnson’s boys.” Stone also claims that Nixon once emphasized that although he had long sought the presidency, unlike Johnson “I wasn’t willing to kill for it.” He further reports that Vietnam Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge and numerous other prominent political figures in DC were absolutely convinced of Johnson’s direct involvement in the assassination.
Stone has spent more than a half-century as a ruthless political operative, a position that provided him with unique personal access to individuals who participated in the great events of the past, but one that also carries the less than totally candid reputation of that profession, and individuals must carefully weigh these conflicting factors against each other. Personally, I tend to credit most of the eyewitness stories he provides. But even readers who remain entirely skeptical should find useful the large collection of secondary source references to the sordid details of LBJ’s history that the book provides.
Although Stone’s book had already given me a second-hand account of much of Nelson’s ground-breaking research, in late 2021 I finally read the original work and found it extremely detailed and persuasive, while it also provided many important elements that Stone had excluded from his considerably shorter and more personal volume. I’d certainly rank Nelson’s book as one of the dozen or so crucial texts that should be read by anyone seriously interested in the JFK Assassination…
Nelson’s heavily documented work echoed many of the dramatic accusations against Johnson made decades earlier in a short, self-published book, one lacking any index or bibliography, but that still sold an astonishing 7.5 million copies.
Sixty years ago on the eve of the 1964 elections, J. Evetts Haley, a conservative Texas Democrat and historian who had himself unsuccessfully run for governor in 1956, released A Texan Looks at Lyndon, a scathing attack against the occupant of the White House, which focused entirely upon the dark side of an extremely dark political figure, presenting many of the same facts and plausible suspicions regarding massive corruption and multiple murders that would be documented in such considerable detail by Nelson almost a half-century later. According to a short and hostile retrospective 1987 account in the liberal Texas Monthly, no publisher would touch Haley’s book and under pressure from Johnson’s allies, it was eventually banned from newsstands and airports, but at one point sales still reached 50,000 per day, becoming the most successful political book of all time.Haley was a long-time member of the right-wing John Birch Society and some of his accusations of Communist influence do seem considerably exaggerated, but according to the dismissive verdict of that mainstream Texas reviewer writing in the late 1980s:
In his most outrageous claim, Haley insinuated that Johnson was involved with the Kennedy assassination. The problem was that Haley’s polemic lost touch with reality.
Thus, it’s rather strange to discover that for sixty years a reasonably accurate account of LBJ’s nefarious activities has probably been sitting on millions of private bookshelves across America while being almost totally ignored by our entire political and media class. During 1966 and 1967 liberal activists had become intensely hostile toward Johnson and sometimes quietly speculated that he had gained the White House through murder, but very few of them would ever open the pages of a book published just a couple of years earlier that provided so many of the crucial details, rejecting that work as having been written by a zealous Bircher and ardent Goldwater supporter.
Meanwhile, I suspect that few right-wingers paid much attention to Haley’s speculations regarding the JFK assassination. In March 1964 Prof. Revilo Oliver, a very influential Far Right figure who had co-founded the John Birch Society and edited its monthly magazine, had published “Marxmanship in Dallas,” blaming the assassination upon the Communists, and that became the widely-accepted narrative in such ideological circles.
Ironically enough, Johnson himself took the same position in his own private conversations with top American political leaders, regularly diverting suspicion towards the Soviet Communists, and there is considerable evidence that this clever ruse had been a planned element of the assassination plot from the very beginning.
John Newman spent twenty years in Military Intelligence and afterward became a professor of history at the University of Maryland. Over the last several decades he has applied the technical skills he honed in his many years of government service to analyzing the bureaucratic minutia of declassified government files and in 1993 he published Oswald and the CIA, an important work whose revised 2008 edition contained a new epilogue, summarizing some of his crucial conclusions.
Prof. Newman makes a very strong case that in the months prior to the killing a false intelligence trail was deliberately created suggesting that Oswald might have been a Soviet agent. This allowed Johnson to use such misinformation to compel the leading figures of the Warren Commission to suppress all evidence of any conspiracy in Dallas in order to avoid “kicking us into a war that can kill forty million Americans in an hour.” While Newman’s important findings do not prove that Johnson had been part of the plot, they are obviously very consistent with that hypothesis.
