Naomi Klein’s bestseller The Shock Doctrine exposed intelligence operations designed to violently shock entire populations. Just as the CIA’s MK-Ultra program used electroshock and megadoses of LSD to disorient and brainwash individuals, the CIA and its bankster owners have deliberately shocked whole nations in order to reprogram them.
9/11 is the most salient example of intelligence agencies delivering a jolting psychological blow to change a nation’s policies. But The Shock Doctrine never openly addresses 9/11. The closest Klein comes is when she explains how 9/11 saved Israel by preventing its economic collapse.
After the dotcom bubble burst in the late 1990s, Israel’s tech sector—its main economic engine—seized up. Palestinian resistance bombings decimated the tourism industry. Jews fled Israel in droves. The experimental “Jewish state” was on the brink of failure…when suddenly, on 9/11, everything changed. The security-tech sector exploded worldwide. And Israel was poised to take advantage.
Klein notes that at the beginning of 2001, during the run-up to 9/11, Israel had presciently funneled immense investments, representing all of its available capital, into the “anti-terrorism” security sector. In other words, Tel Aviv essentially moved its entire dotcom-bubble-ruined tech sector into anti-terrorism technology start-ups. Klein explains:
“A slew of new start-ups were launched, specializing in everything from ‘search and nail’ data mining, to surveillance cameras, to terrorist profiling. When the market for these services and devices exploded in the years after September 11, the Israeli state openly embraced a new national economic vision: the growth provided by the dot-com bubble would be replaced with a homeland security boom.” (Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine, p.435)
And it worked. 9/11 saved Israel—and made it the world leader in the dark arts of “security” technology.
For almost 25 years, Israel has been the world leader in developing and selling Orwellian high tech torture-repression-genocide equipment to the world’s worst dictators and thugs…and to “democratic” governments willing to abuse their citizens. The Zionists have maintained their competitive edge thanks to a crucial advantage: the Occupied Palestinian Territories, gargantuan open-air concentration camps offering millions of human guinea pigs for the Zionists to experiment on.
Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestinian Laboratory, is a Jewish Australian journalist and author who recently produced the al-Jazeera documentary series “How Israel tests military tech on Palestinians.” His report is quite an eye-opener.
Lowenstein shows how the Israelis are developing 24/7/365 surveillance of the Palestinian population: “Under the so-called frictionless occupation, these cameras are linked to artificial intelligence systems, watching for what Israel deems threatening behavior. If the frictionless occupation can’t get a fixed camera on you, it can send a flying one… These checkpoints are where the latest frictionless technology is tested, including this AI-enabled, remotely controlled gun which fires stun grenades, tear gas and sponge-tip bullets. It’s made by Israeli company Smart Shooter. These checkpoints also boast Israel’s most comprehensive data-gathering tool, Wolfpack. They take your photo, then they know all details about you: where you’ve been, where you go, what you like, what you don’t like, your private things. Then there is another system, Red Wolf. It’s set up in the checkpoints and in the control rooms, and it’s refiling Palestinians according to their political stance. When the soldiers scan a Palestinian’s face, they get a traffic light-style indication of their supposed risk.”
Israel’s AI-based total surveillance systems have been tuned to facilitate genocide. The Zionists use an AI algorithm to find someone who, based on surveillance data, has a certain level of probability of being linked to Hamas. Then they drop gigantic bombs on that person’s whole neighborhood, murdering hundreds of undeniably innocent women and children in order to kill a single individual who a computer algorithm says has a 75% chance of being involved in Hamas. That’s how they maintain “plausible deniability” regarding the genocide they are plainly committing, according to the ICC, the ICJ, Amnesty International, and a growing list of countries.
Lowenstein notes: “Google and Amazon have been building cloud services and data farms in Israel since 2021 under a deal called Project Nimbus…to storage huge amount of information about people in Gaza…this cloud was used to help some of the attacks.” Tech workers have protested, saying they don’t want to be complicit in their companies mass murdering tens of thousands of women and children, only to be fired for speaking out.
Israel has gained immense power—it essentially owns the US government outright—while developing Orwellian surveillance-and-genocide equipment. Today the primary victims are the Palestinians. But the millenarian-messianic extremists in Netanyahu’s cabinet dream of a day when their Messiah will slaughter and subjugate the world’s entire non-Jewish population and establish total planetary control from a “rebuilt” blood sacrifice temple in Occupied Jerusalem.
Today, it’s the Palestinians. Tomorrow, it’s you.