‘Would you support an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites?’
US President Joe Biden: ‘The answer is no.’https://t.co/qNCduL4G10
Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/GJovkh1RHl
— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 2, 2024
It doesn’t matter what Biden supports or does not support. I don’t even understand the point of making these kinds of statements.
Why not just give Bibi Netanyahu a nightly broadcast where he explains to Americans how it’s going to be?
What is the point, at this stage in the game, of American politicians coming out and giving commentary on things they have no control over?
I don’t know if Biden actually supports striking Iranian nuclear sites and is lying, or if he really wishes the Israelis would stop doing what they’re doing. It’s probably the latter, if I had to guess, but it literally makes no difference whatsoever, as the man completely lacks any ability to influence the actions of the Jews who control the US government.
People keep saying “Biden can stop the shipments of weapons!”, and it’s like, “really? are you sure?”
If Biden ordered the weapons shipments stopped, how long do you think it would be before he was buried under a corruption scandal, charged with sex abuses, or dead? 12 hours? 4?
People claiming “Biden could stop the weapons” don’t have any idea what is going on in this country. Jews have an absolute stranglehold on the US government.
Joe Biden has said he would not support an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites, as the US sought to temper Israel’s response to Iran’s missile attack on Tuesday and contain a rapidly escalating regional conflict.Biden’s comments came after the top Israeli diplomat at the UN warned his country’s retaliation for an Iranian salvo of nearly 200 ballistic missiles would be heavier than Tehran “could ever have imagined”.
On the same day, the Israeli chief of staff, Lt Gen Herzi Halevi, warned: “We have the capabilities to reach and strike any point in the Middle East”, a reality that Israel’s enemies would “soon understand”.
Benjamin Netanyahu convened a meeting of his top security officials at the Israeli defence headquarters, the Kirya in Tel Aviv, on Wednesday afternoon to discuss the country’s options after a round of conversations with Washington.
There is general acceptance in Washington that Israel will carry out a military response to Iran’s missile salvo that is almost certain to go further than the only previous Israeli airstrikes against the country, when missiles were fired at an air defence installation near Isfahan, after a previous Iranian aerial attack in April this year.
But the Biden administration fears that a major Israeli response, particularly one targeting Iran’s nuclear facilities, could trigger further escalation that could ultimately draw in US forces, and potentially lead to an Iranian decision to try to build nuclear weapons.
Second only to nuclear sites in terms of their devastating impact, Israel is reported to be considering a broad attack on Iran’s oil installations, as well as airstrikes on military bases, or targeted assassinations, which Israel has used widely in the region. The US meanwhile is thought to be suggesting their own economic measures on an already heavily sanctioned country, as a complement to Israel’s military reaction.
The whole plan of the Jews is that US forces be drawn in and that Iran tries to build nuclear weapons. These Jews won’t allow this war to end until all of their enemies are destroyed. All American resources – including the lives of every American male of fighting age – are under the direct control of Zionist Jews.
What this means is that there are two potential outcomes to this conflict:
- All Israel’s enemies are killed, or
- The satanic and gay US Empire is crippled to the point it is no longer able to support Israel
That’s it. There is no other possible outcome.
(Note: I make these absolutist statements and people complain about it, so let me just add: there are technically other outcomes, including some situation where Israelis for whatever reason oust Netanyahu and demand an end to the conflict, but any potential third outcome, while technically possible, is statistically negligible.)
Therefore, the only possible option for the Iranians and the rest of the stated enemies of the Jews is to go all-in, and pray they are able to drain the United States empire to the point where they can no longer continue the fight.
Israeli Soldiers deployed to attack Lebanon, watch in dismay as Iranian missiles pour into Israel.
The Psychological impact of Irans strike will be significant in the IDF and amongst civilians.
The reality that the Israeli homeland can now be struck at will is dawning. pic.twitter.com/2IDYU2xjzv
— Chay Bowes (@BowesChay) October 1, 2024
The problem with the two potential outcomes is that despite one or the other being inevitable, neither looks particularly likely right now, which means this is going to be a long ride.
If Iran closes the Straits of Hormuz to oil ships, it’s going to cause ridiculous global disaster of a sort the world has not witnessed since World War II. I know that such statements counter the official internet mantra of “nothing ever happens,” but nothing happening ended when Russia invaded the Ukraine, and large scale global disaster became inevitable.
One can theorize about an alternative timeline, where Putin folded, forcing China to fold, and ultimately leading to the Israelis and the sell-out pansies in the Gulf states to use a softer kind of power to undermine and eventually snub out the enemies of Israel. But that alternative timeline isn’t the one we’re in, so it doesn’t matter.
The Most Important Thing
Right now, the most important thing is for Russia and China to do absolutely everything in their capacity to shore up Iran. There is no question as to where the big battle is going to be, and the heterosexual nations of the world need to make sure that the US empire fails in the Middle East.
If the US falls, everyone is free. Everything good will be possible for all people on earth.
The United States Empire is a dam holding back all good in the world.
When I say “Americans could be living in a happy white Christian country within a decade or two,” this is obviously true. When the empire falls, most of the immigrants are going to leave, and the blacks and immigrants who don’t leave are going to be segregated so significantly that you won’t know they’re there. Races always self-segregate, and it is the American Anal Empire that forces racial integration in this country.
We know what happens if you resist.
Without men with guns forcing whites to racially integrate under threat of a hole in the head, races will segregate in neighborhoods and cities and eventually there will be political separation.
A new American state can surrender territory in the Southwest to the Mexicans, and dealing with black people is not particularly difficult. We’ve lived with blacks in this country since before it was a country. If you don’t have Jews using them as a battering ram against white people, you can simply keep them in their own areas and use shock and awe policing measures to prevent bad behavior. You could probably repatriate large numbers of them to Africa using bribes. It is not some kind of insurmountable problem and anyone telling you that it is has no imagination and lacks a basic understanding of the underlying problems in this country, which are all related to the Jewish occupation.
In terms of the quality of the American population: boomers are dying and males under 30 can be sent to fat camps run by psychopathic Russian mercenaries and turned into real men inside a year. There is a thing called “regression to the mean,” and fat faggot young men are not the mean for America. We used to be hard cowboys, soldiers, miners, farmers, child bride kidnappers, nigger lynchers, bank robbers, Indian scalpers.
You don’t have to destroy the rule of law, just send people to doom camps for minor infractions. Round up every fat wanker and dopehead, put him in a camp, bring in trainers, priests, Russian psychopaths, tell them to shape these boys up. Make them run 50 miles a day, feed them nothing but organ meat stew, beat them, make them fight each other, punish them by making them sleep in boxes, make the church the only thing that feels safe in the doom camps, the priests the only good guys. We know a lot about psychological conditioning. Humans are clay shaped by their experiences. It’s not difficult. People who think this stuff is difficult lack all creativity.
We are not out of the game yet, brothers.
Do not let people who are stupid and unimaginative or lying on purpose tell you these problems we face are insurmountable.
America and Europe have a future. We can see a new world order coming into view.
Chin up, gentlemen.