source: @Scott_Wiener on X
San Francisco State Senator, Scott Weiner, probably gets the most hate from the Right of any California politician besides Gavin Newsom, and perhaps Nancy Pelosi. To conservatives, Scott Weiner epitomizes everything wrong with California liberalism. Some of the online hate targeted at him from the Right has anti-Semitic and homophobic undertones, which I sometimes sort of get, even as a straight leaning bisexual mischling.
What conservatives don’t realize is that many San Francisco leftists and progressives hate Weiner and consider him a neolibera l. Leftwing anti-gentrification activists oppose him for not supporting enough low income housing, being a “paid developer shill,” and proclaim that his YIMBY policies will exacerbate gentrification and the displacement of low income people of color. Other reasons for leftist opposition, include siding with the SF Police Department, supporting the confiscation of the possessions of the homeless, coming short on preventing evictions in the Castro, and opposing free transit fairs for youth.
source: @ClarenceforGA on X
Scott Weiner is most known as the architect of multiple YIMBY legislations that seek to increase California’s housing supply. There is a critique of Weiner’s YIMBY housing policies as a technocratic disregard for local community input, and being very utilitarian in dismissing aesthetic concerns. The YIMBY counterargument to local control is that there is a major housing crisis and local jurisdictions are flat out refusing to build new housing. I propose a compromise on housing mandates where there is local control over aesthetics, protecting greenbelts, and rejecting low income housing, while focusing more on forcing larger cities like LA and San Jose to build a lot more housing. I would also support temporary housing mandates that expire in the future so that local control can be restored once the housing crisis is resolved.
YIMBY is fundamentally neoliberal coded in that it uses markets to both provide people housing but also break down local identities by bringing in new people to communities. The more left-coded YIMBYs are obsessed with diversifying White suburbs, even though Whites are also harmed by the housing scarcity. I ideally would like to see some ethnopluralist or enclavist version of housing policy, though that would require a cataclysmic paradigm shift. I would also support quasi-eugenic housing policies like mandating state subsidized micro apartments in downtown and inner city areas and market rate larger family unit townhomes in wealthier neighborhoods.
source: @Metis65 on X
Scott Weiner is a left-libertarian in that he is far left socially but has a reputation as being more pro-business and closer to the center on economics than other Democrats. Weiner’s left-libertarianism is the ideology of Silicon Valley, which Elon Musk sort of used to represent before his pivot to the Right. The critique of the left-libertarian philosophy is that it expects no moral or social responsibilities while providing an insufficient social safety net. For instance, the cause of San Francisco’s homeless and drug crisis is that the City prevented police from enforcing laws against homelessness and drugs while also coming short at providing housing for the homeless.
source: @typesfaster on X
Despite Weiner’s reputation as more moderate on economics and pro-business, he actually has some fairly leftwing economic stances. For instance, proposed legislation freezing rents during the pandemic, a California State wealth estate tax, and lowering the voter threshold for tax hikes. Despite Weiner’s reputation as being tight with Silicon Valley interests, Weiner sponsored an AI safety regulation bill that Governor Newsom vetoed. However, this bill likely would have harmed AI start ups much more than big tech.
As a supervisor, Weiner proposed a tax on soda for San Francisco, much like what Michael Bloomberg did in New York City. While the soda tax is anti-populist and un-libertarian, I support taxing unhealthy food as well as alcohol because it saves on healthcare costs while the libertarian approach of just letting people destroy their health, and then denying them healthcare is extremely inhumane. While the rightwing, libertarians, and populists hated Michael Bloomberg for his tax on big gulps, I could see the current dissident right embracing this as soda and junk food cause obesity, and the current rightwing (eg. Bronze Age Pervert fans) are obsessed with people’s appearance.
source: @againstgrmrs on X
Source: @Scott_Weiner on X
Many of Weiner’s social policies are radically leftwing, including making California a sanctuary state for trans kids whose parents won’t let them transition and legalizing knowingly transmitting HIV. Weiner even trolled conservatives by proposing legislating Drag Queen Story Time as school curriculum. I am pro-gay by Rightwing standards, perhaps a cultural libertarian, but I am not a huge fan of the LGBTQ victim culture that Weiner promotes. Weiner also sponsored legislation to legalize psychedelic mushrooms, which I am a huge proponent of after my positive experiences on Psilocybin mushrooms. Weiner sometimes pivots to the center, such as retweeting a post calling out an anti-Zionist Jewish organization. Weiner is fairly pro-Israel which fits in with the critique that a lot of Jewish liberals make some exceptions for Israel.
