I recently did a detailed article on Elon Musk’s Gamer Fraud scandal, which went into all of the details showing that he is an absolute fraud, claiming to be one of the best players in Path of Exile 2 after having paid someone to build his account.
Just so people understand the basic thing here: he is playing “hardcore mode” which means if you die, you have to start over. In normal mode, which most people play, it is normal to have died over 1,000 times. The game is brutal.
The story has blown up, with videos on the subject getting millions of views. I may actually hate Moist Critical more than I hate Elon Musk because he is more viscerally disgusting than Elon Musk, but his video on the scandal has over 4 million views.
That video was terrible, and he keeps saying that the person who is building the account “lets Elon play it” and “must be mad Elon keeps dying.” This is so fucking stupid it makes me sick. Whoever is playing this account is getting paid hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, as it is one of the best players in the world, and they are not just getting paid to play the game but also to never reveal that they did this. The Chinaman playing the account is laughing all the way to the bank, and when Elon dies that just means he gets to start over and make much more money.
(The account is possibly being played by a team, but it would be one guy managing the team, because that would be the most efficient.)
Hasan the terrorist infiltrator (who is going to have to go back very soon, only after issuing a public apology for having sex with Michael Jackson’s Aryan master race “daughter”) has also covered the topic, showing that neither left or right can tolerate this fraud. He has many less views, because he somehow sucks more than Moist Critical (which he deserves some kind of award for frankly).
Asmongold, who I actually like, has over a million views on multiple exposé videos.
And there are many more on YouTube, it’s been all over Twitch, and so on. Musk himself is apparently censoring this issue on Twitter, but the point here is: everyone knows.
And here’s the thing: there is not one single person defending Musk.
The closest thing I’ve seen to a “defense” is some people claiming: “yes, he is obviously a Fraud Gamer, but would people be talking about it so much if he wasn’t MAGA???” The answer to that question is obviously “yes, of course they would.” Maybe if he was a leftist, Hasan and others would be covering it up or trying to gaslight people, I guess. But the main people calling him out would still be calling him out, because this is so egregious that it doesn’t matter who you are, you have to be called out for this kind of fraud. If Adolf Hitler himself had done this, I would be calling it out.
But the point actually is that no one with any kind of basic integrity would ever use a fake account and claim to be the best in the world at a game they don’t even know how to play. Although people might view it as a minor issue, attempting to convince people you are elite at a video game it is obvious you know nothing about, but this is such scumbag activity that the only kind of person who would do it is a filthy lobber.
Understand: the thing that is most offensive about this is that it is so very obvious he is committing fraud. When he came out and claimed he was a top ranked Diablo 4 player, I didn’t believe that, because that would also mean he is playing the game 14 hours a day. But D4 is such a shitty, easy game that you can watch gameplay and not tell if someone is a complete noob or a top ranked player. When he went on Joe Rogan and announced he’s top-ranked in the game, it was like “okay well, that’s really weird if he’s playing this game 14 hours a day while also supposedly running multiple companies, but it’s technically possible.”
Elon Musk shared surprising information on Joe Rogan Podcast : his the 19th player in Diablo 4 pic.twitter.com/CUimLjaBya
— Kayos
(@Israelkayos) November 7, 2024
But PoE2 is not Diablo 4. It’s a game that requires a lot of knowledge of the mechanics to get to the top rank. And in his PoE2 streams, he doesn’t really even pretend to understand the mechanics of the game. It’s honestly difficult to even process how this is real, and while it definitely shows that he is dumb, it also seems to indicate he may be going insane, or has already come unglued.
Elon’s announcement over Christmas that he is planning to replace American workers with Indians on a massive scale was a huge scandal, which is on its face a much bigger deal than cheating at video games. However, with the H-1B scandal, there is a redemption arc and a way out of it. He can say: “I didn’t realize what a big deal this was to so many Americans, but I’ve met with Steve Bannon, and I understand I was wrong to push for this and in the future I am going to make sure the things I push for line up with the established core principles of MAGA.”
If he said that, people might be skeptical, but they would forgive him. He’s not saying that, so okay, but the point is there is a way out of that scandal that is obvious and would lead to most of the support he lost being regained.
What is the exit from Fraud Gamer?