Gaddafi Figured It Out Long Ago
Gaddafi once said that ISRAEL killed JFK! pic.twitter.com/Ffb1xQXhbS
— Jackson Hinkle (@jacksonhinklle) March 20, 2025
What can you tell us about CIA officer James Jesus Angleton and his connection to Israeli intelligence? Did Angleton subvert JFK’s policy of preventing Israel from acquiring nuclear weapons or are the facts still unclear?
Ron Unz—Angleton spent decades as the CIA’s head of Counter-Intelligence, ranking as one of the most powerful figures in that organization, while also serving as its exclusive liaison with the Israeli Mossad. As Piper documented in his book, Angleton’s Mossad ties were so strong, he has sometimes been seen as a Mossad asset, and after his forcible retirement in 1975, the Israeli government took the step of awarding him singular honors it never extended to any other American intelligence officer. According to Seymour Hersh and other highly-regarded writers on intelligence matters, Angleton secretly provided the Israelis with technical nuclear information during the late 1950s and 1960s.
Obviously, given his counter-intelligence position, he was responsible for thwarting penetration of the CIA by foreign intelligence services, so if his own loyalties had shifted to Israel, he would have remained safe from any investigation.
For exactly those reasons, Piper’s seminal 1994 work pointed to Angleton as likely being the key CIA official involved in the JFK assassination plot.
Meanwhile, on entirely different grounds, Prof. John Newman came to exactly the same conclusion in his own important book on the JFK Assassination. In late 2022 Tucker Carlson broadcast his landmark show declaring that elements of the CIA had been heavily involved in the JFK Assassination, prompting Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to praise the segment as “The most courageous newscast in 60 years.”
This prompted me to write an article describing Newman’s very important analysis:
By purest chance, Carlson’s show had aired just a few days after I had finished reading an important book on the JFK assassination that someone had brought to my attention last year. Originally published almost thirty years ago, this work provided some crucial insights into how the political cover-up of the conspiracy had been arranged, a cover-up that has now endured for nearly six decades. The most powerful man in the world had been killed at the very height of America’s postwar success and prosperity, yet nearly all of America’s political elites were successfully enlisted to suppress the truth of what had happened.John Newman had spent twenty years in Military Intelligence and afterward became a professor of history at the University of Maryland. Since then, he had applied the technical skills that he had honed in his many years of government service to analyzing the bureaucratic minutia of declassified government files and using this material to produce a series of books on the hidden side of American government policies during the 1960s, including our growing involvement in Vietnam and especially the complex circumstances of the JFK assassination. Oswald and the CIA originally appeared in 1993, but the 2008 edition included a new epilogue, summarizing some of his most important findings.
The book is a lengthy one, running over 650 pages with notes and appendices, and his exhaustively detailed analysis of the released intelligence files and their interpretation can be eye-glazingly dull at points, but his broader conclusions are not difficult to state. The profusion of internal CIA documents regarding Oswald and his movements seems completely inconsistent with any institutional plot at the Agency to kill Kennedy, but might fit very well with the hypothesis of a “rogue faction” at the CIA having played a central role in the affair.
Newman argued that Oswald was exactly the “patsy” that he claimed to be, but more importantly he drew a very sharp distinction between the small group of plotters who had actually organized the JFK assassination itself and the much larger group who carried out the subsequent cover-up, with the motives of many of those latter individuals being entirely different. As he persuasively explained in his epilogue, the conspirators had created a false intelligence trail suggesting that Oswald might have been a Soviet agent, and then used that misinformation to force our fearful government leadership into become their unwitting accomplices after the fact, compelling them to suppress all evidence of any conspiracy in Dallas.
Newman’s crucial conclusions are worth quoting at length:
It is now clear that most of the U.S. leaders and officials who participated in the national security cover-up had nothing to do with the plot that was hatched before the president’s murder. Many of them—including leading legislators and Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren—were motivated by the perceived threat of a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union. Inside the executive branch of government, many others were motivated by the desire to protect their jobs and their institutions. Their collective actions, however, were not the result of an accident; rather, they were the forced checkmate in the endgame of an ingenious plan.The plan was designed to force official Washington to bury a radioactive story in Oswald’s files in order for America to survive. The plan worked. No matter how sloppy the performance of the shooters in Dallas was, no matter how bungled the autopsy and the handling of the evidence was, all would be trumped by the threat of WWIII and 40 million dead Americans. From the beginning, the plot was based upon the assumption that, when presented with this horrific possibility, everyone would fall into line. This assumption was correct.
