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As I write this early Sunday afternoon Morocco time, food trucks began rolling into Gaza a little over an hour ago. Al-Jazeera correspondent Hind Khoudary reports from Rafah:
You can’t imagine how happy Palestinians are, especially with the fact that they can move freely now. I am in Rafah right now, on one of the main roads connecting Khan Younis to Rafah. The destruction is massive. For the first time since May, when the Israeli army invaded Rafah, Palestinians have the chance to come to their houses. And they’ve come and found it shocking that their houses are reduced to rubble. To the right of me, a man is just sitting on top of his bombed house; another family is trying to clean up and gather whatever’s left of their houses in order to bring back their relatives. They say that they’re going to clean up, remove all of the rocks, see if there are any bombs or shrapnel left, and then bring their families back. This is the atmosphere now; everyone’s going back to their houses and neighbourhoods. I met very young children, one of them told me, “I know my house is bombed, but I just want to see it.”
This outcome—the Resistance and Palestinian people enduring, even as Israel failed to achieve its two war aims (obliterating Hamas and freeing all hostages through military means)—was entirely predictable. In fact, I have been predicting it since mid-October 2023. Zionist idiots scoffed and said Hamas would be obliterated and the hostages returned within a few weeks, or a month at most. They kept changing their timeline and story over the 15-month war, while I continued to point out that “Israel” was doomed to suffer a catastrophic defeat due to Netanyahu’s idiotic politically-based decision to fight a war he was sure to lose.
Meanwhile, hysterical non-reality-grounded alt-media people whined that Gaza was destroyed forever and would never be rebuilt, that all surviving Gazans would soon be expelled into the Egyptian desert, and that “Israel” would soon turn Gaza into a Club Med for rich Jews. They added that the West Bank would soon be emptied of Palestinians, who would all be murdered with the survivors hounded into Jordan. When I expressed skepticism about the logistics (and geopolitical consequences) of murdering over five million people and expelling the survivors, these folks didn’t have an answer, other than something along the lines of: “The Jews own America, they’re evil, and they can do whatever they want.”
No, they can’t. And almost all well-informed American Jews, from liberals to uber-Zionist Thomas Friedman, agree with me that Netanyahu is an idiot who pursued a doomed war plan for purely political reasons. Now it’s all coming unglued. “Israel” will be lucky to hold itself together in the wake of this monumental defeat.
The Palestinian people are the heirs to the prophets. Their steadfast resistance to tyranny, even under unimaginably horrific conditions, is a stunning inspiration to everyone who cares about truth and justice. In a world with few heroes, Palestinian heroism bestrides the globe like a new Colossus. The sacrifices they have made, and the victory they are well on the way to winning, will be remembered forever. Epitomizing and embodying good (the new multipolar order) defeating evil (the old Zionist-bankster-run Western empire) the epic liberation of Palestine will likely become the founding myth (meaning “sacred story”) of the multipolar world.
The next round of resistance will have even more regional backing, notably from Turkey and Turkish-allied Syria. And the Shia-led Axis of Resistance in Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon isn’t going away, but will be plotting revenge for however long it takes. Meanwhile the whole world, with the exception of a small number of very powerful lunatics in America, now hates Israel, views it as the new Nazi Germany and Bibi as the new Hitler, and is dedicated to the cause of Palestinian liberation. “Israel” has no more chance of existing in its current form in 2035 than 1980s apartheid South Africa had of persisting into the new millennium.
False Flag Weekly News transcript extract:
Kevin Barrett: Well, moving on to the genocide news of the week. Is the genocide over? That’s our theme. And Israel’s cabinet has approved the ceasefire deal. So that’s a good sign, provisionally anyway. Well…how provisionally, Wyatt? What do you think?
Wyatt Peterson: Well, it’s good news. Anytime mass slaughter and destruction ceases, that’s good news. Unfortunately, Gaza has been turned to rubble. And so all this talk about them being able to return to their homes…you ask yourself, what homes? God only knows how many people are buried underneath that. But unfortunately, it remains to be seen if this ceasefire is even going to be honored by the Israelis. They have a history of not honoring such agreements. Most recently, the ceasefire with Lebanon. Within a week, French officials said they’d already violated it 52 times. And even after this one, after the ceasefire was agreed upon, Netanyahu tried holding the whole thing up, claiming that Hamas had reneged on the deal without specifying exactly how. And airstrikes proceeded to kill roughly 100 more Palestinians, over half of whom were women and children.
But what do you expect when you make a deal with a people that have a religious rite, Kol Nidre, that allows them to annul all their vows that they make in the coming year? Kol Nidre is performed in a darkened synagogue on the eve of Yom Kippur. And it literally is a vow to annul any agreement they make in the coming year.