source: @OliLondonTV on X
One of Scott Weiner’s most controversial legislation that sparked the ire of conservatives was a bill that reformed sex offender laws. Donald Trump Jr denounced the bill as normalizing pedophilia. The law does not lower the AOC but rather grants judges discretion to not put perpetrators on the sex offender registry, under the condition that the offender is within a decade in age range of the victim. Weiner’s bill specifically applied to oral s-x but not vaginal intercourse.
source: @DonaldJTrumpJr on X
While the bill has similarities to Romeo & Juliet Laws, which exist in some very Red States like Texas and Indiana, the reason that it was so controversial was because it was tailored specifically to protect LGBTQ criminal defendants. Homosexuals are indeed overrepresented among sex offenders and conservatives will often point out that gay icon Harvey Milk was a pederast. Weiner being a gay male is relevant in that gay men tend to be much more libertine on issues like prostitution and sex laws, than the more feminist wing of the Democratic Party. The conservative argument is that gay statutory rape cases cause far more harm than heterosexual cases, even though civil rights law prevents there from being harsher penalties for homosexuals.
source: @yvettecorkrean on X
Weiner’s bill did not address whether statutory rape laws should be harsher on those who receive oral s-x, even if the AOC remains 18. I utterly detest people, especially if they are repulsive looking, who coerce or force others to perform oral s-x on them and desire to see them punished harshly. I also support using extensive state research to identify specific geographic zones or demographic groups that engage in or receive a lot of oral s-x in their formative years, which would take into account field of study, extracurricular activities, personality types, social status, ethnicity/ancestry, and physiognomy. From there, I would work on building a new caste system by putting social and political pressure on these cohorts to make that part of their identity, compared to how ethnic enclaves have markers. The Bl-wjob King meme is a metaphor for online grifters, and I want to see the creation of an actual bl-wjob aristocracy with titles based on a ranking of the amount of oral one receives in their formative years.
I am also interested in seeing a study of middle aged adults to contrast their fertility rates with their levels of engagement in oral in their formative years. This would address the debate regarding how oral is a more hedonistic and non-reproductive act yet also entails some sense of vitality. The objective is not to further privilege this demographic but rather to create a hierarchy that is more honest and explicit. I am also interested in finding a way to link housing policy to oral demographics. There have been studies on the demographics of oral but not extensive enough with too small of focus groups.
Weiner sponsored Senate Bill 357 which decriminalized loitering for prostitution. While I think sex work should be legal and regulated, this is a bad bill in that it leads to very dangerous situations, including increased risks of human trafficking. Prostitution in which prole women are exploited for providing oral to un aesthetically pleasing Johns is a grotesque and heinous act. However, I am a big proponent of having legal venues, perhaps allowing this at Strip Clubs, where it is legal for men to pay to go down on or get faces-t by college aged women. However, the women working at these venues would likely be working class, and it is less politically feasible to arrange for class based femd-m, where attractive upper class coded women faces-t, get oral from, and humiliate lower status and prole men.
While I detest the Democratic Party in California, Scott Weiner is actually the most interesting and dynamic Democratic politician in the State. While he has some really atrocious stances, he is a maverick with certain interesting out of the box proposals. There is a case that he is the best that San Francisco can elect, considering the politics and demographics, and I could see him replacing Nancy Pelosi’s congressional seat.
Scott Weiner’s style of politics is technocratic, in which he is a policy wonk who crafts his unique legislation rather than just working from consensus within the Democratic Party. I have a wannabe technocratic streak that goes back to playing Sim City growing up. While I’ve thought about running for higher office and considered running for Governor during the recall, I have no official plans. I obviously won’t win but it would almost be worth the expensive filing fees and pain in the ass of gathering signatures to get on the ballot, just to get an article about my views on oral intimacy published in the LA Times or SF Chronicle.
The Magnificent Robert Stark
If I run for either state legislature or California Governor in 2026, I would propose an alternative to Scott Weiner, countering his policies on urbanism and oral s-x with better policies on those respective issues, that are Chad Centrist rather than neoliberal or woke. My views are actually quite different from Weiner’s, and are some hybrid of both left and right populism with centrist technocracy, with stances including enclavism/ethnopluralism, HBD inspired policies on housing, taxation, and education, automating the State’s bureaucracy, UBI, promoting healthy lifestyles, treating social status and social atomization as serious issues that need to be addressed, and some room for hedonism, or fun as a political principle.