On 90 Day Fiance Mahdi Al-Saadi finally meets Stevi Savage‘s family and gets a taste of classic American fare including macaroni and cheese and s’mores. Sarper Guven is enchanted with an unconventional house pet, but not a fan of Shekinah Garner‘s cramped quarters. Mina Mack tells Mark Bessette‘s daughter Jordan not to bother attending their wedding. And Matt Jlassi gets called out for breaking throuple code. Grab some mac and cheese and let’s dig in to this recap of Season 11, Episode 5 Love Is Not Enough.
90 Day Fiance: Mahdi Al-Saadi Warms to Mac and Cheese
Mahdi Al-Saadi is a little nervous as he heads to meet Stevi Savage‘s family for the first time on 90 Day Fiance. It’s understandable since she never bothered to mention him to her father until just a few days ago. It’s dark out and the couple arrive to a small bonfire with some saws and axes scattered about. Mahdi Al-Saadi admits he’s a little freaked out. And it feels even more like a horror movie now. The kind of scary movie that doesn’t end well for the new guest.
However, Stevi’s dad Perry, his gal pal Wendy and her brother Anthony provide a warm welcome. There are some tough questions of course. But Mahdi Al-Saadi assures Perry that he isn’t of the belief that women are property. And doesn’t take part in anti-American sentiment with his fellow Iranians. There is a black cat roaming the grounds that makes him a little nervous. But overall things are going well and it’s time to go inside and eat.
On 90 Day Fiance, Mahdi Al-Saadi surveys the aluminum pans of “southern cooking”. There’s some pulled pork, which is a no for him. But he does recognize the mac and cheese, and helps himself to a plate of the cheesy yellow goodness. A tender moment occurs when brother Anthony asks the couple if they love each other. Mahdi replies he’s never loved anyone like he loves Stevi Savage. And so it’s back outside for s’mores where Mahdi Al-Saadi gets the first one off the fire.
90 Day Fiance: Sarper Guven Charmed by a Tiny Cow
Say what you will about Sarper Guven, nobody rolls into America with more childlike wonder than he does on 90 Day Fiance. He admits the long flight from Turkey was the worst. And says he wouldn’t have flown it even once much less 14 times like Shekinah Garner did for love. Of course, he’s excited to see the lights of L.A. at night. Since he’s rolling into what he calls real America. Like the kind seen on TV.
The joy deepens for Sarper when they stop to pick up Shekinah’s pups at her pet sitter Janay’s house. She lives in a Hollywood mansion and Sarper is impressed and feeling like a celebrity. He’s ecstatic to be reunited with Adonis, the doodle dog who accompanied Shekinah Garner to Turkey and bonded with him. Sarper treads lightly around her smaller pup Teddy. As it’s their first time meeting. But he can’t contain his joy when he meets Janay’s house cow Ribeye.
On 90 Day Fiance, Sarper is smitten by the pint sized bovine. He gives him some pets and kisses and admits it’s one of the greatest experiences of his life. He should hold on to it because what happens next leaves him concerned. He’s ushered in to Shekinah’s very small life/work space. It’s full of facial and spa equipment and not very cozy. He likes the kitchen. But he can’t use it. Even for his morning eggs because they might leave a lingering smell that would offend her clients.
Mina Mack Calls Jordan a Snake
90 Day Fiance couple Mina Mack and Mark Bessette are planning a trip to North Carolina to visit his family. Of course they will fly in Mark’s private plane since his backyard is a runway. The purpose of the trip is to get everyone on good terms before they marry. Mina Mack has beef with his daughter Jordan. After Mark confided to her during a boozy night in the hot tub that Jordan has her doubts about Mina’s real intentions. Not to mention the age difference.
The pair arrive and it’s turbulent already since Mark admits he told Jordan about the hot tub fight. Mina suggests she will dress sexy to further piss off Jordan. Weird but ok. After a tense meeting, the two women walk off to talk privately. Jordan doesn’t hold back suggesting her dad is too old for more babies unless he’s a grandfather to one. Mina Mack isn’t having any of that and suggests Jordan not bother coming to the wedding and calls her out as a snake.
TLC Throuple Drama When Matt Double Dips
On 90 Day Fiance , no ick is spared when it comes to this season’s throuple of Matt Jlassi, Amani Jlassi and Any Aguirre. They wake up in a tangle of arms and legs in a Tijuana hotel and begin smooching for the cameras. Amani untangles to use the rest room and complains when she returns that she’s lost her spot. But she really doesn’t know the half of it. Because Matt sheepishly admits to production that he tagged Any last night after Amani was under the weather.
The three amorous amigos are taking a road trip to Ensenada to shack up in a fancy hotel. Amani coos that it will be Any’s first time staying there. Any Aguirre agrees although clarifies she has stayed there before. Just not with a good guy. On the way Any confesses that she hasn’t been truthful with her family about their situation. Telling her brother that Matt Jlassi is her boyfriend while Amani Jlassi is just a friend. Amani pouts and preens feeling like a third wheel. Even though she unknowingly already is one.
In Ensenada the concierge asks if they need anything. Perhaps a cot? They giggle and taunt him that no, they will all be sharing a bed and send him on his way. Amani is still salty and sends Matt outside to the fire to start s’mores. Maybe to bring a wholesome vibe to this running train wreck. Everyone gets in the hot tub and Any Aguirre let’s it slip ever so coyly that while Amani was sick the night before, Matt took the liberty of some one on one with her. Amani is pretty mad about this breach of throuple etiquette.
90 Day Fiance: Alliya de Batista Gets Approval
Former 90 Day Fiance: Love In Paradise couple Shawn Finch and Alliya de Batista get some good news. Alliya marched into her visa interview with a hot pink blazer and power ponytail and walked out with approval. Shawn welcomes the good news. But he hasn’t been honest with everyone in his family about what’s going on. He does some day drinking with his mom. Who is in the know and supports him all the way. But his grown children don’t know. And mom thinks they could cause some drama for him.
In a dive bar in Torrington, poop capital of America, bull balls aren’t the only thing leaving a bad taste in Juan David Daza’s mouth. It slips that Jessica Parsons too had a little indiscretion. Her ex boyfriend came over one night around the same time Juan was banging a passenger on his cruise. Jessica has forgiven him. But Juan is angry that she entertained an ex. Even though Jessica maintains she didn’t cross any lines. Till next time!
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