There isn’t one. He would have to admit that he committed a massive, stupid fraud, believing that gamers were so stupid they would believe the most ridiculous hoax ever.
I am the most famous and celebrated management expert on earth, and I’ll just reveal what I would advise him to do for free, even though this advice should cost millions of dollars: he should immediately announce it was a joke. It obviously wasn’t a joke, but that is the only possible path through which he can exile from this scandal. He should have said it immediately after Quin and others called him out on the fraud.
He could just respond to a tweet from Quin and be like “lol, got em.” Then come out and say “obviously, I don’t play this game 14 hours a day, I’m a busy man, I had a friend in China level up my character and just thought it would be fun to troll people.”
I don’t think most gamers would believe that, and it would also presumably force the PoE2 devs to ban his account for violating ToS rules against account sharing, but it would lead to people saying “okay, whatever mate,” and in the longer run bury the scandal. Right now, this fraud is going to hang over him forever.
I can agree with people saying that cheating at video games is not in itself a huge deal. Cheating in order to claim you are the best in the world at one of the most popular games in the world makes it a lot more extreme, and doing it in such an obvious way multiplies that exponentially, but in the end, it is still video games. However, anyone who would commit this kind of fraud just to try to convince people he is really good at video games would commit any other kind of fraud. It is a total indictment of his personal character on a fundamental level.
The only possible benefit of this fraud is that if it was successful, he would gain street cred with gamers. Street cred with games is not especially valuable (unless I guess you’re running a gaming company). Meanwhile, if he were to commit fraud at Tesla (which he is obviously doing), it would gain him tens of billions of dollars.
If someone is going to commit fraud in order to gain something that has no quantitative value, does anyone think that person would not commit fraud in order to acquire billions currency units?
“He commits fraud over minor petty things, but he is very honest when it comes to the big things” is not believable at all. No one would believe that. With Fraud Gamer, Elon Musk has proved that he is willing to commit massive fraud in any context, and that he is reckless and stupid with is fraud.
Here’s another key point: if he wanted street cred with gamers, he could have just started a PoE2 account and played the game like a normal man of his age, died a lot and struggled to figure out the mechanics. Every gamer would think that was fun and cool. PoE2 is an extremely complicated game, and most people are not very good at it. While the combat mechanics are not exactly Elden Ring level, the various overlapping character-building mechanics are super complicated. Most people playing the game are following character build guides and the people who are actually designing these builds and putting up the guides are both high IQ and playing the game every waking hour.
I just asked AI to estimate how many modifiers are possible on items, and it said:
That certainly doesn’t look right. But the point is, it is very complicated. That is just one of the game’s systems.
Most people are not good at this game, and no one would expect a person who is running multiple companies and also apparently running the entire Trump administration to have a perfect understanding of this game.
If Elon had played normally, died normally, struggled to figure out the mechanics normally, everyone would have said “wow, that’s really cool, Elon is a cool normal chilled-out guy.” Instead, with this fraud, people are seeing these streams and smashing up their rooms screaming “FUCK THIS FAGGOT FRAUD, HOW DARE HE???”
Joe Rogan is the person who has played the biggest role in pumping up the retarded myth that Elon Musk is some kind of genius.
If we exclude the “coronavirus pandemic” and “global warming,” then “Elon Musk is a genius” is the single biggest hoax since “the Holocaust of the Jews.” Elon Musk can barely talk. He mumbles incoherently. He has no personal achievements whatsoever beyond investing in companies that were then subsidized by the US government and blown up as very valuable through media advertising schemes.
Elon himself is probably the most responsible for this hoax, as he’s gone around paying people to make this claim about him, but Joe Rogan is the second most responsible.
He’s continually claimed that Musk is some kind of Jesus figure.
Joe Rogan gives high praise to Elon Musk:
“He may have very well saved humanity in some way.” pic.twitter.com/3fBKmf7tra
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 7, 2024
He needs to show the video of Quin analyzing Elon’s PoE2 stream. He doesn’t have to say he’s lying, he just needs to show the stream and say whatever he normally says, something like, “yeah, that’s wild, wow.”
Then maybe something like: “he’s just so smart that he can’t get into the heads of normal people and realize that a normal person is going to see him doing this and be like, yeah, that guy’s a complete fraud. It’s just like, wow.”