Chris Hedges has a new article out that’s pretty cynical about this. And he goes through some historical events of Israel totally just not adhering to ceasefire agreements, starting with the Oslo Accords and working all the way through to the 2008 ceasefire. So I’m not very optimistic it’ll hold, but we’ll see.
That Kol Nidre prayer on, which holiday is that again?
Yom Kippur, the eve of Yom Kippur. I have it right here. It says, “he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand and declare, ‘every vow which I make in the future shall be canceled.’ So what kind of a people has a right like that, a religious right?
Well, maybe they’ll at least have to pause their genocide until next Yom Kippur?
It’s like, you know, only pretty dark humor can deal with this kind of thing. But the tweeters are happy. Gaza has won. Palestine won. Resistance won. Imperialism, Zionism, the Democratic Party lost. And… People were “overwhelmed with emotion.” Certainly the Palestinians were. It was great watching the celebrations in Gaza. And the resistance got credit online.
This, I thought, was one of the most touching tweets:
Basically every family in Gaza has experienced the killing of a relative. And so the first thing they’re going to do is visit their graves, or in some cases get them decently buried. Israel ought to know that having everybody in Gaza having lost a relative, didn’t win them any long-term friends, did it?
No, world opinion is totally against them. And even in America now, public opinion seems to be turning against them. It’s no longer verboten to criticize Netanyahu and aspects of war Zionism, even in the mainstream. We’ll see what the long-term consequences of that are But I think the world’s disgusted at the barbarity of the Israeli state.
Yeah, absolutely. That’s what I said on Press TV. They managed to get me on just hours after the ceasefire announcement was made. So I made some of those points. I credited the resistance. One of the reasons that the Israelis went ahead and did this, supposedly under prodding from Trump, was that the resistance was just as strong as ever. Early January apparently had seen some real disasters for Israeli patrols in parts of Gaza where they supposedly claimed that they had completely cleaned out Hamas. Well, they didn’t. Indeed, RT reports that there was very heavy fighting in areas that were, quote unquote, overwhelmed by Hamas fighters. And even Blinken admitted that Hamas was totally replenishing its ranks.
So the resistance was a big part of this. Israel couldn’t win. They couldn’t win the military fight. And maybe at some point they realized that just massacring civilians wasn’t really getting them anywhere.
It’s very hard to win a war against these insurgency groups, especially if they’re fighting for a cause, fighting for their homes and their homeland and the ones they love. The Israeli army, as I’ve said before, is very good at killing people from a distance, bombing innocent civilians, women, children, elderly, but they’re too immoral to really do the dirty work on the ground. Max Blumenthal came out with that documentary for The Grayzone and he’s showing these IDF soldiers dressing in women’s underwear in houses that they’ve captured, (undergarments stolen from) these families that they’ve killed. And that bespeaks of a very immoral army that I don’t think is capable of actually winning a protracted war on the ground. There’s a big difference between just bombing with state-of-the-art technology that America gives them, and actually getting down there and closing this thing out. And I don’t think they have the ability to do it.
No, they’re good at killing women and dressing up in the women’s clothing, but they’re not so good at actually fighting anybody who fights back.
Well, the situation where there’s a presidential transition and this big hostage release situation reminded a lot of people of what happened in 1980, 1981, when Reagan took the oath of office in January 1981. And just minutes later, the Iranian hostages were released, obviously the result of a treasonous deal that was made to torpedo Jimmy Carter’s presidency. And that’s been written about in the books October Surprise by Barbara Honneger, and then the slightly more dubious book also called October Surprise by Gary Sick. Indeed, that so-called conspiracy theory was rabidly denied by the mainstream, including the New York Times, for many decades.
Then just a few years ago, they admitted that actually it was true. A whistleblower with the Reagan campaign blew the whistle and finally did a deathbed confession and admitted that it was all true, that Reagan’s people had cut that deal with Iran to hold the hostages until Reagan won the election and got inaugurated. So that precedent makes us a little suspicious about Trump coming in and supposedly getting this peace deal.
Yeah, I thought you did a good job making this comparison on your recent Press TV appearance, because politically it’s very good for Trump. He has the image now of: he comes into office while the world’s burning, war is breaking out all over the place, and he comes in and plays hardball and he gets the deals done. Unfortunately, when he takes office, we’ll see if this endures. Because I really believe that all the money he took from the likes of Miriam Adelson and Bill Ackman and Jacob Helberg et al., is going to influence him more than any humanitarian concerns.
The Zionist right-wing media right now is trying to spin this whole deal, saying that Hamas was so scared of the incoming Trump administration that they agreed to the deal. But that’s not really what happened at all. In fact, the deal resembles one Hamas wanted to sign, what, eight months ago? And the Zionist outliers in Israel have been very outspoken against this, threatening to implode the whole Netanyahu government from within. So, you know, we’ll see. It’s promising. Trump does deserve some credit for getting this done.
(Read the complete transcript at my Substack by clicking on “transcript” above the video image.)