Australian author and conspiracy researcher Peter Myers discusses his new book “Holocaust Reparations and the Gaza Genocide: Does One Holocaust Justify Another?“ He argues that Netanyahu enabled the October 7th 2023 Al-Aqsa Storm operation in order to trigger a pre-planned genocide, and that Holocaust reparations to Jews should end and instead be given to Palestinians.
Myers writes: “Germany is still paying Holocaust Reparations. Israel has committed its own genocide of Palestinians, but they receive no Reparations.
The issue is not money, but the claim of Holocaust Uniqueness. If the Nazi Holocaust is unique, no other genocide is comparable, and Israel cannot be held accountable. Does one Holocaust justify another? To stop the 2-state solution, which the Palestinian Authority favoured, Netanyahu built up the Hamas terrorists and allowed them to receive millions of dollars in cash payments. He was aware of Hamas’ attack plan for October 7, he let it happen, and he stood down the IDF, to create consensus for destroying Gaza and ethnic-cleansing the territories. His settler allies want to expel Palestinians, annex their lands, and build the Third Temple on the site of Al Aqsa mosque. After that, their Messiah would rule the world. The West should list them as ‘terrorist’, as it lists Hamas. Extremists on all sides should be marginalised. The Balfour Declaration, a contract between Britain and Jewry, provided for ‘a Jewish home’ but not a ‘Jewish State.’ This book proposes a Hybrid Millet system as a solution to the MidEast Crisis.”
Excerpt from the Interview:
Peter Myers: Well, even with the IDF, the New York Times published an article that Israel had the Hamas attack plan a year ahead of the event. That attack plan didn’t give the date of the attack. But there were intelligence warnings only a few months before the attack that it was coming. And the night before the attack, the IDF and Shin Bet had two meetings. One meeting was about midnight and one was about 3 a.m.
So they knew it was coming, but they didn’t warn the Nova Festival. And they could have very easily told them to cancel a festival, but they didn’t. Now, this was on a holiday weekend in the Jewish religion. And a lot of IDF troops were on holiday leave. Others had been transferred to the West Bank. There were several articles in the Israeli media that said about 100 were transferred to the West Bank. But Seymour Hersh said about 1,600 were transferred. And it left only a very small number, 800 troops for the whole West Bank, for the whole Gaza wall, defending the Gaza wall.
And the head of Egypt intelligence rang Netanyahu. This was reported in Israeli media. Ten days before October 7th, the intelligence minister rang Netanyahu personally and warned him. And Netanyahu showed no interest and later denied getting the call.
And there were some IDF people called spotters who were women, who about 15, I think of them, or maybe there were 20. But anyway, they used to get images from balloons, which could see throughout the Hamas territory right over to the oceans. And they were reporting Hamas training exercises, very obvious exercises, in the weeks before the attack. And they were told, you send these warnings and then helicopters will come. But they didn’t come.
And there were a number of reports that the IDF units in the South were stood down for seven hours that day. And there were a number of reports that the IDF units in the South were stood down for seven hours that day. And so there were a number of articles which say, where was the IDF? So a number of IDF people had been transferred. Others were on holiday leave. I mean, they already knew that this attack was coming. So you wouldn’t give your soldiers holiday leave at that time, nor would you transfer units to the West Bank, which were much less risky. They had the Hamas attack plan. They didn’t have anything similar for the West Bank.
What they were doing was weakening the idea deliberately to allow a chaotic situation to occur And the whole purpose of that was to panic Israelis into committing a genocide, destroying Gaza. That was the plan. I mean, it’s not as if it was micromanaged. There were a lot of things that happened that day that hadn’t been planned. But given that you had, on the one hand, an idea of stand down—most of their helicopters were not available at that point, that morning. Only two were ready and they were in Haifa in the north. And there were none locally. And a few others got ready after a while and then others during the day. And by the end of the day, it’s reported there were 28, the full 28 were operating. But there was a stand down.
So tanks came from the Egyptian border. Helicopters came from Haifa. So they came from some distance away. They took time. But the local IDF was sort of in a chaotic situation. Instead of defending other Israelis, they were just trying to survive themselves when they were attacked.