…There was a darker purpose for Oswald’s visit to Mexico City. He was sent there to seek visas from the Cuban Consulate and Soviet Embassy…the objective was simply incidental contact between Oswald and the man who issued Soviet visas in Mexico City: Valery Kostikov. The value of this contact derived from what only a handful of counterintelligence officers in Washington knew: Kostikov was an important operative of the KGB assassinations in the Americas…The handler’s purpose in having both Oswald’s and Kostikov’s names mentioned was to place evidence into the CIA’s records that, on 22 November, would link KGB assassinations to the murder of President Kennedy. The activities of this impersonator are what made it possible for President Johnson to tell Senator Russell on 29 November that those investigating the case were “testifying that Khrushchev and Castro did this.” Johnson insisted that this must be prevented “from kicking us into a war that can kill forty million Americans in an hour.”
I went on to say:
So under Newman’s convincing reconstruction, most of the powerful American officials who played such a pivotal role in concealing the conspiracy may have been acting under the best of intentions, seeking to protect our country from the risk of a devastating retaliatory war with the Soviets. And obviously these concerns would have been deliberately fanned by those among them who had been involved in the plot and created the false trail of evidence connecting Oswald with KGB assassination efforts.The author therefore argued that creating that false trail had constituted an absolutely crucial element of the assassination plot, and by a very careful examination of the intelligence files, he concluded that longtime CIA Counter-Intelligence Chief James Angleton had been the likely culprit, thus identifying him as one of the key conspirators. This conclusion meshes perfectly with the entirely different arguments advanced by the late Michael Collins Piper in Final Judgment, his 1994 landmark work, which had also argued that Angleton was a central figure in the assassination.
Homage To The American Spy Who Gave Israel Nukes?
While the Internet is abuzz with theories linking Kennedy’s assassination to Israel, I was unable to find one mainstream news agency that even alluded to the story. Can you explain this puzzling omission to me?
Ron Unz—The total silence of the mainstream media on this very controversial issue is hardly surprising given the extremely strong protection it has always provided to Israel on all matters.
For example, the unprovoked 1967 Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in international waters killed or wounded more than 200 American servicemen, but although all the facts have been thoroughly documented for decades, the media has almost totally concealed that story from the American public.
Similarly, the very strong evidence that Israel played a central role in the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was first presented by Michael Collins Piper more than thirty years ago. His book became an underground best-seller, with 40,000 copies in print, but the Piper Hypothesis was so radioactive that almost no members of the supposedly fearless community of dissident JFK conspiracy-researchers would even acknowledge its existence, let alone hint that it might possibly be correct.
So far I’m not aware of any true bombshells contained in the more than 63,000 pages of government documents released last week, though some of these do seem to further substantiate the claims made by Piper and other JFK conspiracy-researchers over the decades. The headline of the 9,000 word article in the New York Times was “New Trove of Kennedy Files Offers Few Revelations So Far,” and this is probably correct.
But once many experienced researchers begin collating and analyzing all those isolated, fragmentary bits of evidence and connecting the dots, important conclusions might begin to emerge.
However, I think that the more immediate impact of the release of documents will be due to a different factor.
I believe that most of the basic facts of the assassination, the likely identity of some of the most important conspirators, and their main motives have probably been quietly known for years or even decades by conspiracy-researchers and others who have been sincerely interested in discovering story.
But the sudden release of all these documents may focus a great deal of renewed public attention on the case. Perhaps this will encourage many more prominent public figures who had long kept silent to finally come forward and admit that a conspiracy had been involved and that the battle over Israel’s nuclear weapons development program had been the likely reason for the death of our 35th president.
For example, as I discussed earlier, longtime political consultant and Trump advisor Roger Stone had completely excluded any reference to Israel in his JFK Assassination book published more than a decade ago. But last week, he mentioned the conflict over the Israeli nuclear weapons program and Tweeted it out to his more than 800,000 Followers, with the Tweet viewed 1.3 million times.
Kennedy was also in conflict with the State of Israel.
Israel sought to develop nuclear weapons, but Kennedy opposed the idea.
After JFK’s assassination, President Lyndon Baines Johnson approved Israel’s pursuit of the nuclear bomb.
Another factor in all of this. pic.twitter.com/82ISNOqGuQ
— Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) March 18, 2025
With these ripples of information spreading across the social media and the rest of the Internet, the true circumstances behind the assassinations of the Kennedys may finally reach a large portion of the American public after six decades.
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