My coverage of the Fraud Gamer scandal has been completely vindicated. Many retards were saying this was not important and it shouldn’t be covered, and these people have been shown to be quadruple retarded. This scandal is now blowing apart Elon Musk’s entire image, and it is forcing him to have a complete meltdown.
On Wednesday, Elon Musk responded to claims of being a fraud gamer. He responded on a stream, and then made a joke about it. It was not the kind of joke I advised him to make, where he would admit he is not building his own Path of Exile 2 account and that it was all a troll, but rather he made jokes mocking people who don’t believe it’s his account.
This is the clip. (I can’t find where Elon reposted it because he tweets so fucking much you can’t find anything on his timeline. It’s also possible he deleted it, I don’t know.)
ELON MUSK: “Am I going to comment on the Chinese driver of my Path of Exile account? Yes. His name is Yilongma and he’s amazing. I rely on him for everything.”
— Autism Capital
(@AutismCapital) January 15, 2025
But that was only the precursor to the total meltdown.
After saying this on stream and posting it on Twitter and getting a very negative response, he started to go after Asmongold, who is likely the most-viewed person calling out the fraud. He leaked DMs with Asmongold (which is a violation of his own Twitter ToS), and then removed Asmongold’s check and his pro-gamer icon.
Elon Musk just leaked his DMs with Asmongold and removed his verification badge after the streamer accused him of being a fraud gamer.
— Know Your Meme (@knowyourmeme) January 16, 2025
He then restored both, then removed the pro-gamer icon.
This is total mania. The man is completely losing his shit.
It was already known that he was willing to remove checks from people who criticized him, thereby limiting their reach by something like 90%. He did this to Laura Loomer and others who criticized his stated plan to replace American people with superior Indians. That was unhinged enough, as it shows that his claims of being a supporter of free speech are just a complete lie, and that he actually bought Twitter so he could control speech and push his own agenda. He only claimed to support “free speech” in order to gain popular support.
Taking away someone’s check for calling him out for cheating at video games in the most obvious way imaginable, however, takes this to a whole other level, and it is becoming clear that I was 100% on point when I said that this man is not simply a fraud, and a borderline retard, but also struggling with severe mental illness and losing touch with reality.
What makes this all much worse is that the claim he made about the DMs that he leaked does not make any sense.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 16, 2025
He refers to Asmongold’s “editors” as if they are newspaper editor’s that you have to run things by before you publish. In fact, Asmongold was obviously referring to the people who edit his videos for YouTube uploads. If that wasn’t obvious, in the actual screenshot Elon posts, you can see Asmongold explaining what he means by “editors.”
For those who don’t know: Asmongold streams on Twitch, where all of his content is originally recorded. As a raw stream is kind of messy, and is too long, he hires people to edit the content down for YouTube uploads. Every single Twitch streamer does this for their YouTube uploads. Video editing is time intensive, and it is also a separate skill set than streaming video games and commentary, so of course the streamers themselves do not stream for 12 hours a day and then log off and start editing their content for YouTube – especially not if they are making millions a year like Asmongold is.
To mistake this for meaning he has people who oversee his content is very confusing. Given that Elon has it explained to him in clear language in the screenshot, it seems to me that in order to get this confused, he would have to be suffering from mental illness, something similar to schizophrenia. It represents a breakdown of his ability to understand language and reality itself. Although I do believe Elon Musk is absurdly stupid – like, he has a sub-100 IQ – I don’t think simply being stupid explains his inability to understand this concept.
In Quin’s most recent response to Elon, he actually said that he is starting to feel bad making fun of Elon because he seems to be having a mental crisis.
After posting the DMs and taking Asmongold’s check (before giving it back), he accused Asmongold of being bad at video games. Asmongold responded by joking around with the ultra-serious Musk.
Leaking my DM’s is one thing but this is absolutely uncalled for
— Zack (@Asmongold) January 16, 2025
Asmongold is not the best gamer, and he’s never made that claim. Elon is the one claiming to be one of the best gamers in the world.
It simply cannot be stressed enough that no one who has played PoE2 or has played any games in the genre would be able to watch Elon’s stream and believe he is one of the best players in the world. It was already completely wild to claim he is playing this game 14 hours or more per day while running all these companies and running the Trump office, but when you see him play it is just like “breh.”
Elon Musk’s father says Elon’s teachers thought he was retarded.
— speckzo
(@ExtremePapist) January 7, 2025
He has to be going insane to believe anyone would believe this, and he has to be even more insane to think it is a good idea to have a public meltdown and start censoring his critics on Twitter. This is getting to the point where you no one would be surprised if this guy whipped down his pants and started masturbating at a public event, or got caught with human flesh in his refrigerator. That is the level he is currently at.
Elon Musk is currently running the Trump administration while his mental health collapse is going unchecked. This is not reasonable or safe, giving all of this power to someone who is this unethical AND completely unglued. It’s possible that an amoral genius could be useful, or a highly ethical schizophrenic, but there is no case when you want a completely immoral nutjob running your policies.
The Fraud Gamer, the Fraud Free Speecher, the Fraud Self-Driver, the Fraud Roboter, the Shitcoin Scammer, the Fat Slob and Plastic Surgery Disaster, the Great Replacer, must be removed from power and fully investigated by the government on all of these scams. Twitter needs to be nationalized and given to the people as a government-run website that is forced to follow US law regarding free speech.
The bastard is STILL reposting shit about how Twitter is free speech – while censoring people for calling out his gamer fraud!
It cannot stand.
This is intolerable.