The Jewish philosopher Nathan Cofnas is highly intelligent. The Black politician Dawn Butler is deeply stupid. But Butler has effortlessly demolished Cofnas’ thesis that wokism – the ideology of woke – is “simply what follows from taking the equality thesis of race and sex differences seriously, given a background of Christian morality.” In fact, wokism doesn’t take the equality thesis seriously at all. Yes, it preaches equality, but it practises hierarchy.
A Black and Beautiful Chosen One
The more stupid and brazen wokesters, like Dawn Butler, often reveal the truth by trashing equality and openly preaching hierarchy. Butler has done that in some self-worshipping Black-supremacist doggerel for Black History Month in Britain. If you thought it was only Jews who claim to be “Chosen Ones,” please think again. Here is Butler’s doggerel, as reproduced and annotated by Melanie McDonagh at the Spectator:
“The First Ones”
You wanted to see me broken
Head bowed and tears in my eyes?
More for you; you didn’t realise
That my strength is powered by your lies.
You are the wrong one, the violent one, the weird one;
Where was I? [sic]
I am the Chosen One
Because I am of the First Ones.
You see this skin I’m in
This beautiful mahogany brown
This skin you don’t like [shot of Kamala Harris], I believe.
So why you try so hard to achieve [shot of Dawn with a bemused fruit juice seller]
By burning yourself with the sun?
For me there’s no need
Because I am the Chosen One
For I am of the First Ones [another shot of a pharaoh-like African figure].
I know I’m black and beautiful
An African freedom fighter [shots of US civil rights figures, including Martin Luther King]
My skin is my protection,
And you, my friend, don’t matter.
Because I am the Chosen One
For I am of the First Ones.
You created a structure
That made you seem great
But the simple reality is [shot of Dawn speaking in the Commons]
(“Dawn Butler’s bonkers black history poem,” The Spectator, 2nd October 2024)
As McDonagh says in her article, you need to see the video at Twitter for the full effect. Butler postures and preens amid nonsense about Black pharaohs and the like. McDonagh also notes that Butler doesn’t seem to know the difference between “Where was I?” and “Whereas I.” Autolatric Butler is both stupid and Black-supremacist, but no-one on the woke left is going to criticize her in any way for her pro-Black, anti-White propaganda. Wokism mandates that, as a Black, she’s innately virtuous and at the top of the racial hierarchy, far above innately villainous Whites at the bottom.
Right-wing McDonagh does criticize Butler, but she doesn’t fully understand what Butler is saying. For example, she calls Butler’s doggerel “bonkers” (crazy). It’s actually standard Afrocentric Black supremacism, mixing long-standing pseudo-history, like the claim that Egyptian civilization was Black, with more recent propaganda from America, like the claim that one of Butler’s White critics is “the Weird One” (“weird” is how Kamala-maniacs describe the Republicans). And McDonagh doesn’t comment on the final shot of the video, which shows a white folding chair sitting alone against a pink background. This is a reference to “Black Resistance” and the “Montgomery Brawl,” when noble Blacks in Alabama attacked evil white racists with folding chairs in August 2023. The Black Rebecca Stevens, who “write[s] about racism,” used the same image of the chair in 2023 in a discussion of the Montgomery Brawl.
Left: a Screenshot from a tweet by Black and beautiful Butler showing insults from White racists. Right: a folding chair celebrating Black violence against Whites
In other words, Butler is celebrating Black violence against Whites. McDonagh doesn’t pick up on that or on the appearance in the video of Eldridge Cleaver, “a convicted serial rapist, who considered raping white women an ‘insurrectionary act’.” She doesn’t realize what the video is really about, claiming that “What [Butler] seems to be doing is addressing a racist troll, though it might be helpful if she made that clearer at the outset, because at present her unseen interlocutor would seem to be any random white person.” In fact, Butler is addressing Whites in general. Look at these lines of her doggerel: “You created a structure / That made you seem great / But the simple reality is / It is all fake.” She’s attacking the greatness and achievements of White European civilization. To Butler “It is all fake,” based on the enslavement of Black “First Ones” like herself and on theft from the “global majority.” I looked at that smarmy but sinister term in my article “Globo-Mojo.” Butler used it in the tweet that announced her doggerel to the world:
As we reclaim the narrative let us all remember the global majority are of the first ones.
