Sunny Mahdi calls Veah Netherton rude on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days. He cooks her food for their first night together. However, she doesn’t want to eat it.
90 Day Fiance: Sunny Mahdi & Veah Netherton Meet in South Africa
Sunny Mahdi prepares for the arrival of his American girlfriend, Veah Netherton. The TLC couple has been dating online for over a year. So, they felt it was finally time to meet in person. He can’t wait to meet her. However, she has been keeping a big secret from him.
The 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days cast member didn’t tell her boyfriend that she is bringing her ex-boyfriend, Rory, to South Africa. She felt that she needed someone there to support her. She knows how nervous she gets when she travels. However, she doesn’t plan on telling her boyfriend until they are in the same country.
Veah finally arrives in South Africa after many hours of traveling. She is excited to see Sunny but also very anxious. However, she builds up the courage and walks out of the baggage claim to meet him.
Sunny Cooks for Veah
Sunny got him and Veah a hotel to stay in together. He didn’t think it would be a good idea for her to stay with him at his apartment because he has a roommate. He wanted them to have privacy so they could get to know each other better.
Chef Sunny’s food is not up to par for Veah.
Don’t miss more drama on #90DayFiance: Before the 90 Days, Sundays at 8/7c.
— 90DayFiance (@90DayFiance) October 2, 2024
The 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days cast member takes her to where they will be staying. She thinks the place is “cute.” He then asks her if she is hungry. She tells him, “Yes.” So, he brings her to the kitchen and asks her to sit down. He feels it is his turn to treat her like a queen.

90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Celeb Passes on Food
Veah Netherton asks Sunny Mahdi what everything is. He tells her that he made her curry chicken with bread. He adds that it was a lot of hard work, but she doesn’t look too thrilled about it.
The 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days castmate appreciates him cooking for her. But she tells him she won’t be eating it. He asks her, “Are you serious?” He adds, “Does it look bad?” She tells him it doesn’t and that she is just “weird” about what she eats. She says, “I’m really picky.”
Veah doesn’t want to offend Sunny. But she explains that she has always been “very particular” in what she puts in her body. She admits that she has never eaten curry before. So, she doesn’t want to eat something that she doesn’t know what it is.
Sunny feels it is rude that Veah won’t eat his cooking. He explains that food is really important in his culture. He wants her to eat his food so she can love his culture, too. But she “refused to even try it,” and that makes him sad.
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