Listen carefully
Black history is British history!
— Dawn Butler
(@DawnButlerBrent) October 3, 2024
Butler was the “Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities” when Labour was in opposition. But she obviously rejects any notion of equality between Blacks and Whites. For Butler, Blacks are superior, Whites inferior. Blacks are “the First Ones,” possessors of “beautiful mahogany” skin and creators of the glories of Pharaonic Egypt. Whites, in stark contrast, are “wrong,” “violent,” and “weird.” The supposed achievements of White civilization are “all fake.”
“Rubbish and human excrement”
According to Butler, that’s the “simple reality.” Well, let’s have a look at simple reality, as revealed by some current news from London, the most heavily Black-blessed city in Britain. Amid the usual stories about Blacks knifing each other to death, a “black male” is in police custody for allegedly throwing acid on a 14-year-old schoolgirl. Another Black male, Mohamed Iidow (sic), is on trial for raping to death a White woman who fell asleep on a park-bench (I haven’t found a photo of the alleged rapist, but Iidow is a Somali surname). And a Black woman called Deveca Rose has been found guilty of manslaughter after allowing her four male children to die. Here she is, beautiful black skin and all:
Four young boys died in a fire surrounded by rubbish and human excrement after their mother left them home alone to go to Sainsbury’s, a court has heard. Deveca Rose, 29, denies the manslaughter of her two sets of twins, Leyton and Logan Hoath, aged three, and Kyson and Bryson Hoath, aged four, and child cruelty.The four children died after a discarded cigarette or upturned tea light sparked a blaze at their terraced home in Sutton, south London. The boys are believed to have run upstairs and cried for help but were unable to escape the locked house and died under a bed, the Old Bailey was told. (“Four boys died in rubbish-strewn house fire – court,” BBC News, 16th September 2024)
The four children died after a discarded cigarette or upturned tea light sparked a blaze at their terraced home in Sutton, south London. The boys are believed to have run upstairs and cried for help but were unable to escape the locked house and died under a bed, the Old Bailey was told. (“Four boys died in rubbish-strewn house fire – court,” BBC News, 16th September 2024)
Like Dawn Butler, Deveca Rose is a “First One” with “beautiful mahogany” skin. But she left her four children amid filth to die in a peculiarly horrible way. I feel very sorry for those four boys. Yes, they would almost certainly always have cost Britain more than they contributed, even if they hadn’t grown up into a life of criminal thuggery. But no child should die like that. Unfortunately, Black children are much more likely to die like that.
And I have an unpleasant feeling that the four boys died by murder rather than by stupidity and neglect. Psychopathy is more common among Blacks and it’s entirely possible that Deveca Rose is a psychopath. She was already neglecting her children and may have decided that she wanted to relieve herself for good of the burden they were imposing on her. The BBC mentions an “upturned tea light.” Did Rose deliberately leave one burning in the locked house, knowing that it would cause a fire and thinking that she could claim it was an accident?
Deluded Fantasy vs Dark Reality
That’s speculation, of course. What isn’t speculation is this interesting fact: the four dead boys consisted of two sets of twins. What are the odds of one woman having two sets of twins one after another? Well, the odds were much higher for Deveca Rose. Black women bear twins at a higher rate: “The global average birth rate for twins is around 12 per 1,000 births, but in Igbo-Ora [Nigeria] it is reported to be about 45 per 1,000.” Why is this so? Because Blacks have evolved to pursue quantity over quality. That is, they have more children and care for them less.
In short, that horrible story is saying a lot about Black biology and Black psychology. But no-one in the mainstream media is listening. It’s only hate-sites like the Occidental Observer and Unz Review that will speak the truth. Here it is: the tragic death of those four Black boys in London is yet another example of how Blacks are bad for Britain and don’t belong in Britain. Or America. Or in any other White Western nation. The Black-supremacist egomaniac Dawn Butler peddles nonsense about Black greatness, but the Black mother Deveca Rose has revealed the simple reality of Black dysfunction. Blacks could never have been pharaohs, but they can certainly allow kids to die by fire amid filth.